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Hello! I’m Angela Cummings, Founder of Live Life + Healthy Home Coach; I help people heal from illness by creating healthy home environments that are organic, non-toxic, and chemical-free.

When one of us heal, we all heal.

What do I do and who do I serve?

My deepest passion to help people that are diagnosed with several illnesses, who are overwhelmed and determined to heal from physical and mental health for the long-term by creating an organic, chemical-free, nontoxic home environment, but find the topic complex and overwhelming and are looking for specific, clear actions to take, while juggling family, work, and a busy lifestyle. My deep passion has allowed me to transform lives across the nation.

A healthy home environment is one part of overall wellness and is needed to create positive long-term changes in our physical and mental health.  Our typical home environments have many toxins that we often don’t know about. This can be from furniture, plastics, clothing, and even our sheets (and more).

When we create good indoor air quality and remove toxins from our home, our health can improve. No (or less) toxins in = no (or less) toxins that need to be removed from our bodies.

By transforming our home environments, small step by small step, we can start to address one factor that allows us to heal from illnesses – and the balance of our health can improve, too. Some people consider this complementary medicine; it’s an intentional strategy for healing that works alongside medicine.


My clients have experienced a wide variety of positive results including greatly reduced inflammation, healing from mystery illnesses, infections, asthma, bad allergies, and overall better health (and so much more).

They have overcome the overwhelm of this complex topic and taken charge of their own health. Through our work together, they have an expanded understanding of all the places there are hidden toxins in our homes, and, most importantly, they have clear solutions.

My clients and I have a great mutual trust. They share their medical situation, deepest desires and intuitions; I am humbled and honored every time. In their words, clients have described me as: “we trust her judgement and research,” “cares deeply,” unique (customized) solutions, trustworthy, “great listener”, knowledgeable, resourceful, open, easy to work with, “compassionate and an excellent resource.”

How do you work with people?

Our typical home environments have many toxins that we often don’t know about.

We take a look at where toxins are in your home.

I’ll explain how you can find non-toxic household products that are truly non-toxic vs. advertised as such, give a few ideas for where to find these nontoxic household products, and support you through the process.

Together, we turn your home into an organic, chemical-free home within a budget that works for you. We approach it by taking one step at a time.

Small changes over time = big impact.

If you choose to connect with me, here’s what you can expect:

  • I take a complex topic, and explain it clearly and simply.
  • Your voice is always heard and respected.
  • Our approach is solution-based.
  • We walk through this journey together, in partnership. One step at a time.


There are a few ways we can do that:

  • Healthy Home Assessment: Together, we’ll choose a few ways you can simply, affordably and impactfully improve your specific air quality.

We do this by first discussing your health (whatever you feel comfortable sharing), next we walk around your house (virtually) and I ask curious, non-judgmental questions. Then, we’ll pick a few areas to focus on together.

  • Healthy Home Coaching: Starts with a Healthy Home Assessment.

Then, we’ll cover what to look for when buying nontoxic household products. It’s an informal process that allows for flexibility and your questions. I’ll guide you through those changes and any challenges – and celebrations – that come up!

If you’re working with a doctor, especially an Integrative Medicine or Functional Medicine doctor, I am happy to touch base with them at certain points and share results of our work together (we use a widely accepted medical scale tool to measure impact). Or, I’m happy to connect you with the doctors I collaborate with.

  • Healthy Home Remodeling Coaching: 1:1 healthy home coaching around project materials and construction procedures. At times, having a discussion with you, subcontractor(s) and/or material supplier(s) is part of this coaching.
  • Online Classes: For people wanting to watch short, to the point, videos about how to buy (and where to find) non-toxic household products. Includes downloadable checklists, examples of companies selling non-toxic products, and more.
  • Books: 25 Tools to Achieve Anything (Coming June 22, 2021); Organic Lifestyle Made Easy: How to create a chemical-free household one step at a time (2018, #1 New Seller status on Amazon)

Who are you and why do people work with you?

“Rich” with over $100,000 in medical bills, I had built relationships with a dozen doctors from different healthcare facilities. I was well-known — but not for the reasons I wanted to be!

Their primary diagnosis? Bad allergies and chronic sinusitis — initially. My list of illness kept getting longer and worse. Allergies became bad allergies. Very occasional sinus infections became chronic sinusitis. Within years, I had 16 different illnesses, including MCS, or multiple chemical sensitivity.

How in the heck did I get here? Why is my body so inflamed all of the time? Why don’t other people have all these illnesses? What in the hell is going on?

That’s what my doctors and I were all trying to figure out. Rather unsuccessfully.

With their recommendation to “figure this out” and my deep inner knowing that there was an answer, I got to work.

Patterns started emerging. I felt better and worse with certain clothes, furniture, and foods.

Curious, I started researching the chemical names listed on my ottoman tag.

While the great worldwide web can be full of misinformation, it’s can also be a source for credible studies and 3rd party organizations. Plus, I read 2 dozen books.

What unfolded was a shocking realization that there were chemicals in almost every product made… and likely in everything I owned (high-quality and not-so-quality). And, those chemicals were known – by parts of government, some doctors, and scientists – to cause inflammation, cancer, and a rolling list of other illnesses.

In order to stop the inflammation and chronic illness, I’d have to buy new non-toxic household products to replace my current ones.

​So, I took charge of my health and transformed my home into a healthy home.

The results were amazing.

My chronic sinusitis, present 88% of the year (for 8 long years), dropped to 0%.

“Bad allergies” returned to “some allergies” and eventually “very few allergies.” I hardly even notice allergy season now.

Lots of inflammation became greatly reduced inflammation.

I started to feel better. Had more energy. More focus. Saved money on doctor bills and some of my vacation time (since I didn’t have to use that time going to the doc). Had more patience. And felt happier.

Over time, I healed 14 of my 16 illnesses.

My doctors gave me the medical support my body needed while I transformed my home into an organic, non-toxic, chemical-free home – a healthy home that allowed my body to function properly again and heal itself, the way it was made to.


“Last year, one of our family members became extremely sensitive to indoor air quality and chemicals. A builder who specializes in building healthy homes recommended that we consult with Angie for assistance in locating low VOC and healthy items for our new home. Angie provided valuable suggestions for healthy furnishings, home goods, clothing, and building supplies. She is a wonderful consultant…a great listener who is open, resourceful, and knowledgeable. She is easy to work with, and we trust her judgement and research. She really knows her stuff! It has been a pleasure working with Angie. We recommend Angie’s consultation wholeheartedly!” -Julie

“By changing my soaps, makeup, and lotions my skin has improved greatly – I’ve barely had a break out in over a year – and the previously unexplained breast infections that I’ve seen several doctors for have almost disappeared!” – Lorry

“Working with Angela was a joy! She is meticulous and has a HUGE heart. She cares deeply about her clients and finding the best solutions for their unique situations. I felt very confident knowing that Angie was recommending products that would work and be sensitive to my family and my allergies.” – Kari

“I cleaned up our eating to a great extent, but nothing else – a lot because I didn’t have time to do the research and also because I was afraid it would be just too huge to handle. Now I know about problems I would never have considered before – because Angie did the research for me. And the way she presents it, it’s also so much easier to contemplate putting into action.” – Joy

“A few years back I got rid of the chemicals in my house, wanting to help my family live a healthier life. I want to do even more so I bought this book and I had no idea the amount of toxic that is in so many things including our clothes.” -Jennifer

Free Resources (2 of them)

Enjoy these free resources to get you started!


Awards and Affiliations


Wellness Council of WI, member. The Wellness Council is the only nonprofit organization in Wisconsin dedicated exclusively to helping employers design results-oriented wellness programs to maximize the health and productivity of their most valuable asset- their employees.

Certifications and Credentials

Quotes from Doctors

“What a gift to have you share your knowledge and talents with us! I learned so much and I know the rest of our group did too. Thank you again for sharing your gifts!” – Dr. Dempsey

“I have found Angela to be compassionate and an excellent resource.” -Dr. Pierce

Contributing Author for these Books

  • 25 Tools to Achieve Anything. Coming June 22, 2021!
  • Life Wisdom Word Search, Yoga for the Brain. (Best Seller) My message and puzzle, “Boost Your Health and Vitality,” is about improving indoor air quality in order reduce allergies, have more energy, sleep better, and help save the planet – and making those changes one step at a time.

Author Of

Organic Lifestyle Made Easy: How to Create A Chemical-Free Household One Step At A Time. This easy-to-read and practical book gives easy small changes that you can make, starting today, to live a chemical-free life.

Angela Cummings

Profile picture of Angela Cummings


Active 1 year, 2 months ago