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Leah Skurdal

Select Changer Member
Resilience Guide and Event Leader
Experience in my field since: 1995
I enjoy my work as: Book Author, Blogger, Podcast Guest, Public Speaker, Panel Participant, Panel Moderator, Workshop Facilitator, Online Course Provider, Online Services Provider, In Person Services Provider, Virtual Events Creator, Virtual Events Presenter, In Person Events Creator, In Person Events Participant, Corporate Wellness Specialist, Participant in Collaborative Projects, Teacher, Mentor, Volunteer
My Specialties: Stress Management, Health Education, Life-work Balance, Mental Health Training, Social Support, Life & Career Transistions, Creating Positive Change


Body Wisdom: Ancient & Emerging
Class announcement Dragon Image Two women teachers' faces. Class details

This gathering is for sensitives and intuitives
who want to feel more grounded during life’s challenges
and move to their next level spiritually by recognizing the body as a healing tool.

Carole Park and Leah Skurdal will guide you to combine the structure of ancient moving meditation with the flow of emerging creative, improvisational movement.

High Vibration Living: Leaders Bridging Inner & Outer Peace  Register Free 
“As a heart-led leader, your goal and purpose is to bring your highest and best self into your relationships so you can expand your positive impact and influence people for the good. When you raise others up it ripples out to the world. What does it take as a compassionate, inspirational leader to create your personal environment where YOU THRIVE first? We have the space where you get filled from within so you have more to give others. Create your life on purpose and make the impact you desire.” – Leah Skurdal
Learn tools and practices to:

– Respond from your adult self if an emotional wound gets triggered.
– Stay in your calm center when there’s a disagreement.
– Engage in emotional mastery when your emotions are strong.
– Trust your inner guidance to make sound decisions so you feel more confident.


The Wellness Universe welcomes you to our Mid-Week Reset Meditation led by Leah Skurdal Intuitive Wellness Guide.

Join us as we gather in this safe space. If you are feeling challenged by life or want to deepen your spiritual practice, pause mid-week to realign with your higher consciousness. The collective consciousness of our group will amplify your experience and facilitate reconnecting to your natural inner wellbeing to navigate life’s challenges with grace, flow, and ease.

Use this 30-minute reset meditation to refresh your body, emotions, and mind with your higher vibration spiritual essence. The guided meditation can be replayed often to assist in reconnecting to your innate wellbeing within. Intentionally recalibrate your vibration in harmony with Divine Love expressing through you. 🙏 Register Here:


Resilience for the Holidays 2023!

For some people, the holiday season triggers unresolved emotions, unmet expectations and stress. We are here to help you find new and better ways to experience happiness, harmony, and peace.

Meet our team of wellness experts ready to share valuable resources, resilience-building exercises, and empowering tips to help you navigate family, work, and personal situations during this holiday season.

Watch replay –

Resilience for the Holidays 2022

This holiday season have the resources to create more peace, harmony, and get through what life brings as we navigate family, work, and personal situations during the holiday season.

Holidays can be a high time of stress, anxiety, depression, grief, expectations of yourself, or of others. You may feel a bit more alone, or suffer from seasonal emotions. We are here to help you find new and better ways to experience happiness, harmony, and peace.

Filled with self-care tools and resources to uplift you, join us for Resilience for the Holidays, Tools, Tips and Exercises for Well-being to incorporate into your life and serve you well beyond the holiday season.

Watch the replay now FREE 🎁



The Wellness Universe presents Resilience for Harmony: Tools, Tips, and Exercises for Well-being. I’m delighted produce and host this online event and expert panel. This mental wellness self-care event features speakers in the self-care industry: Carol Pilkington, Carolyn McGee, David McLeod, Debbie Prediger, Nicole Batiste.



The Wellness Universe presents Resilience for Everyday: Tools, Tips, and Exercises for Well-being. I’m glad to produce and host this online event and expert panel. This mental wellness self-care event is co-hosted by Janette Stuart, featuring speakers in the self-care industry: Jo Ann Wenner, Elizabeth Kipp, Ilene Dillon, and Lisa Charles.
Register >


Thank you for taking the time to visit my page. Are you feeling challenged dealing with all the uncertainties of life lately? Welcome to the club. Our current times require more innovation, creativity and improvisation than we’re accustomed to rallying.

Hi! I’m Leah Skurdal, and I’ve been practicing the Art of Jazz Living for 25 years learning to handle days like these with grace, ease and joy.

My course, Finding Resilience Through Jazz Living (even if you don’t like jazz) is based on my chapter, from The #1 Amazon Bestseller, The Wellness Universe Guide to Complete Self Care: 25 Tools for Goddesses. You can listen to my chapter reading HERE.

In the online course, you will learn and practice principles of improvisational  Jazz Living so you can apply new skills to your daily life.  Check out and register for part 1 of the course HERE.

You’re invited to a free introduction to Finding Resilience Through Jazz Living. Click HERE.

Here’s what Jazz Living course participants are saying:

“Jazz Living has taught me the gift of Pause- just stop- go within -assess how I am operating and if need be readjust on the spot. I monitor my wellbeing more often and celebrate those times when I use my new found skills. Self care and being aware feels good. Jazz Living is a refreshing way to find my groove and live in it more often.” ~ Geralyn Sorensen

“I look forward to a weekly mini retreat. You take me on a nice journey into myself. I feel comfortable and a sense of trust in our growing community. I enjoy the creative and reflective process of practicing The Art of Jazz Living.”  ~ Annetta Leigh

“In the last six weeks, I have learned to go with the flow a bit more. One day, so many things went wrong, I felt myself getting wound up. I got it all resolved and another incident came up. But I managed to get myself unwound again. I remembered, ‘I can take those deep breaths and say it’ll be OK.’ I got out of my spiraling faster than I usually do.” – Carol Villavicencio

How well are you navigating the waves of change?

Maybe you’ve got the skills to manage stress, but the knot in your shoulder and the tone in your voice are telling you to refocus on the daily discipline of actually doing the meditation, prayer, movement, and me-time that keeps you in the flow.

Time to re-calibrate to your natural state of well-being within!

Up-level your response to stress during these transformative times.
Choose to Live in Well-Being Anyway and
join THE ART OF JAZZ LIVING MOVEMENT! Adopt a Jazz Living Mindset!



Experience an energetic deep dive into your Soul’s longing to express Divine Love uniquely through you. What is surfacing for realignment? How can you hold and expand a higher vibration of wellbeing? What vibrational patterns from your family are ready to uplift and transform?

Are you ready to:

  • Stop replaying the old story and rewrite a new story for your life?
  • Build resilience so you can respond to stress with grace, joy and ease?
  • Enhance well-being so you bring your best and highest self into the day?

During a virtual 90-minute Soul Expedition Energy Healing Session, I offer transformational energy and insights aligned with your Soul and Divine Love. Together we allow Divine Love to uplift your energy and trace vibrational disharmony to the roots – in this lifetime or with the ancestors.

We work with the wise ancestors, angels, your Soul and Divine Love to bless and uplift the imbalance in the ancestral lineage to a more harmonious vibration. We allow the harmonious vibration to flow through the ancestor’s line into the time of now.

Clients report feeling more balanced, whole, peaceful, and energized – more like themselves. After the Zoom session, I send a recording and transcript of the session for you to review.

Client Testimonials

“As a gifted spiritual healer I had the pleasure of experiencing Leah’s gifts. She shared her visions and transmissions from the ethers about me and The Wellness Universe in a private session that were in alignment with what I had been told before, but even deeper and more profound! It was invigorating, humbling, and a blessed confirmation. Her channel is open and clear and her guidance is from love-centered Christ Consciousness. Created with pure love energy Leah delivers heaven sent messages.

If you are looking for a collaborator, workshop facilitator, writer, speaker, healer, for yourself or to present on healing topics, please connect with Leah. I highly recommend her and you will feel re-awakened, secure, cared-for, and loved through it all.” ~ Anna Pereira, CEO & Head Goddess at The Wellness Universe

“Leah is a powerful, amazing soul. 🎁 Her connection to Christ Consciousness and the Spirit world is incredible. She’s the real deal. The personal insight she shared has had a profound impact on my life. ❤️

I have greater awareness of my parents ancestral line. With this awareness comes a greater insight into my heritage and myself. Certain thought processes I inherited were cleared and healed not only within me also within my parents’ Spirits. 🦋 I felt peaceful for the releases and the healing energy.

If you’re looking for greater support and insight on your healing from within journey, I highly recommend Leah. ⭐️ ~ Sharon Randall, WU World Changer, Healing Mentor and Controller, Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Capital Region

“Working with Leah Skurdal has completely exceeded my expectations. She is a master at reading between the lines and making the perfect suggestion or asking the perfect question at just the right time. She has helped me to gain clarity in my business strategizing, to renew my excitement about my vision, and to look at situations in new ways that catapult me toward a future I didn’t believe was possible.

Her wisdom and guidance has been truly invaluable. I highly recommend working with her if you are ready to expand into new possibilities or gain resilience in your career or personal life.” Wendy F.

Message me to set up a free 15-minute call to discuss how I can assist your
healing journey and enhance your well-being.



Listen to a guided meditation to embody The Best Version Of You HERE

Listen to more free guided meditations on my YouTube channel to embody more of your Soul and your Divine spiritual essence. Align with your natural state of inner well-being physically, mentally, and emotionally, to live with more joy, inner peace and outer calm.



“Leah Skurdal is an enthusiastic, expressive and ultimately effective speaker. She has so many stories! She is very good at using storytelling to illustrate a point and also to pull in her audience. I’ve heard her speak many times and after every one, I’m looking forward to the next.”

Contact me, Leah Skurdal, for my speaking availability and to tailor a resilience building message for your group’s next retreat, conference, workshop, or key note address. +1-651-472-3995  [email protected]






The Wellness Universe Guide to Complete Self Care: 25 Tools for Goddesses is coming in December and I can’t wait! My chapter is The Art of Jazz Living: Overcoming Challenges With Grace, Ease & Joy.


I am thrilled to be a contributing author to the bestselling Wellness Universe Guide to Complete Self Care series. In 25 Tools to Achieve Anything, I wrote Chapter 9 Listen to Your Body Wisdom: Transform Energy Blockages Through Movement.

Here is my reading of my chapter: Listen to Your Body Wisdom – Transform Energy Blockages Through Movement
“I actually got a whole lot more from listening to you read it then I did from my first time read through it. I thought you did a delightful job of reading it and making that chapter come alive.” ~ Carol Villavicencio

Listen to Leah reading her chapter  CHAPTER READING HERE

You can listen to our lively, conversational author interview with our publisher, Brave Healer Productions. Click this link Author Interview – 25 Tools to Achieve Anything


The exciting book The Ancestors Within: Discover  and Connect with Your Ancient Origins. I contributed Chapter 8 – Our Ancestors Are Related: Raising Collective Consciousness.


In my book, Seeking Serenity: How to Find Your Inner Calm and Joy, I share stories with practical tools to build stress resilience and navigate the complexities of life with grace.

Click HERE to purchase Seeking Serenity: How to Find Your Inner Calm and Joy, available on Amazon.

Awards and Affiliations

Leah’s book, Seeking Serenity: How to Find Your Inner Calm and Joy was featured in the Anoka County Library Local Author Winter Reads program.

Seeking Serenity: How to Find Your Inner Calm and Joy is also sold on Amazon in print and e-book.

Causes and Organizations

Leah co-founded the Diamond Kaleidoscope Initiative: Awareness|Relationships| Impact and co-hosted the Global Summit for Transformational Educators.
Replays of the Global Summit speakers are available through the Diamond Kaleidoscope Initiative.

Certifications and Credentials

Leah Skurdal has been a WU World Changer since January 2021. She contributes to the Wellness Universe as the COO, Resilience Event Leader, Wellness For All Program Manager, SoulTreat Provider, WU Community Leader, and a WU core blogger.

Leah has energy healing training in graduate levels of Awakening Your Light Body with Duane Packer, Sanaya Roman at, Matrix Energetics, Polarity Therapy, Hands on Healing, QiGong, and from her own guides and master teachers.

Leah earned an MA degree in Political Science, specializing in African Studies, at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She worked with the US Peace Corps in the Democratic Republic of Congo for two years, where she taught Business English and Family Education.

Leah is celebrating 34 years of marital bliss and has two brilliant young adult daughters.

Leah Skurdal

Profile picture of Leah Skurdal


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