BLOG CALL – October 2017

The Wellness Universe Featured Blog is reserved to highlight articles from members of The Wellness Universe, our WU World-Changers.

Most links below can be accessed once you are logged into your WU World-Changer account. Please be sure you are a member of WU to contribute and get featured. Join Us As a WU World-Changer Free

New November Blog Call is posted! See the new list HERE

Respecting This Great Opportunity is Appreciated. Read and Follow ALL Instructions Below. 

Congratulations WUVIPs you ROCK our Featured Blog! Your articles are being read by over 100K people a month! Over 550K visits a month and in the last year over 1.6 Million unique visitors have visited our featured blog.

FREE for all WU World-Changers! Publication value is currently $300, if we accepted sponsored posts! But as a WU World-Changer, we publish your articles completely FREE! Submit YOUR blog from your Member Drop Down Menu. Scroll down to ‘Submit an Article’

Getting published – secrets to success! Get More Reads, Comments & Shares on your article.

Our WU Influencer team and your WU World-Changer community as well as visiting guests support your content via comments and shares. Be sure to say thanks to them and anyone commenting on your article. A little gratitude goes a long way!

Join Bloggers Paradise for special opportunities and loads of support!

Watch this excerpt from ‘Meet the Founders‘ for details about blogging and hosting classes at The Lounge.


Please Read All Information Thoroughly

1. Please read all instructions and comment below to claim a suggested title or suggest your own.

2. CHECK BACK within 48 hours to see our reply to you and confirm your claim to the title you are committing to. You can claim up to 3 titles.

3. Articles are scheduled in order of receipt. If you claim blog titles and do not submit your claimed article within 2 weeks, we may not accept future submissions to feature you. Thank you!

The Process

1. Once your article is submitted, it is reviewed and accepted or you will be contacted with recommended edits. 

2. Once your article is accepted it is scheduled by Ashley. We have a publishing calendar and are typically scheduled out up to 4 weeks. 

3. Blogs that are ‘special & time sensitive’ based on a calendar event recognized by a holiday or worldly event are scheduled before the event happens. More details on time sensitive articles below.


Below are some suggested titles and topics that are sure to do well! If anything speaks to you, comment and you will be assigned that title.

Full Guidelines & to Submit an Article for The Wellness Universe Featured Blog: Go to ‘Submit an Article’

SUBMISSION SPECS Your well-written article MUST be: 

– Articles MUST BE well-written in English

– Edited and ready to publish

–  Between 300 – 800 words in a Word Document or PDF file format. We edit for formatting purposes ONLY. We are not a personal editing service. Your article will be kicked back if not properly edited before submission.

Have you commented and claimed a title? Once you are confirmed for a title, submit your article within 2 weeks.

Your article should be educational, inspirational, motivational, informative or story-telling in some way. The reader should walk away with a feeling they gained something valuable, NOT feeling like they were ‘sold to.’ We will not publish articles that are a ‘sales pitch’ for your product or service. Provide written value and they will seek out your services. Your WU profile is linked to your article in your Author’s Bio box appearing under your article.

In the body of your article, you can include one outbound  link. If you have multiple links or sources, only 1 will be hyperlinked so please be sure to specify in the “Comments” field in submission form which link to hyperlink.

MAIN FEATURED IMAGE: Our blog theme has strict image requirements and if you choose to submit a Featured Image with your article, they MUST be rectangular with a 3:2 ratio and not contain text. You’re welcome to submit an image, but typically we provide our own Main Featured Image for several reasons. If you submit an image and we do not use it, we will do our best to find another image that is aligned with the one you submitted. Images and videos for the BODY of your article are awesome! We welcome and encourage images and video depicting visuals of what you are writing about.

VIDEOS and VLOGS: to accompany an article are a great and you can add your video in the form when you submit. Please be sure it is uploaded to YouTube. Please submit written content at least 3 paragraphs long.

Do you need a little inspiration for a blog topic? Please see the list below to submit individual articles.

BLOG SERIES: If you are submitting for a blog series, ALL articles in your series must be submitted in order for your series to be scheduled. A series would be defined as a minimum of 3, maximum of 7 articles surrounding one topic or theme. Writing a series is a great way to position yourself as an expert in the area of wellness that you represent. Please fill out 1 blog form for each article in your series and specify which part in the series it represents. (Part 1, Part 2, etc.)

If your article is published on The Wellness Universe, you cannot publish it anywhere for at least 30 days  (including your own website/blog). Likewise, if you have published your article on your own website or elsewhere within the last 30 days, please wait to submit it. This is important because your content will be penalized by search engines and receive a much lower ranking.

BENEFITS & EXPECTATIONS: HELPING YOU SHINE! You are allowed 1 link in your content that is clickable. We share your article to over 1 Million Followers on social media the day you are published. We tag your handles when shared as an extra opportunity to increase your following. The day your article posts, you are kindly required to support your own content by sharing it and replying to your comments (Please check often the day of and the days following as you will not receive automated notifications). Your support for your article is essential. You are encouraged to visit the Featured Blog and support your fellow authors with sharing their blog and commenting. It’s a great way to build relationships. Those who GIVE SUPPORT, GET SUPPORT. Those who do not support their own content within 48 hours of publication may not be published in the future.

FIRST TIME AUTHORS: First Time Submitting? Let’s Get You Set Up as an Author! Please follow instructions via Submit and Article Form.

MANDATORY – Fill out your WU Profile completely. Be sure that your profile reflects the best representation of you. Your article WILL NOT be published if you have a blank profile.

Onto the Inspiration!


Writing a series requires at least 3 posts about 1 topic. Writing a Series is an EXCELLENT WAY to position yourself as an expert in the area you are writing about. Here is an example of a series written by Pamela Dussault. Notice how it is great content and she links her webinars.

*** ALL ARTICLES IN A SERIES NEED TO BE SUBMITTED PRIOR TO the first article publishing. Comment below in this blog with a topic you would like to do a series about and Submit Your Series.

Some TOPICS for inspiration:

Astrological Events

Fitness & Nutrition (Got a great recipe?)

An ‘Ultimate Guide’ ‘Top Tips’ ‘How To’ types of blogs

Illnesses & Disorders with remedies for them

Self Transformation, Self Development, Business Development


Alternative & Holistic wellness practices

Excerpts from your book can be used for a series

7 Day Eating Plans for: Detoxing, More Energy, Emotional Well-being, Reducing Cancer Risk Etc.

Below are a mixed bag of suggested titles to inspire you!

If you feel called to write on one of the below suggested titles, don’t delay, shout it out in comments below! You will be notified with a reply comment if you got it. First come, first served. ALL of the titles suggested are to pull a reader in. All articles are to be written highlighting positive, inspiring, informative or educational content. These are ‘one offs’ and you just need to write on the 1 title. (If you are inspired by a title to write a series, comment below)

We always welcome blogs that are Holiday, Global Recognition Days, Astrological & Celestial Events. For these time sensitive blogs, you must let Ashley know at least 3 weeks ahead of the event and submit at LEAST 2 Weeks prior. We typically like to publish these a day or two before the event to get your article traction.

CLAIM YOUR TITLE: Comment Below with the # of the blog you wish to claim and submit ASAP once it has been assigned. We will put your name next to the title and reply to your comment.

  1. DUE ASAP: October 19 Both a New Moon & Uranus at Opposition occur. What does it mean?
  2. November 4th Full Moon Blog Due in by 10/21
  3. How to Prepare This Fall Favorite: ______________ (Can be a vegetable with a recipe or a dish and recipe… Video would be great to accompany this!)
  4. Help ___________ With this Essential Oil:______________ (Fill in the blanks. Video is great to include!) 
  5. 10 Super Tips to Look & Feel Younger – Amanda Ajoke Onitiju
  6. 20 Tiny Tips that Lead to Big Customer Satisfaction
  7. 20 Tiny Tips on Leadership
  8. 20 Tiny Tips that Lead to Networking Success
  9. 10 Tiny Tips that Lead to a Successful Interview
  10. What are Investors Looking for These Days? Getting Funded
  11. Start-Up Deathtraps: Avoid These 5 Pitfalls – Andy Byrne
  12. 5 Tips for Increased Motivation – Dave Whitmore
  13. What Type Of Pet Should I Get?
  14. I Feel Guilty Leaving My Pet 5 Tips for Pet Owners
  15. My Family Tradition
  16. The Best Recipe for __________________
  17. 10 Tips to Curb Cravings
  18. 10 Ways to Volunteer With Value (suggest unconventional ways like doing a workshop for the Girlscouts)
  19. Delicious High Protein Vegetarian Recipes
  20. 10 Signs of Vitamin Deficiencies – Kristi Brown
  21. Exercise: The Miracle Drug – Angela Joseph
  22. 20 Tips to Improve Your Quality of Life
  23. Perception v Reality: Shifting Your Thinking 
  24. The Non-Spiritual Person’s Guide to Inner Peace
  25. Debunking Health Trends (Think of popular diets, exercise programs, trends, ‘no carbs’ etc.) Daniel Bousho  (Debunking Health Trends (Think of popular diets, exercise programs, trends, ‘no carbs’ etc.)
  26. It is Really Healthy? 
  27. Is it Love?
  28. The Health Benefits of Giving & Receiving Love
  29. How to Give Support to a Grieving Friend
  30. How to Give Support to Someone with Depression – Bernadette Eata
  31. 7 Practices on Learning to Trust Again – Bernadette Eata
  32. Halloween Safety Tips
  33. Healthy Happy Halloween
  34. Home Made Natural Remedies (This can be for bug bites, skincare, hair care, cuts and scrapes, etc.) – Joelle Smolarski herbal remedies for coughs

  35. When No-One Understands Your Depression
  36. My Disease _________ & How I Cope (Open to share your issues to inspire more humility & understanding? We welcome articles from multiple authors for various issues.) 
  37. Easing the Suffering of a Loved One
  38. My ‘Friend’ Always Has an Issue (This can be tips for self care, boundaries and advice to keep a healthy friendship)
  39. MS: A Holistic Approach to Health 
  40. 10 Tips to Stay on Course: Healthy Eating at the Holidays – Ann Musico
  41. 10 Tips to Stay on Course: Healthy Mindset – Dave Whitmore
  42. 10 Tips to Stay on Course: Healthy Body 

  43. Momma Never Told You ….
  44. 10 Creative Ways to Make a Business from Your Natural Talents
  45. Winter Family Fun on a Budget
  46. Getting Over Him (or Her) Today
  47. My Journey with _________________ & What I Learned (Many WUVIPs can do this title as long as topics are different) – Anna Laurita (My Journey of Teaching Yoga and What I Learned)
  48. Best Advice I Ever Got 
  49. Do You Recognize Your Symptoms? Exploring __________________ – Natalie Perez (stress) 
  50. The Shocking Truth About Dining Out, Even at Top Restaurants
  51. The Worst Decision That Changed My Life 
  52. When Everyone Tells You ________________ (your too sensitive, you’re a dreamer, etc.) 
  53. 5 ‘Tells’ To Know if They are Lying – Denise Povernick 
  54. Drop the Dream or Get to Your Goal Now
  55. How to Leave Without Hurting Their Feelings
  56. 5 Tips to Release Anger – Kathleen Boucher
  57. 5 Tips to Release Sadness
  58. 5 Tips to Release Stress – Angela Joseph
  59. 5 Tips to Release Fear
  60. 5 Foods That Literally Melt Fat
  61. 10 Tips: Purifying Your Energy by Purging Negative Thoughts
  62. What Made Me Decide it Was Time (For me to be me, for me to leave, etc.)
  63. Did you know __________?
  64. 5 Fascinating Facts About Owning a Pet
  65. 5 Fascinating Facts About Recycling
  66. 5 Fascinating Facts About Nature Walks –  NANCY STEVENS 
  67. 5 Fascinating Facts About _________________ – Christine Renee 5 Fascinating Facts About Reiki at Births.
  68. 5 Alternative Natural Remedies to Medication for _____________________(fill in the blank: mirages, pain, high blood pressure, etc.)
  69. The Miracle Spice ____________________ (fill in the blank) 
  70. 10 Winter Acts of Kindness (Especially during the cold, people and animals need kind acts)
  71. When is the Right Time to Tell Your Child?
  72. 5 Things to Always Carry in Your Handbag
  73. Travel Tips to Stay Safe
  74. Holiday Road Trip: 5 Tips
  75. Self Defense Moves for Children
  76. Self Defense Moves for Women
  77. Self Defense Moves for Seniors
  78. Advice to Give Your Kids to Stay Safe (We all have heard, don’t walk next to a white van, so what can YOU tell parents to keep their children safer?)
  79. Strength Training After an Injury
  80. My Shy Child
  81. Support for Caregivers
  82. Getting Back Into Physical Activity – Daniel Bousho 
  83. 10 Benefits of Exercise Aside from Losing Weight
  84. 1 NLP Technique for Prosperity
  85. How to Create a New Anchor with NLP
  86. 10 Tips for a Positive Body Image – Savvy Raj
  87. How to Help Someone with an Eating Disorder 
  88. 5 Signs You Have an Addiction to __________________ (Please list in comments below what you are filling in the blank with. Ex: Working out, Sex, Food, etc.)
  89. Saving You Pain from 5 Life Lessons I Learned – Cheryl Meyer

  90. 10 Grounding Tips You Need Now – Ariela Bellin
  91. 10 Ways to be Confident
  92. 5 Natural Remedies for ________________ (Please list in comments below what you are filling in the blank with. ‘Heartburn’ has been claimed)
  93. 5 Tips to Eliminate Pain
  94. 10 Tips for Rehabilitating a Broken Heart
  95. Ultimate Guide to Pure Joy – Janette Stuart
  96. Ultimate Guide to Saying No – Dru Ann Welch
  97. Ultimate Guide to Living Your Dreams
  98. Prevention is the ‘New’ Cure
  99. Over 40? 10 Wellness Habits Women Can No Longer Avoid
  100. Stop Losing & Gaining Weight: 10 Tips – Dave Whitmore
  101. Sabotaged! 5 Ways to Stop Killing Your Success – Debi Silber, MS, RD, WHC, FDN 
  102. Let Them Go! 5 Tips to Release Toxic People – Cheryl Meyer
  103. How to Get Organized
  104. How to Save Money
  105. How to Start a Business
  106. Age Appropriate Answers for Curious Children – Dianna Curren
  107. How to Safely Deal with an Obsessive Person
  108. Communicating with Highly Sensitive Children
  109. Communicating Authentically
  110. Walking on Eggshells
  111. 5 Unique Ways to Say ‘Thank You’
  112. Your Bubble: 5 Step Exit Strategy
  113. 30 Day Plan to Exit Your Comfort Zone
  114. Healthy or Skinny?
  115. Doormat Syndrome? Stop Suffering Now
  116. Is Reversing The Aging Process Possible? Beatrice Liu
  117. The Best Pet for Your Personality
  118. 10 Tips to Reignite Intimacy
  119. Floating Apart? 10 Tips to Connect
  120. Is Technology Changing Our Chemistry?
  121. Have You Tried ____________? (This can be an exercise, food, technique, etc. Explain what it is and the benefits) 
  122. My Secret ______________
  123. You Can Stop ___________ Here’s How!
  124. Sleep for a Full 7 Hours. Here’s How
  125. Why is My Child Acting Out? – Catherine Gruener
  126. How Positive Reinforcement Works – Bernadette Eata
  127. 15 Tips to Eliminate Pain Holistically – Andrea Warren
  128. 10 Ways to Stay Focused & Motivated

Please feel free to suggest a title below.

As a best practice, your blog will post on the date Ashley gives you. Please be sure to share your blog and respond to comments the day it posts. We collectively create the WU blog and we ALL contribute to its success.

Beginning in January, Freemium members will no longer be allowed a hyper-link in their content. This option will be available to Premium and Premium Plus Members. Blog Series will also be reserved for Premium and Premium Plus Members.

Recommend0 recommendationsPublished in Uncategorized


  1. Bernadette Eata


    I’d like to write:
    30. How to Give Support to Someone with Depression
    31. 7 Practices on Learning to Trust Again
    126. How Positive Reinforcement Works

    Thank you!

  2. Cheryl Meyer

    I would like to tackle # 89. At the ripe old age of 68, I have a few things to say on the subject. *smile*

    Saving you pain from 5 life lessions I have learned.

  3. Trish Reed

    I would love to do #36, “My disease and how I cope”…although I’d like to alter the title just a bit to something like, “living with my autoimmune disease and feeling great”….something like that.

    1. The Wellness Universe Post author

      Thank you @beatrice-liu – Pardon my delay to get back to your. Yes #116 is yours. Please submit within 2 weeks and be sure you have your WU profile filled out and up to date. On the date Ashley assigns you for publication, be sure you fulfill requirements listed above. Thank you!

    1. The Wellness Universe Post author

      Thank you @drtjdickson – Pardon my delay to get back to your. Great! Noted you are writing ‘How to Start a Business’ . Please submit within 2 weeks and be sure you have your WU profile filled out and up to date. On the date Ashley assigns you for publication, be sure you fulfill requirements listed above. Thank you!

    1. The Wellness Universe Post author

      Thank you @kathleenboucher – Pardon my delay to get back to your. Yes #56 is yours. Please submit within 2 weeks and be sure you have your WU profile filled out and up to date. On the date Ashley assigns you for publication, be sure you fulfill requirements listed above. Thank you!

    1. The Wellness Universe Post author

      Thank you @natalieperez Yes #49 is yours. Please submit within 2 weeks and be sure you have your WU profile filled out and up to date. On the date Ashley assigns you for publication, be sure you fulfill requirements listed above. Thank you!

  4. Daniel Bousho

    Are 25 or 82 available? I could do a nice job on those.

    25 Debunking Health Trends (Think of popular diets, exercise programs, trends, ‘no carbs’ etc.)

    82 Getting Back Into Physical Activity