Blog Call for March 

Congratulations WUVIPs – Your articles are being read by over 100K people a month! Over 450K visits and in the last year over 950K unique visitors have visited our blog.

Submit YOUR blog to [email protected] Here are some suggested titles and topics that are sure to do well! If anything speaks to you, comment and you will be assigned that title.

Rules & Details to Qualify: Please submit a well written, edited blog no more than 800 words (no less than 300) Your blog must be, educational, inspirational, motivational, informative or story telling in some way. The reader must walk away with a feeling they gained something, NOT feeling like they were ‘sold to’. We do will not post blogs that are a ‘sales pitch’ for your product or service. If you commit to a title or topic suggested below – PLEASE keep your commitment and submit your blog as soon as you can. You can include 1 link in your article. Your profile on WU is linked to your article. Getting shared on our FEATURED BLOG is FREE and you get shared all over social media with your handles so you get massive exposure and opportunity to grow your following. IMPORTANT: The day your article posts, you are requested to SHARE it and reply to your comments (you must check you blog often the day of and for the following days as you do not get automated notifications). Your support for your article is essential. You are kindly requested to visit our blog and support our authors with sharing their blog and commenting. It’s a GREAT way to build relationships. Those who GIVE SUPPORT, GET SUPPORT.

TOPICS FOR SERIES: Writing a series requires at least 3 posts about 1 topic. Writing a Series are a TOP WAY to position yourself as an expert in the area you are writing about. Here is an example of a series written by Pamela Dussault. Notice how it is great content and she links her webinars.

Some topics for inspiration:

Astrological Events

Fitness & Nutrition

An ‘Ultimate Guide’ ‘Top Tips’ ‘How To’ types of blogs

Illnesses & Disorders with remedies for them

Self Transformation, Self Development, Business Development


Alternative & Holistic wellness practices

Excerpts from your book can be used for a series

7 Day Eating Plans for: Detoxing, More Energy, Emotional Well-being, Reducing Cancer Risk Etc.

Hers’s a mixed bag of suggested titles to inspire you! If you feel called to write on one of these, don’t delay, shout it out! You will be notified via a tag if you got it. First come first served. ALL of the titles suggested are to pull a reader in. All articles are to be written highlighting positive, inspiring, informative or educational content. These are ‘one offs’ and you just need to write on the 1 title. (If you are inspired by a title to write a series, comment below)

We always welcome blogs that are Holiday, Global Recognition Days, Astrological & Celestial Events. For these time sensitive blogs, you must let Ashley know 2-3 weeks ahead of time and submit at LEAST 1 Week prior. We typically like to publish these a day or two before to get you traction.

Comment Below with the # of the blog you wish to claim.

1. Spring Allergies & Natural Remedies

2. 10 Foods That Reverse Aging – Larisa Sharipova

3. Detox in 5 Simple Steps – Carol Kretschmer

4. Your New Happy – A To Do List – Debi Silber

5. Mental Spring Cleaning – 30 Positive Affirmations – Patricia Young

6. When Loss’s Pain Won’t Go Away Elizabeth Kipp

7. 5 Must Do Yoga Poses for Better Health (include photos!)

8. Self Hypnosis to Break a Habit

9. Creating & Sticking with Healthy Habits

10. 5 Things to do Stop Attracting Toxic People – Carolyn McGee

11. Thinking Positive and Reduced Illness Connection – Bonnie Chase

12. Top 10 Foods to Increase a Positive Mood – Raeanna 

13. 10 Foods as Toxic as Poison

14. SODIUM NITRITE? 10 Food Additives to Never Eat

15. Natural Skincare from Common Ingredients (recipes for creams, salves, shaving cream, etc.) Jiji Chai

16. Brain Fog? 10 Tips to Sharpen Your Mind

17. Top 10 Spices for Ultimate Health

18. Homemade Ice Cream Recipes Including Dairy Free

19. Transitioning to Vegan? 3 Satisfying Recipes

20. Tacos! Delicious New Twists to the Common Taco

21. Spring Salads Packed with Nutrition

22. This 1 Food Cures Almost Any Illness

23. What is Your Body Telling You? – Pamela Dussault 

24. Fatigue: 10 Natural Ways to Have More Energy

25. 20 Tips to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

26. Before You Fall Head Over Heels Read This

27. The Health Benefits of Giving & Receiving Love

28. Avoiding a Heart Attack

29. What I Learned From my Child – Ashley Brewer

30. 10 Trending Words that Your Vocabulary Needs – Mateja Petje

31. 8 Creative Ideas for ____________ (Fill in the blank) Srimanju

32. 12 Tips to Maximize Your Time

33. 5 Tips on Communication to Avoid Arguments – Jed Shlackman

34. How to Fix a Mistake

35. Managing Depression – Roni

36. It Nearly Broke My Spirit, But I Did Rise! – Kim Bayne 

37. Crystals for Healing (Great for a Series) Dr. Terry Segal

38. 10 Tip-Offs He’s Not the One – Pamela Dussault

39. Breaking Through Emotional Barriers – Mateja Petje, MS, LMFT

40. When You Do This, You Will be Happier – Dr. Sally Nazari

42. When I Spend ‘Me Time’ on Them: Claim Your Self-Care – Bonnie Chase

43. Hot Dog! No Thank You. 10 Foods to Never Ever Eat – Carolyn Guilford

44. De-clutter Now! 15 Tips

45. 7 Practices to Learning to Trust Again

46. Why Do Bad Things Keep Happening to Me? 5 Karma Reversing Tips

47. How I Lost the Weight & Keep it Off

48. The Day My Life Shifted – Suzanne Taylor-King 

49. My Near Death Experience

50. How to Keep Values & Traditions in This Modern Age

51. Find Your Answer: How to Psychically Tap In – Zina

52. What Nearly Killed Me Was my Greatest Gift – Ashley Brewer

53. Why am I Here? – Gerry Straatemeier

54. Are You Tired of Starting Over? Dr.Elena Puntaroli

55. Is Your Decor Zapping Your Energy?

56. Getting Past Deep Rooted Grief

57. Honey Bees & Garden Tips to Attract Them

58. Low Maintenance Gardening

59. Keeping Calm in Stressful Situations – Dr. Sally Nazari

60. 5 Tips to Rationally Dealing with Irrational People

61. 10 Sneaky Ways to Eat Healthier

62. 10 Sneaky Ways to Get More Exercise

Please feel free to suggest a title below.

As a best practice, your blog will post on the date Ashley gives you so please be sure to share your blog and respond to comments. We collectively create the WU blog AND we all contribute to it’s success.

Recommended3 recommendationsPublished in Uncategorized


  1. Robyn M Fritz

    I’ll do a three-part series on Working with Crystals: Part 1, crystals for grounding and protection; Part 2, crystals for healing and clearing; Part 3, crystals for creativity. Using my own crystals, with pictures and simple how-to’s to working with them.

    1. Ashley Brewer

      Yes, you have LOADS of comments on your articles! Be sure to stop by the bottom of your blog series articles and interact with those who left comments via the Facebook Comments Plugin <3 Great way to build rapport with fellow members and grow your following/clientele as you have provided enough information to prove yourself an expert in your niche! 😀

  2. Mateja Petje, MS, LMFT

    I would like to do #39 Breaking Through Emotional Barriers (focus on positive aspects and resilience related to emotionally stressful and traumatic childhood) I also have a book My Journey to Self Discovery I would consider doing in the future.. can be a series). <3 #WUVIP

      1. Dr. Sally Nazari

        Hi @annapereira! Thanks for getting back and the follow up 😀 I’d love to do either “40. When You Do This, You Will be Happier” or “59. Keeping Calm in Stressful Situations” in the coming few weeks. What do you think??

  3. Marilee NiEtain

    I could easily do a three part series on astrological events right in sync with my upcoming Full Moon, New Moon, and Solar Points meditations. I will also be preparing the second part of my book series soon, so that may be a future project. 🙂

    1. Marilee NiEtain

      I just realized this was for the month of March. What I was envisioning would be a monthly blog post covering the three topics, maybe toward the end of the month for the upcoming month. Thoughts?

  4. Roni Lipstein

    Sending you one right now for #35 — Managing Depression

    How long do we have to send in more articles ?
    I can check back with the listing if you are still needing additional articles….

    Thanks so much for the fabyoubliss opportunity.
    Such a treat to co-creatively collaborate with y’all onederfull beings of love’s light!

    In Lak’ech Ala K’in***

    1. The Wellness Universe Post author

      Hi Roni! It’s yours 🙂 We keep refreshing suggested titles about monthly. You are free to submit more, Ashley will schedule them far enough apart. Thank you! Looking forward to featuring your inspiring work!

  5. Dr.Elena Puntaroli

    Hi there, I’d love to write about the n.54 Are you tired to starting over? Thanks a lot, cheers!!!

  6. Trilby Johnson

    I can do a series sharing excerpts from my book ‘Fearlessly Alone’. Would this work? Thanks.

  7. Carolyn Harrington

    I recently wrote two posts: “How To Attract More Love In Your Life” and an “Energy Healing Exercise For A Deeper Love Connection”. Could I combine the two for one post or are you looking for completely new content?

  8. Ashley Brewer

    @tashyaknight, here is a list of suggested topics to blog about as you had asked for. Please note that although this blog call was for March, many of the topics are still very relevant for April. If you find a topic that resonates with you, please comment your interest below. Thank you

    – Ashley