Congratulations WUVIPs – Your articles are being read by over 100K people a month! Over 450K visits and in the last year over 970K unique visitors have visited our blog.

Submit YOUR blog to [email protected]

MAY FOCUS: Nutrition, Physical Wellness & Environmental Blogs Needed 

Here are some suggested titles and topics that are sure to do well! If anything speaks to you, comment and you will be assigned that title.

Rules & Details to Qualify: 

1. Please submit a well written, edited blog no more than 800 words (no less than 300)

2. Your blog must be educational, inspirational, motivational, informative or story-telling in some way.

3. The reader must walk away with a feeling they gained something, NOT feeling like they were β€˜sold to’. We will not post blogs that are a β€˜sales pitch’ for your product or service. Provide value and they will seek your services out.

4. If you commit to a title or topic suggested below – PLEASE keep your commitment and submit your blog as soon as you can.

5. You can include 1 link in your article.

6. Your profile on WU is linked to your article.

Getting shared on our FEATURED BLOG is FREE and you get shared all over social media with your handles so you get massive exposure and opportunity to grow your following.

IMPORTANT: The day your article posts, you are requested to SHARE it and reply to your comments (you must check your blog often the day of and for the following days as you do not get automated notifications). Your support for your article is essential. You are kindly requested to visit our blog and support our authors with sharing their blog and commenting. It’s a GREAT way to build relationships. Those who GIVE SUPPORT, GET SUPPORT.


Writing a series requires at least 3 posts about 1 topic. Writing a Series is an EXCELLENT WAY to position yourself as an expert in the area you are writing about. Here is an example of a series written by Pamela Dussault. Notice how it is great content and she links her webinars.

*** ALL ARTICLES IN A SERIES NEED TO BE SUBMITTED PRIOR TO the first article publishing. Comment on blog with a topic you would like to do a series about and connect with Ashley at [email protected] 

Some TOPICS for inspiration:

Astrological Events

Fitness & Nutrition (Got a great recipe?)

An β€˜Ultimate Guide’ β€˜Top Tips’ β€˜How To’ types of blogs

Illnesses & Disorders with remedies for them

Self Transformation, Self Development, Business Development


Alternative & Holistic wellness practices

Excerpts from your book can be used for a series

7 Day Eating Plans for: Detoxing, More Energy, Emotional Well-being, Reducing Cancer Risk Etc.

Below are a mixed bag of suggested titles to inspire you! If you feel called to write on one of these, don’t delay, shout it out! You will be notified via a tag if you got it. First come, first served. ALL of the titles suggested are to pull a reader in. All articles are to be written highlighting positive, inspiring, informative or educational content. These are β€˜one offs’ and you just need to write on the 1 title. (If you are inspired by a title to write a series, comment below)

We always welcome blogs that are Holiday, Global Recognition Days, Astrological & Celestial Events. For these time sensitive blogs, you must let Ashley know 2-3 weeks ahead of time and submit at LEAST 1 Week prior. We typically like to publish these a day or two before to get you traction.

NEW OPPORTUNITY: β€˜Of The Month’   

Do you have a Recipe of The Month? Mindfulness Tip of The Month? Fitness Tip of The Month? Random Act of Kindness of The Month? Get the idea? Commit to a monthly spot for a β€œβ€”β€”β€”β€”β€” of The Month” with your idea below in comments!

Comment Below with the # of the blog you wish to claim and submit ASAP once assigned to [email protected]

1. Allergies & Natural Remedies

2. 10 Foods as Toxic as Poison

3. SODIUM NITRITE? 10 Food Additives to Never Eat

4. Brain Fog? 10 Tips to Sharpen Your Mind

5. Top 10 Spices for Ultimate Health

6. Homemade Ice Cream Recipes Including Dairy Free

7. Transitioning to Vegan? 3 Satisfying Recipes

8.  Delicious High Protein Salad Recipes

9. Summer Salads Packed with Nutrition

10. This 1 Food Cures Almost Any Illness

11. 20 Tips to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint – Susanne Heaton

12. Is it Love?

13. The Health Benefits of Giving & Receiving Love

14. 12 Tips to Maximize Your Time

15. How to Fix a Mistake

16. 7 Practices to Learning to Trust Again

17. Why Do Bad Things Keep Happening to Me?  β€“ Corinna Stoeffl 

18. My Near Death Experience – Rev. Dr. Craig β€œLdwain” Nelson Jr

19. How to Keep Values & Traditions in a Modern Age

20. Is Your Decor Zapping Your Energy?

21. Honey Bees & Garden Tips to Attract Them – Susanne Heaton

22. Low Maintenance Gardening

23. 5 Tips to Get More Out of 24 Hours

24. 10 Sneaky Ways to Eat Healthier

25. 10 Sneaky Ways to Get More Exercise

26. What causes seasonal allergies? 5 Remedies

27. When no-one understands your depression

28. My Disease _________ & How I Cope (Open to share your issues to inspire more humility & understanding? We welcome articles from multiple authors for various issues.)  β€“ Suzy Crowdy

29. 20 Facts About Honey Nature’s Remedy – Linda Gillan

30. Sitting is the New Smoking 20 Easy Ways To Get Active

31. Easing the Suffering of a Loved One

32. Silent Suffering: Not Just a Woman’s Issue

33. My β€˜Friend’ Always Has an Issue (This can be tips for self care, boundaries and advice to keep a healthy friendship)

34. 20 Ways to Shift Into My Greatest Potential – Todd Parker

35. Finding Balance as a Working Parent

36. CANCER: A Holistic Approach to Prevention Anyone Can Do

37. When is Enough, Enough?

38. 20 Ways To REALLY Live Your Dreams – Anaiis Salles

39. 10 Foods That Improve Focus

40. 15 Secrets to Prosperity – Susan Browne

41. 15 Secrets to True Love

42. 15 Secrets to Live Your Passion

43. 15 Secrets to Make More Money – Jack Humphrey

44. 15 Secrets to Have More Confidence

45. 15 Secrets to Achieve Your Goals

46. Momma Never Told You ….

47. The Law of Attraction for Real Life – Anaiis Salles

48. Facing a Messy Reality: 20 Ways to Take Control of Your Life

49. Sleep Restfully & Have More Energy: 25 Tips

50. Stop Negative Self-Talk – Carol Kretschmer

51. 10 Creative Ways to Make a Business from Your Natural Talents

52. 5 Signs It Isn’t Working (This could be diet, relationship, etc.)

53. Nature Walks & Poisonous Plants

54. 10 Romantic Inspirations for Your Relationship 

55. Family Fun Time on a Budget

56. 7 Feel Good Affirmations – Kimberly Flatland

57. 30 Ways to Love Your Life Now – Nicole Batiste

58. 5 Tips to Protect You from the Sun

59. School’s Out! Fun Activities for You & The Kids 

60. Experience Life Fully: 25 Tips for More Joy – Gabriella Diesendorf

61. Connecting with Your Inner Goddess

62. Boost Confidence: 10 Tips

63. Getting Over Him (or Her) Today

64. My Journey with _________________ & What I Learned (Many WUVIPs can do this title as long as topics are different) – Nicole Levac  

65. The Secrets of the Top 3 Healthiest Countries

66. Best Advice My Mom Gave Me

67. 10 Drug Free Stress Reduction Tips

68. Do You Recognize Your Symptoms? Exploring __________________

69. Fast Food, Healthy Food (Recipe for preparing quick meals) – Susanne Heaton

70. The Shocking Truth About Dining Out, Even at Good Restaurants

71. 10 Tips to Stay Motivated – Jacqueline Wild

72. Feeling Lost? 10 Tips to Reconnect to You – Linda Parker

73. Inflammation Causing Your Illness? 5 Tips 

74. Wellness Woo-Woo? 

75. What Wellness Trends REALLY Work

77. Health Tonic Recipe

78. Feel Good Tea Recipe

79. 10 Tips to Ease Into a Healthier Diet 

80. It Nearly Killed Me (This could be a physical or emotional topic)

81. I Became Happier & Healthier: 5 Must Do Tips

82. When Everyone Tells You ________________

83.  Making Sense Out of Tragedy – Linda Parker

84. Moving on with Life after Loss – Debbie Augenthaler, LMHC, NCC

85. How To Know if They are Lying. 5 Tells 

86. Control: It’s all in Your Mind – Teri Buckner

87. You DO NOT Have to do it ALL 

88. Why Perfectionism is Destroying You

89. Rushing Into Another Relationship?

90. How Negative Thinking Sabotages Your Life – Christine Alexandria

91. When Crisis Hits

92.  1 Daily Practice You Need to Do Right Now – Amy Sampson

93. Emotions Out of Control? 10 Ways to Have More Balance  β€“ AdriΓ‘n OrdΓ³nez

94. Drop the Dream or Get to Your Goal Now

95. How to Leave Without Hurting Their Feelings

96. Creating a Retreat for Yourself – Janette Stuart

97. Addictive Behaviors & How to Stop

98. Being a Better Listener do YOU are Heard

99. Focus on The Positive & Attract A Better Life

100. My Spiritual Sacred Space – Christine Alexandria

Please feel free to suggest a title below.

As a best practice, your blog will post on the date Ashley gives you so please be sure to share your blog and respond to comments. We collectively create the WU blog AND we all contribute to its success.

Recommended3 recommendationsPublished in Uncategorized


    1. The Wellness Universe Post author

      Hi @cassandraherbert Did you want to do this a a monthly spot? Please connect with @ashleybrewer – We would love for you to create a ‘Smoothie of The Month’ and the first can be ‘Detox’ and maybe following that, ‘Super Hydration’ ‘Fruity Refreshment’ ‘Stress Relief’ ‘Anti Inflammatory’ ‘Energy Boost’ ‘Positive Attitude’ ‘Peak Mind Performance’ ‘Immune Boost’ etc. Some ideas for you. If you will do the Smoothie of the month, please plan out for the time of year (like Super Hydration for June or July summer) Please include nutrition information and (if I’m not pushing it) Feel free to make videos of you making them! πŸ™‚ You can hash out your blog with Ashley [email protected] (Those were just some ideas for you) <3 Anna

      1. Cassandra Herbert


        I love it and can do ones monthly. I can even do ones around that nourish the chakras and how the ingredients in the smoothie are beneficial and how did you know. I actually love doing videos. I didn’t event know that was an option. YAY. I will contact Ashley.

        Thank you for the ideas and the opportunity to share.

  1. Christine Alexandria

    I’d love to work on:

    90 – Negative thinking and how it impacts you


    100 – My spiritual sacred space


    would like to contribute something on angels…

  2. Corinna Stoeffl

    #17 is one I would like to write on.

    And I had the idea to write on “Tool of the month”. It would contain the tool and a short explanation of ways to work with the tool.

  3. Susanne Heaton

    May I please write on:
    11. 20 Tips to Reduce your Carbon Footprint
    21. Honey Bees & Tips on Attracting them to your Garden
    69. Secrets of the Top 3 Healthiest Countries
    Thanks so much,
    Susanne πŸ˜‰

  4. Amy Sampson

    I’d like to write #92,Β 1 Daily Practice You Need to Do Right Now – the importance of centering yourself.
    I could also write a series on how parents can navigate the LGBTQ scene with their tween and teen.

  5. Linda Parker

    Hi There!
    I’d like to write about #72 Feeling Lost? 10 Tips to Reconnect to You and perhaps #83 Making Sense Out of Tragedy (or Crisis)…maybe tweak title. I went through a home fire in Nov 2014 only 2.5 months after moving into our new home. I feel I may be able to add some value here as well. Is there a deadline for these? Thanks in advance. – Linda πŸ™‚

  6. Anaiis Salles

    Hi, Anaiis Salles here

    Is 20 ways to really live your dreams (#38) still available? if it is, it’s perfect for a blog series from me.
    Or #47, the Law of Attraction for Real life —
    BOTH WOULD BE FANTASTIC. Fully prepared to generate some fabulous content.
    Let me know. I will submit 3 articles — need deadine. Would prefer June 1. Is this possible?

    Anaiis Salles

    1. Ashley Brewer

      Hi, Anaiis

      I always advise members to submit as soon as possible, and then once I receive your article(s), I can confirm definite dates of feature.

      In addition to this, we have to get your Gravatar sorted. πŸ™‚

    1. Ashley Brewer

      Thank you, Nicole

      I always advise members to submit as soon as possible. Then once received, I can confirm your scheduled date of feature. πŸ™‚ Do you have a Gravatar account?

  7. Marianne DiIorio

    I write a blog called Londoncat & Me.
    My daughter and I are animal advocates and we are involved in rescue.
    My blog covers different ways that humans can help show and teach
    compassion, respect and empathy to their children and to others, in the hopes that there is
    an end to animal abuse in our children’s lifetime!
    I would love to share some of my blog posts here on Wellness Universe!

  8. Dennel B Tyon

    The 100 suggested topics are for any month, right? I would like to work on one for #28, for next month; is that okay? ~Dennel
    PS: eventually, I would love to do a series.