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Jiji Chai is a Bachelor of Science in Nursing-Registered Nurse by profession, wife of a Physical Therapist and a mom of three wonderful children. She has worked as a nurse in various health-care settings and have met people from different walks of life.

She is a WOW author and WELLNESS coach. She authored the program Walk On WELLNESS, WOW – Your Way To Health, which follows the outlined health principles – the 8 Laws Of Wellness:

W – alk With Faith
E – xercise Regularly
L – ive With Temperance
L – ove and Laugh Abundantly
N – utrition Is Optimized
E – nergize With Sunshine
S – anitary Air and Water
S – leep and Rest Adequately

She enjoys documenting life events, putting her thoughts into words and sharing with others lessons she has learned along life’s journey. She likes to learn from and inspire others to grow to the fullest potential there is possible.

Her poem, Ripple of Love, was published in An Hour At Sunrise, An International Library of Poetry, as a member of International Society of Poets.


Jiji Chai

Profile picture of Jiji Chai


Active 2 months ago