BLOG CALL February 2019



The Wellness Universe Featured Blog is reserved to highlight articles from members of The Wellness Universe, our WU World-Changers.

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Join Us as a WU World-Changer to be an author, get published, listed in our directory and promoted free!⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

READ & FOLLOW guidelines to get featured on The Wellness Universe Featured Blog. A globally recognized wellness blog that shares YOUR message with the world!

  • Be sure you are logged into your WU account so below links take you to your private member’s only areas.
  • Respecting This Great Opportunity is Appreciated. Read and Follow ALL Instructions Below.
  • The WU Featured blog is open to ALL WU World-Changers with additional benefits for Premium and Premium Plus Members.
  • Submit your article via the Submit an Article Tab in your Member Drop Down Menu.
  • Getting published on WU allows exposure to our 3 Million Readers visiting over 12 Million times!

GET STARTED: Tips to get the most out of being Featured Author of the Day! Watch this video now.

Did you watch that video? GREAT! Let’s go…

It’s FREE to be published and featured! However, the VALUE of getting published on The Wellness Universe Featured Blog is equal to $300. We DO NOT accept sponsored posts to keep the value and integrity of our content and focus on our members (that’s you!).

SUPER TIPS!: Getting published – secrets to success! Get More Reads, Comments & Shares on your article.

Getting Published on WU Gives You a TEAM to Support Your Article!

Our WU Influencer team and your WU World-Changer community as well as visiting guests support your content via comments and sharing all over social media. Be sure to say thanks to them and anyone commenting on your article by responding to your comments under your article. A little gratitude goes a long way!

Helpful Tip: Join Bloggers Paradise for special opportunities and loads of support!

Step 1: Rules to Claim Titles & Submitting Your Article 

1. Please read all instructions and comment below with the # (number) corresponding to the blog title you wish to claim from the list or suggest your own.

2. CHECK BACK within 48 hours to see our reply to you and confirm your claim to the title you are committing to.

3. You can claim up to 2 titles, as a freemium member and up to 3 as an upgraded member.

4. Articles are scheduled in order of receipt. If you claim blog titles and do not submit your claimed article within 2 weeks via your Submit an Article tab in your Member Drop Down Menu, we may not accept future submissions to feature you. Thank you!

Step 2: Publishing Process

1. Once your article(s) are submitted it is reviewed and accepted or you will be contacted with recommended edits.

2. Once your article is accepted it is scheduled by Ashley. We have a publishing calendar and are typically scheduled out up to 2 weeks.

3. Blogs that are ‘special & time sensitive’ based on a calendar event recognized by a holiday or worldly event are scheduled before the event happens. More details on time sensitive articles below.



– Articles MUST BE well-written in English.

– Professionally edited and ready to publish. Need an editor? Contact L.E. Saba

– Between 500 – 1000 words submitted as a Word Document.



We ONLY Publish Value: Your article should be educational, inspirational, motivational, informative or story-telling in some way. The reader should walk away with a feeling they gained something valuable, NOT feeling like they were ‘sold to.’ We will not publish articles that are a ‘sales pitch’ for your product or service. Provide written value and they will seek out your services.

– Your WU profile is linked to your article in your Author’s Bio box appearing under your article.


LINKS in an article are PREMIUM & PREMIUM PLUS Member Benefit:

1 hyperlinked outbound  link for NO FEE. If you have multiple links or sources, only 1 will be hyperlinked so please be sure to specify in the “Comments” field in your submission form which link to hyperlink.

Freemium members, links in your articles are not clickable, however, we will include ONLY source or reference urls that are NOT self-promotional or affiliate links, written out not clickable..

💥💥💥💥💥 Place An In Content Ad (See 1:25 minute Video) 💥💥💥💥💥

If you wish to bring EXTRA ATTENTION and a call to action to anything: A product, Service, Newsletter sign up, etc. check out what an ‘In Content Ad’ looks like HERE. You will have the option in your Submit an Article form to purchase this ad and include an image and link that will stay in your article as long as it is posted!


Images that add to the value and interest to your blog article to be included in the body of your post (i.e. Food for recipe articles, Step by Step photos, etc.) are encouraged to be submitted with your article. We select the Main Featured Images for published blogs. All images submitted must be YOUR property. (Either you took them or obtained them with publishing privileges via a free or paid image site.) Images cannot contain a call to action, selling or promoting in any way. Please utilize the In-Content Ad for this and it will also be linked to your desired destination. 


To accompany an article and enhance a reader’s experience, you can add your video in the ‘Submit an Article’ form when you submit. Share the link to YouTube and submit written content at least 3 paragraphs long and NOT just a video. If in your video you are calling out your social media sites and properties such as your blog, website, etc. it is mandatory to include ‘Find me on The Wellness Universe’.

Video length limitation of no more than 10 minutes, *unless approved. Please keep in mind, ‘Brief is Better’. A shorter video has the best chance of being viewed from beginning to end.

No video that appears as an ad (promoting an item or service) will be posted unless the ‘In Content Ad’ fee is paid (see above). If we can answer the question ‘Where can I buy this?‘ in your video, it will be considered an advertisement.

*Ted Talks and professionally recorded content will be reviewed for inclusion on an individual basis.

BLOG SERIES, Monthly Tip, Core Blogger, etc. Opportunity reserved for Premium & Premium Plus Members:

Opportunity for Premium & Premium Plus Members. If you are submitting for a blog series, ALL articles in your series must be submitted in order for your series to be scheduled. A series would be defined as a minimum of 3, maximum of 7 articles surrounding one topic or theme. Writing a series is a great way to position yourself as an expert in the area of wellness that you represent. Please fill out 1 blog form for each article in your series and specify which part in the series it represents. (Part 1, Part 2, etc.)

Want to offer a monthly tip or inspiration like Moira, Mitchell, Catherine, Janette or a weekly tip like Jim? Please email us with your idea at Blogs at TheWellnessUnivere dot com 

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ IMPORTANT ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

The Wellness Universe and the founders share your article to over 1 Million Followers on social media the day you are published. Upgraded members, we tag your handles when shared as an extra opportunity to increase your following. The day your article posts, you are kindly ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ REQUIRED ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐to support your own content by sharing it and replying to your comments that appear at the bottom of your article.

Please check often the day of and the days following as you will not receive automated notifications. Your support of your article is essential.

You are encouraged to visit the Featured Blog and support your fellow authors with sharing their blog and commenting. It’s a great way to build relationships. Those who GIVE SUPPORT, GET SUPPORT. Those who do not support their own content within 48 hours of publication may not be published in the future.

FIRST TIME AUTHORS: First Time Submitting? Let’s Get You Set Up as an Author! Please follow instructions via Submit your Article Form.

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ MANDATORY ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐: Be sure that your WU profile is filled out completely and reflects the best representation of you. Your article WILL NOT be published if you have a blank profile.

Need help filling out your profile? Watch this video.

Below are some suggested titles and topics that are sure to do well! If anything speaks to you, comment at the bottom of this post with the # (number) that coincides with the tile you wish to claim and you will be assigned that title.

Premium & Premium Plus Members Opportunity – SUBMIT A MULTI-WEEK SERIES:

Writing a series requires at least 3 posts about 1 topic. Writing a Series is an EXCELLENT WAY to position yourself as an expert in the area you are writing about. Share excerpts from your book, help promote your webinars, classes, and courses! Premium and Premium Plus Members, you get 1 FREE Hyperlink in your article!

*** ALL ARTICLES IN A SERIES MUST BE SUBMITTED PRIOR TO the first article publishing. Comment below in this blog with a topic you would like to do a series about and Submit Your Series.

TOPICS for a series and inspiration for Sure Fire Hits!:

Astrological Events

Fitness & Nutrition (Got a great recipe?)

An ‘Ultimate Guide’ ‘Top Tips’ ‘How To’ types of blogs

Illnesses & Disorders with remedies for them

Self Transformation, Self Development, Business Development


Alternative & Holistic wellness practices

Excerpts from your book can be used for a series

7 Day Eating Plans for: Detoxing, More Energy, Emotional Well-being, Reducing Cancer Risk Etc.

Below are a mixed bag of suggested titles to inspire you!

If you feel called to write on one of the below suggested titles, don’t delay, shout it out in comments below with the # of the title! You will be notified with a reply comment within 48 business hours if you got it. First come, first served.

ALL of the titles suggested are to pull a reader in. Your article is to be written highlighting positive, inspiring, informative or educational content. These are ‘one offs’ and you just need to write on the 1 title. (If you are inspired by a title to write a series, comment below.)

We always welcome blogs that are Holiday, Global Recognition Days, Astrological & Celestial Events. For these time sensitive blogs, you must let Ashley know at least 3 weeks ahead of the event and submit at LEAST 2 Weeks prior. We typically like to publish these a day or two before the event to get your article traction.

  1. Numerology for mid to late February
  2. Numerology for March
  3. Full Moon Feb 19
  4. New Moon March 6th
  5. Love: Has is become lackluster?
  6. Reigniting the Spark
  7. 5 Conversations starters for a 1st Date – Rosanne Orlando

  8. Is Marriage an end to a Sex Life?
  9. 10 Ways to Pamper Yourself – Women
  10. 10 Ways to Pamper Yourself – Men
  11. More Focus, Clarity & Creativity Through Better Sleep – Rosanne Orlando

  12. Bedtime Tips for Better Sleep
  13. Soup! Try this recipe:
  14. How to avoid colds & flu
  15. Healthy or Just Hype?
  16. Vision Board Ideas – Rachel Frederick

  17. Plan for Success: Hit Your Goal
  18. Plan for Success: Starting a New ________ (Fill in the blank)
  19. Do children get anxiety?
  20. Talking to your child about bullying
  21. Tips for your child to adjust to a new school
  22. Types of Arthritis and How to ease pain
  23. The Mental Side of Recovering from Injury
  24. Low Cost Last Minute Weekend Escapes
  25. Nutritious Anytime Dish You Should Try (Please include a recipe)
  26. Communicating with Your Ancestors
  27. Is Your Symptom Actually a Chronic Issue?
  28. What is Survivalism?
  29. 10 Ways to Create an Extraordinary Life
  30. Lessons Learned From My Mom
  31. What I Wish I Was Taught Growing Up – Ilene Dillon

  32. Top 3 Ways To Maintain Your Cool When Heated
  33. How To Heal A Broken Heart – Swan Amanda Montague

  34. How Self-Love Saved My Life – Kristin Craft
  35. Top 10 Tips To Help Save the Planet
  36. How My Pet Got Me Through a Tough Time
  37. How To Unblock My Blocks To Meditation – Dr. Terry Segal
  38. How I Packed Away My Emotional Baggage For Good
  39. 10 Ways to Say I Love You
  40. 5 Tips to Living A Life You Love
  41. How My Disease Saved My Life
  42. How To Reinvent Yourself – Swan Amanda Montague

  43. Fake It Till You Make It
  44. Best Snacks to Munch On That Aren’t a Snoozefest
  45. How To Tell Someone They Complain Too Much
  46. Tips on Moving Past Betrayal
  47. Feel Your Feelings – Ilene Dillon

  48. How To Keep Promises To Yourself
  49. Top Tips on How To Get Out of a Rut
  50. Help, My Hair Is Falling Out!
  51. How Do I Get My Partner to Actually Listen to Me
  52. Learning to Trust Again
  53. How I Began To Love Myself – Kristin Craft
  54. 10 Tips to Stay Committed to Your Health
  55. Releasing Guilt – Ilene Dillon

  56. How Not Getting What You Want Is Truly a Blessing
  57. Learning To Navigate Change – NANCY STEVENS
  58. Top Tips on Becoming a New Mom
  59. Help! I’m Afraid To Take Risks
  60. Toxic Foods Right In Your Home
  61. How To Get Started On Clean Eating – NANCY STEVENS
  62. How To Deal With Overwhelm – NANCY STEVENS
  63. How To Find Your Purpose
  64.  Learning How To Accept Your Circumstances
  65. Keeping The Extra Pounds Off During the Winter Months
  66. How A Setback Can Become Your Greatest Comeback
  67. Overcoming Obstacles
  68. How Travel Opened My Eyes to Life
  69. Self-Evaluation – Is it a chronic issue?
  70. Living with OCD
  71. Living with a Phobia (Please be specific)
  72. Living with Adult ADD
  73. Living with Food Addiction
  74. Living with a Physical Dis-figuration
  75. Living with an Embarrassing Secret
  76. Live Off the Land to Save Money & Increase Health
  77. Planning for Retirement
  78. 10 Ways to Increase Your Quality of Life: Nutrition Tips
  79. Is Equality a Reality?
  80. Stop the Waste! 10 Tips
  81. Natural Remedies for Menstrual Cramps
  82. Skin Cancer: What you need to know
  83. How to Measure & Track How Healthy You Are
  84. Eating Nutritiously for Picky People
  85. Eating Nutritiously for Busy People
  86. How to Get Kids to Try New Foods
  87. Hidden Gluten Sources
  88. Micro-nutrients You Cannot Go Without
  89. Could it be Menopause? Reducing Symptoms
  90. How Long Will It Take to Get Fit?
  91. How Long Will It Take to Get Healthy?
  92. The Healthiest Societies & Why
  93. Ways to Nurture Mother Earth
  94. Homemade Tea Recipes
  95. A Spiritual Ritual for: Prosperity – Kristi Borst

  96. Delicious & Nutritious _____________________(Please fill in the blank within your comment below. This can be a focus on a specific food or recipe. Either way, please include a recipe)
  97. Staycation Ideas for Families
  98. Carcinogens in Our Food
  99. This is making you sick! (Toxic items, foods, thinking, etc.) 
  100. Case Studies for Alternative Medicine (Please give us the issue/disease and what method was used within your comment below) MULTIPLE SUBMISSIONS from various Authors accepted
  101. Case Studies for _______ Therapy (Please give us the issue/disease and what method was used within your comment below) MULTIPLE SUBMISSIONS from various Authors accepted
  102. 5 Fascinating Facts About _______________ (Could be a food, exercise, animal, the body, communication, business, just about ANYTHING that is interesting) 
  103. How I made a Comeback from: __________ (fill in the blank in your comment below) multiple authors/articles accepted – Nikki Taylor anxiety and lack of motivation to manifesting my dream business
  104. Top 3 Items to Grow in Your Kitchen Garden – Jennifer Pries

  105. 5 Ways to Get More Exercise Daily
  106. 5 Natural Remedies for Pain & Inflammation
  107. Visualization Exercise: Relaxation
  108. Visualization Exercise: Thought Stability/Making Decisions
  109. Visualization Exercise: Shifting Patterns
  110. Visualization Exercise: ________________ (fill in the blank)
  111. 20 Money Saving Tips
  112. Simplify and Enjoy Life: 10 Tips
  113. Long Term Benefits of Less Stress
  114. DIY Projects for Couples
  115. DIY Projects for Non Creative People
  116. DIY Projects Re-purposing Trash
  117. DIY Projects Using Forest Finds
  118. DIY Projects Using Sustainable Materials
  119. My Favorite Crystal & Why 
  120. Personal Safety Tips
  121. Coping Skills: Dealing with Unexpected News
  122. How Hypnotherapy Can Aid _______________(Please fill in the blank within your comment below) 
  123. Pet Therapy: _______________(Please fill in the blank within your comment below)
  124. How Animals Provide Therapy for ____________(Please fill in the blank within your comment below)
  125. Make Your All Natural, Toxic Free _________________(Skincare, cleaner, hair care, etc Please fill in the blank with your comment below)
  126. 20 Tiny Tips that Keep You on Task
  127. 20 Tiny Tips for a Healthy Alternatives – Angela Cummings
  128. 10 Tiny Tips that Help you Save Money
  129. 10 Tiny Tips that Help you Save Time
  130. What are Investors Looking for These Days?
  131. Small Business Funding Ideas
  132. 5 Ways a Pet Positively Impacts Your Family
  133. How to Attract and Care for Backyard Birds in the Winter
  134. Mulching! How to & Benefits
  135. Non-toxic Ways to Rid Pests From your Home
  136. My Family Tradition:________ (Fill in the blank)
  137. The Best Recipe for __________________
  138. A Vegan Twist on ___________________ (Your favorite recipe welcome! Multiple authors welcome with unique recipes)
  139. 10 Ways to Volunteer in Your Community (suggest unconventional ways like doing a workshop for the Girl Scouts)
  140. Delicious High Protein Vegetarian Recipe For: ________________
  141. How Much Should We Get of Each Vitamin & Mineral?
  142. Pair it Up for The Greatest Health Boost (What vitamins/minerals/herbs/spices work together to give the best health benefits?)
  143. 5 Tips to See Through Lies
  144. Is it Really Healthy? ___________ (fill in the blank)
  145. Home Made Natural Remedies (This can be for health issues, skincare, hair care, cuts and scrapes, etc. *When claiming this, please note in your comment WHAT your remedy will cure. Multiple authors welcome for different issues, etc.)
  146. 3 Early Signs for __________________ & What to Do (Fill in the blank in your comment below)
  147. Confidence at Any Age
  148. My Disease _________ & How I Cope (Open to share your issues to inspire more humility & understanding? We welcome articles from multiple authors for various issues.)
  149. Preparing for Aging: Our Changing Body & Its Needs
  150. My ‘Friend’ Always Has an Issue (This can be tips for self care, boundaries and advice to keep a healthy friendship)
  151. 10 Hacking Prevention Tips (online safety)
  152. 10 Natural Cleaning Products
  153. 5 Natural Hair Care Remedies (and how they help)
  154. Natural Remedies for Thinning Hair for Women
  155. Natural Remedies for Thinning Hair for Men
  156. 10 Tips & Natural Remedies (please note in comments what they are for. ie Skin, Hair, Inflammation, PMS, Stress, etc.)
  157. Autoimmune Disease: A Holistic Approach to Health
  158. Thyroid Issues? How to know
  159. Family Fun Ideas on a Budget
  160. Getting Over Him (or Her) Today
  161. My Journey with _________________ & What I Learned (Many WUVIPs can do this title as long as topics are different) 
  162. Best Advice I Ever Got on _______________ (Fill in the blank)
  163. Do You Recognize Your Symptoms? Exploring __________________
  164. The Worst Decision That Changed My Life by ______________ (Your name)
  165. When Everyone Tells You ________________ (you’re too aggressive, you’re a perfectionist, etc.) 
  166. Look Into the Benefits of ______________ (fill in the blank) ie: Nature, an herb or food, a practice, etc. Note in comments below what _________ is.)
  167. 5 Foods That Literally Melt Fat
  168. 31 Affirmations for March
  169. What Made Me Decide it Was Time For Me to _____________( fill in the blank) – Kristi Borst/Quit my Job

  170. Did you know __________?
  171. 5 Fascinating Facts About _________________ –
  172. 5 Alternative Natural Remedies to Medication for _____________________(fill in the blank: mirages, pain, high blood pressure, etc.)
  173. The Miracle Herb ____________________ (fill in the blank)
  174. 5 Reasons to Cook at Home
  175. 10 Benefits of (insert a food) _________ (Example: 10 Health Benefits of Blueberries)
  176. When is the Right Time to Tell Your Child ______________?
  177. Travel Tips to Stay Safe
  178. Self Defense Moves for Children
  179. Self Defense Moves for Women
  180. Self Defense Moves for Seniors
  181. Advice to Give Your Kids to Stay Safe (We all have heard, don’t walk next to a white van, so what can YOU tell parents to keep their children safer?)
  182. Support for Caregivers
  183. 1 NLP Technique for Prosperity
  184. Increase Success with NLP
  185. NLP Public Speaking Tips
  186. How to Create a New Anchor with NLP
  187. Empowerment Quiz
  188. Confidence Quiz
  189. Finding Your Path Quiz
  190. True Love Quiz
  191. Compatibility Quiz
  192. Relaxation Quiz
  193. 5 Signs You Have an Addiction to __________________ (Please list in comments below what you are filling in the blank with. Ex: Working out, Sex, Food, etc.)
  194. 5 Tips to Be Empowered and Confident
  195. 5 Natural Remedies for ________________ (Please list in comments below what you are filling in the blank with. ‘Heartburn’ has been claimed)
  196. 10 Tips for Rehabilitating a Broken Heart
  197. Living Pain Free
  198. How to Save Money
  199. How to Safely Deal with an Obsessive Person
  200. Walking on Eggshells? Communication Tips
  201. What’s the Difference Between _____________ and _______?
  202. Is Technology Changing Our Chemistry?
  203. Have You Tried ____________? (This can be an exercise, food, technique, etc. Explain what it is and the benefits/ Multiple authors welcome) 
  204. What is EFT & How to Increase Joy
  205. What is EFT & How to Reduce Grief
  206. My Secret ______________ (fill in the blank)
  207. 5 Sleep Remedies and Tools
  208. (An Illness) ____________ What is it & How to Treat (Multiple Authors for this one! Please note the illness in comments and please do not duplicate another author’s illness)
  209. Do you know these signs of Dementia?
  210. The Amazing Healing Benefits of _______________ (Music, Nature, Forgiveness, Etc. Please fill in the blank. Multiple Authors welcome with different topics)
  211. Hypo/Hyperthyroidism – Symptoms, Effects & Remedies
  212. Healing on a Soul (or Spiritual) Level for Pain Free Living
  213. How to Come Back from Rock Bottom
  214. My _____ is Out of Control! 10 Help Tips (Multiple authors with different topics welcome. In your comment below, specify what you will fill in the blank with. Ex.: Dog, Thyroid, Weight, Spending, Child, Addiction etc.)
  215. How to identify if my child is ________________ (Fill in the blank: Being abused, Bullied, Depressed, etc.)
  216. What is Prosperity & How to Have More of it.
  217. Time Saving Tips for Parents
  218. Reiki: A Natural Remedy for ____________ (fill in the blank)
  219. Benefits of Yoga Pose _________ (fill in the blank)
  220. Top 5 Alternative Medicine Practices
  221. 5 Top Healing Practices Dating Back 1000+ Years
  222. Healing Your Chakras with _______________ (Fill in the blank in your comment. ie. Breath Work, Visualization, sound healing, yoga, etc.)
  223. Crystals: How to use the power of ______________ (fill in the blank in your comment below)
  224. It’s Weird, Beautiful and Edible! (List of things [flowers, etc.] that are edible)
  225. What is a ______ and Why it’s Encouraged (Fill in the blank with a traditional or Alternative medical test : Allergy test, Colonoscopy, etc.)
  226. Where does ADD come from?
  227. Reduce the risk of __________ (fill in the blank)
  228. How Can I Save the Environment?
  229. What is a Balanced Diet?
  230. What is the Paleo Diet?
  231. What is a Ketogenic Diet?
  232. What is Bariatric Surgery?
  233. What is a Fibroid?
  234. What is Environmental Science?
  235. What is Environmental Justice?
  236. What are the Causes of Cancer?
  237. What Happens When You Have a Heart Attack?
  238. What is Alzheimer’s Disease?
  239. What is Cognitive Development?
  240. The links between confidence & success – Rachel Frederick

  241. How to Read Nutrition Labels
  242. What is Cryptocurrency?
  243. Is Dairy Really Bad for Me?
  244. Is Sugar Really Bad for Me?
  245. The Chemistry of Nutrition

International Awareness days from Wikipedia:

February 11 World Day of the Sick Instituted by Pope John Paul II

February 11 International Day of Women and Girls in Science UN Women

February 12 Sexual and Reproductive Health Awareness Day

February 12 Darwin Day

February 12 International Day of Women’s Health

February 12 Red Hand Day Child Soldier Awareness

February 14 Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Day (Canada) Children’s Heart Society

February 14 V-Day Global day to end violence against women

February 15 International Childhood Cancer Day Childhood Cancer Foundation

February 17 Random Acts of Kindness Day (USA)

February 20 World Day of Social Justice

February 21 Global Information Governance Day

February 22 World Thinking Day

February 27 World NGO Day[31][32] Baltic Sea NGO Forum of the Council of the Baltic Sea States,[33] Communities, International Leaders and Organizations

February 27 Anosmia Awareness Day,[34] World NGO Day[35]

February 28/29 (last day of February) Rare Disease Day

3/1   Self-Injury Awareness Day

3/2   Employee Appreciation Day

3/3   World Wildlife Day

3/8   International Women’s Day

3/10   National Women and Girl’s HIV/AIDS Awareness Day[44]

3/11   National Singles Day

3/12   World Glaucoma Day[46]

3/15   World Consumer Rights Day

3/15  World Contact Day

3/17   World Sleep Day

3/20   World Oral Health Day

3/20   World Rights to Water Day

3/21   Cluster Headache Awareness Day

3/21   International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination

3/21   World Poetry Day

3/21   World Down Syndrome Day

3/21   World Puppetry Day

3/21   International Day of Forests

3/22   World Water Day

3/23   World Meteorological Day

3/24   World Tuberculosis Day

3/25   International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade

3/25   International Day of the Unborn Child

3/25   Observance of National Genocide Day

3/26  Purple Day for epilepsy

3/30   World Bipolar Day

From please get an expanded explanation on the following observances and claim in comments of interested:


11 February International Day of Women and Girls in Science (A/RES/70/212)

13 February World Radio Day (A/RES/67/124)

20 February World Day of Social Justice (A/RES/62/10)

21 February International Mother Language Day (A/RES/56/262)  


1 March   –   Zero Discrimination Day [UNAIDS]

3 March   World Wildlife Day (A/RES/68/205)

8 March  International Women’s Day

20 March  International Day of Happiness (A/RES/66/281)

20 March  French Language Day (French)

21 March  International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (A/RES/2142 (XXI))

21 March   World Poetry Day (UNESCO 30 C/Resolution 29)

21 March  International Day of Nowruz (A/RES/64/253)

21 March  World Down Syndrome Day (A/RES/66/149)

21 March  International Day of Forests (A/RES/67/200)

22 March  World Water Day (A/RES/47/193)

23 March  World Meteorological Day [WMO] (WMO/EC-XII/Res.6)

24 March  World Tuberculosis Day [WHO]

24 March  International Day for the Right to the Truth concerning Gross Human Rights Violations and for the Dignity of Victims (A/RES/65/196)

25 March  International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade (A/RES/62/122)

25 March  International Day of Solidarity with Detained and Missing Staff Members

Recommend0 recommendationsPublished in Uncategorized


  1. Nikki Taylor

    #103 How I made a Comeback from: anxiety and lack of motivation to manifesting my dream business__________ (fill in the blank in your comment below) multiple authors/articles accepted

    1. The Wellness Universe Post author

      Hello @kellystclaire – wonderful! They are yours as well as ‘How Writing Helps You Heal’ – for the World Bipolar day post, please b sure to tell Ashley that is to post around the 28th 🙂 Please submit as soon as you can to get them scheduled. Looking forward to publishing your work!

  2. Lynda Goldman

    Hi, I would like to write:

    1) Publishing a Wellness Book: 10 Things You Need to Know,

    2) Write for an Anthology or Your Own Wellness Book: 15 Considerations

    Please let me know if you’d like these topics, thanks!


  3. Kristi Borst

    Thank you for the wonderful suggestions. I would love to provide an article for #169 “What Made Me Decide It Was Time for Me to Quit ‘My Day Job'” and #95 “A Spiritual Ritual for Prosperity”. Love and light, Kristi

  4. Jennifer Pries

    I’d like to request #104 – Top three items to grow in your kitchen garden.
    Since three is a relatively low number, would you want them to be a little more like three categories or more specific, i.e. edible flowers vs. borage?
    Thank you Anna!

    1. The Wellness Universe Post author

      Hello @jenniferpries great! Please be sure you fill out your profile (video tutorial above) and submit according to the instructions. As long as you are within the word count, the three can be expanded to 10 if you like and perhaps include the ‘why’ like aloe for basic first aid, etc. ?? Would love an areticle specifically on edible flowers with images if you have 🙂
      Thank you!

    1. The Wellness Universe Post author

      Hello @angelacummings welcome to being a featured author! This title has been assigned to you. Please see guidelines above and watch video on how to fill out your profile and how to submit your article. Please submit within 2 weeks to get scheduled.

  5. Rosanne Orlando

    Hi there!

    I have 4 titles I’d like to work on between March and April.

    #7: 5 Conversation starters for the first date
    #11: More focus, clarity and creativity through better sleep
    #39: 10 ways to say I love you
    #68 How travel opens my eyes to life

  6. Kristin Craft

    I’d like to write on:
    #34. How Self-Love Saved My Life (more focusing on how it changed my life and saved me from a dark future.)
    #53. How I Began To Love Myself – which will lead into that ^ article
    I’ll get these submitted asap. Thank you! <3