Blog Call – January 2021

CLOSED – Please See the February Blog Call

How to be a published author and article ideas for The Wellness Universe.

The Wellness Universe Featured Blog publishes and shares wellness articles from members of The Wellness Universe, our WU World-Changers.

Have a great message about Emotional, Spiritual, Physical, Environmental, Intellectual, Occupational, or Social Wellness? Get Published and Featured on The Wellness Universe!

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Join Us TODAY as a WU World-Changer to be an author, get published, listed in our directory, host classes, participate in live events, and promoted.⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

If you support wellness, The Wellness Universe supports you!


WU World-Changers, here is your monthly dose of inspiration to create your next feature article. READ & FOLLOW guidelines to get featured on The Wellness Universe Featured Blog. A globally recognized wellness blog that shares YOUR message with the world!

  • Be sure you are logged into your WU account so the below links take you to your private member’s only areas.
  • Respecting This Great Opportunity is Appreciated. Read and Follow ALL Instructions Below.
  • The WU Featured blog is open to ALL WU World-Changers with benefits based on your membership level.
  • LOG INTO your WU World-Changer account: Submit your article via the ‘Submit an Article’ Tab in your Member Drop Down Menu.
  • Getting published on WU allows exposure to our 3 Million Readers visiting over 12 Million times!

WU World-Changers here is a tutorial for you: HOW TO SUBMIT YOUR ARTICLE (0:45 Second Video)

GET STARTED: Tips to get THE MOST out of being a Featured Author of the Day! Watch this video now.

Did you watch that video? GREAT! Let’s go…

As a WU World-Changer, it’s FREE to be published and featured! However, the VALUE of getting published on The Wellness Universe Featured Blog is equal to $$$. 

SUPER TIPS!: Getting published – secrets to success! Get More Reads, Comments & Shares on your article.

Getting Published on WU Gives You a TEAM to Support Your Article!

Our WU Influencer team and your WU World-Changer community as well as visiting guests support your content via comments and sharing all over social media. Be sure to say thanks to them and reply to anyone commenting on your article by responding to your comments under your article. A little gratitude goes a long way!

Helpful Tip: Join Writers Wonderland for special opportunities and loads of support!

How many articles can I have published? How many links can I include?

Step 1: Rules to Claim Titles & Submitting Your Article

  • Please read all the instructions and comment below with the # (number) corresponding to the blog title you wish to claim from the list or suggest your own.
  • CHECK BACK within 48 hours to see our reply to you and confirm your claim to the title you are committing to.
  • Articles are scheduled in order of receipt. If you claim blog titles and do not submit your claimed article within 2 weeks via your ‘Submit an Article’ tab in your Member Drop Down Menu, we may not accept future submissions to feature you.

Step 2: Publishing Process

  1. Once your article(s) is submitted, it is reviewed and accepted or you will be contacted with recommended edits.
  2. Once your article is accepted it is scheduled by Ashley. We have a publishing calendar and are typically scheduled out up to 2 weeks.
  3. Blogs that are ‘special & time sensitive’ based on a calendar event recognized by a holiday or worldly event are scheduled before the event happens. More details on time-sensitive articles below.

Article Requirements:


  • Articles MUST BE well-written in English.
  • Professionally edited and ready to publish. Need an editor? Contact L.E. Saba
  • Between 500 – 1000 words submitted as a Word Document via your ‘Submit an Article’ tab in your member drop-down menu/dashboard.


We ONLY Publish Value: Your article should be educational, inspirational, motivational, informative, or story-telling in some way. The reader should walk away with a feeling they gained something valuable, NOT feeling like they were ‘sold to.’ We will not publish articles that are a ‘sales pitch’ for your product or service.

– Your WU profile is linked to your article in your Author’s Bio box appearing under your article.

In Article LINKS:

Links in an article are exclusively for PREMIUM & PREMIUM PLUS Members as one of your benefits:

Outbound  links are included for NO FEE. See the chart snippet above for your link allowance.

💥💥💥💥💥 Place An In Content Ad (See 1:25 minute Video) 💥💥💥💥💥

If you wish to bring EXTRA ATTENTION and a call to action to anything: A product, Service, Newsletter sign up, etc. Check out what an ‘In Content Ad’ looks like HERE. You will have the option in your Submit an Article form to purchase your ad and include an image and link that will stay in your article forever!

IMAGE Guidelines:

Images that add to the value and interest to your blog article to be included in the body of your post (i.e. Food for recipe articles, Step by Step photos, etc.) are encouraged to be submitted with your article. We select the Main Featured Images for ALL published blogs. If you submit an image you own the rights to use with your article, we will consider it but there’s no guarantee that we will use it. In the instance that we do not use your image, we will find one that is similar to the one you submitted or one we feel is in alignment with our blog. All images submitted must be YOUR property. Images cannot contain a call to action, selling, or promoting in any way. Please utilize the In-Content Ad for this and it will also be linked to your desired destination. Please Note: We do not go back and change images once an article has been published.

VIDEOS and VLOGS Guidelines:

To accompany an article and enhance a reader’s experience, you can add your video in the ‘Submit an Article’ form when you submit. Share the link to YouTube and submit written content at least 3 paragraphs long. If in your video you are calling out your social media sites and properties such as your blog, website, etc. it is mandatory to include “Find Me on The Wellness Universe.”

Video length limitation of no more than 10 minutes, *unless approved. Please keep in mind, ‘Brief is Better’. A shorter video has the best chance of being viewed from beginning to end.

No video that appears as an ad (promoting an item or service) will be posted unless the ‘In Content Ad’ fee is paid (see above). If we can answer the question “Where can I buy this?” in your video, it will be considered an advertisement.

*Ted Talks and professionally recorded content will be reviewed for inclusion on an individual basis. You MUST have rights to republish the content you share with us. 

BLOG SERIES, Monthly Tip, Core Blogger, etc. Opportunity reserved for Premium Plus Members:

Premium Plus Members: If you are submitting for a blog series, ALL articles in your series must be submitted in order for your series to be scheduled. A series would be defined as a minimum of 3, maximum of 7 articles surrounding one topic or theme. Writing a series is a great way to position yourself as an expert in the area of wellness that you represent. Please fill out 1 blog form for each article in your series and specify which part in the series it represents. (Part 1, Part 2, etc.)

Want to offer a monthly tip or inspiration like Mitchell, Janette, or Marisa or a weekly/monthly tip? Please email us with your idea at Blogs at TheWellnessUniverse dot com

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ IMPORTANT ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

The Wellness Universe shares your article to over 1 Million Followers on social media the day you are published. 

Please check comments area (below your published article) often the day of and the days following publication as you will not receive automated notifications when your article is commented on. Your support of your article is essential. It’s good practice to reply to comments.

You are encouraged to visit the Featured Blog and support your fellow authors with sharing their blog and commenting. It’s a great way to build relationships. Those who GIVE SUPPORT, GET SUPPORT. Those who do not support their own content within 48 hours of publication may not be published in the future.

FIRST TIME AUTHORS: Please follow instructions via Submit your Article Form.

⭐ MANDATORY: Your WU Profile must be filled out completely ⭐:
Your article WILL NOT be published if you have a blank profile.

Need help filling out your profile? Watch this video tutorial:

Below are some suggested titles and topics that are sure to do well! If anything speaks to you, comment at the bottom of this post with the # (number) and title that you wish to claim and you will be assigned that title as long as it hasn’t already been claimed.

TOPICS for Inspiration for Sure Fire Hits!:

  • Astrological Events
  • Fitness & Nutrition (Got a great recipe?)
  • An ‘Ultimate Guide’ ‘Top Tips’ ‘How To’ types of blogs
  • Illnesses & Disorders with remedies for them
  • Self Transformation, Self Development, Business Development
  • Relationships
  • Alternative & Holistic wellness practices
  • Excerpts from your book can be used for a series
  • 7 Day Eating Plans for: Detoxing, More Energy, Emotional Well-being, Reducing Cancer Risk Etc.

Below are a mixed bag of suggested titles to inspire you!


If you feel called to write on one of the below-suggested titles, don’t delay, shout it out in comments below with the # and name of the title! You will be notified with a reply comment within 48 business hours if you got it. First come, first served.

ALL of the titles suggested are to pull a reader in. Your article is to be written highlighting positive, inspiring, informative, or educational content. These are ‘one-offs’ and you just need to write on the 1 title. (If you are inspired by a title to write a series, comment below.)

We always welcome blogs that are Holiday, Global Recognition Days, Astrological & Celestial Events. For these time-sensitive blogs, you must let Ashley know at least 3 weeks ahead of the event and submit at LEAST 2 weeks prior. We typically like to publish these a few days before the event to get your article traction.

  1. Numerology for February
  2. 28 Affirmations for February
  3. 12 Months of Affirmations for 2021
  4. Full Moon (January 10th)
  5. Penumbral Lunar Eclipse (January 10th)

  6. New Moon (January 24th)

  7. Happiness Is Contagious: Ways to Celebrate Joy Germ Day (January 8)

  8. The BEST Houseplants: House Plant Appreciation Day (January 10)

  9. How to Honor Yourself on Make Your Dream Come True Day (January 13)

  10. Tips for Getting Past Blue Monday Blues (January 18)

  11. Family Well-Being: Tips to Honor Family Mediation Week (Jan 18 – 22nd)

  12. Show Simple Affection on World Hugging Day (January 21)

  13. How to Empower Yourself on Women’s Healthy Weight Day (January 21)

  14. Showing Love to Your Kids on Celebration of Life Day (January 22)

  15. 5 Ways to LOL on Belly Laugh Day (January 24)

  16. Why I’m Proud to Be Australian on Australia Day (January 26)

  17. Ways to Show Gratitude to Your Spouse on Spouse Day (January 26)

  18. Ways to Embrace Have Fun at Work Day (January 29)

  19. How to Celebrate Inspire Your Heart with Art Day (January 31)

  20. Tips for Celebrating International Boost Self-Esteem Month (February)

  21. Ways to Celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Day (February 17)

  22. Setting Your Intention, Making it Real in 2021
  23. Happy New Year! Happy New Life!
  24. Top (xx) Tips to Live the Life of Your Dreams in 2021
  25. Winter Proofing Your Home
  26. How to Have A Lasting Friendship
  27. A More Interesting You: What to Read
  28. A More Interesting You: Hobby Suggestions
  29. A More Interesting You: What to Study
  30. Tips for Overcoming Self-Doubt
  31. Ways to Stay Sane During Insane Times
  32. Concepts of Emotion and Motivation in Psychology
  33. 5 Emotional Motivators You Need in Your Life
  34. Taking Control of Your Emotional Triggers
  35. Boundaries, Balance, and Control Over Your Life
  36. How to Experience Happiness Every Day
  37. An Essential Guide to Healing
  38. How to Identify and Help Someone Who May be Suicidal
  39. How to Be A Real and True Friend
  40. How to Overcome an Eating Disorder
  41. Career vs. Passion: Are You Following Your Passion?
  42. 5 Mind-Strengthening Exercises that Will Change Your Life
  43. 5 Ways to Follow Your Dreams
  44. Tips for Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone
  45. How to Be Confident in Taking Risks
  46. The Gratitude, Achieve Anything Connection
  47. The Forgiveness, Achieve Anything Connection
  48. How to Follow Your Internal Compass
  49. The Simple Path to Wellbeing
  50. Types of Coaches and How They Help
  51. 5 Ways to Embrace Your Creative Expression
  52. Accept the Past, Live in the Present, and Embrace the Future
  53. The Benefits of Living in the Moment
  54. How to Break Old Habits
  55. Mistakes or Lessons Learned?
  56. How to Achieve True Wellbeing
  57. Self-Care in a Toxic World
  58. Stop Saying this to Yourself
  59. How Breathwork Benefits the Mind, Body, and Spirit
  60. 5 Ways to Embrace Change
  61. The Importance of Breathing Exercises
  62. A Meditation Practice for Beginners
  63. A Guide to Chakra Tuning
  64. Top Essential Oils for Your Health
  65. Best Essential Oils for Diffusing
  66. How to Use Essential Oils
  67. The Benefits of Positivity
  68. How to Stand Out of the Crowd
  69. How to Weather the Storm
  70. Tips for Mother-Daughter Bonding
  71. Tips for Father-Son Bonding
  72. Tips for Leaving the Chaos Behind You
  73. Letting Go: The Pathway to Surrender
  74. Tips for Letting Go of the Need to Control
  75. Control Freak? Top Tips to Let Go
  76. Master the Art of Letting Go
  77. How to Clean the Air in Your Home
  78. Do You Know Your Indoor Air Quality?
  79. How to Express Your Gratitude to Others
  80. How Having Gratitude Can Make You Happier
  81. 10 Words of Appreciation
  82. How to Say Thank You Without Saying It
  83. Benefits of Keeping A Journal
  84. Top Foods for Brain Health
  85. Your Guide to Yoga Poses
  86. Tips for Working Out with Weights
  87. Best Stretches Before You Work Out
  88. How to Comfortably Travel During Unprecedented Times
  89. Fixed vs. Growth Mindset
  90. How to Stay Balanced During A Crisis
  91. How to Stay Humble and Sincere
  92. How to Teach Children to Meditate
  93. The Benefits of Meditation for Children
  94. Tips for Keeping the Faith During Difficult Times
  95. The One Thing You Would Change
  97. 5 Tips for Resiliency
  98. What Does It Mean to Be Resilient?
  99. How to Embrace Your Sense of Purpose
  100. FEAR: Face Everything And Rise
  101. 5 Types of Imposter Syndrome
  102. How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome
  103. How to Overcome Learned Helplessness
  104. 5 Ways to Reduce Helplessness
  105. Tips for Navigating Our New Normal
  106. The Best Outdoor Exercises
  107. The Benefits of Investing In Your Health
  108. How to Successfully Lose Weight
  109. 3 Facets to Living A Fulfilled Life
  110. 5 Supplements to Support Your Wellbeing
  111. 5 Health Benefits of Medicinal Cannabis
  112. Is Cannabis Safe and Effective As Medicine?
  113. The Beginner’s Guide to Zero-Waste Living
  114. How to Go Zero Waste Without Spending Money
  115. How to Start A Zero Waste Lifestyle
  116. The Basics to Recycling
  117. Recycling Made Simple: Top Tips
  118. What Does Eco-Friendly Mean?
  119. Eco-Friendly Alternatives for Things You Use Everyday
  120. The Fundamentals of Forgiveness
  121. 5 Essentials to Forgiving
  122. Tips for Understanding and Practicing Forgiveness
  123. How to Let Go of Grudges and Bitterness
  124. 10 Ways to Overcome Your Bitterness
  125. 5 Ways to Become A Happier Human
  126. 5 Mental Habits that Can Make You Resentful
  127. 5 Ways to Work Through Anger and Forgiveness
  128. Release Resentment in 5 Easy Steps
  129. Becoming A Butterfly: Embrace the Beauty in Change
  130. How to Embrace Your Inner Butterfly
  131. Stop Fitting in and Embrace Your Uniqueness
  132. 5 Ways to Embrace Your Unique Path
  133. Healing Wounds from the Inside Out
  134. How to Heal After an Emotional Trauma
  135. How to Tap into Your Self-Healing Superpowers
  136. 5 Easy Steps to Self-Healing
  137. 5 Self-Healing Practices to Incorporate into Your Life
  138. The Benefits of Reiki for Pets
  139. 10 Types of Alternative Medicine
  140. How to End the Blame and Shame Game
  141. Ways to Honor Family Health
  142. How to Cope with PTSD
  143. Suicide Prevention Tips
  144. Boost Your Mood: Best Tips
  145. Boost Your Immune System: Best Tips
  146. How to Avoid The Flu
  147. How to Treat the Flu
  148. The Brain-Gut Connection
  149. The Correlation Between Your Mood and Gut
  150. It’s Flu Season, What You Need to Know
  151. Tips to Sooth the Common Cold
  152. Favorite Winter Recipes
  153. Is Someone Gaslighting You?
  154. Emotional Intelligence = Success
  155. What is Emotional Wellness?
  156. Happiness Through Emotional Intelligence
  157. How Do I Forgive? Top Tips
  158. Profile of a Narcissist & How to Avoid Them
  159. Profile of an Abuser & How to Avoid Them
  160. 5 Different Phobias We Might Not Know About
  161. Top Emotional Intelligence Tips That Change Your Life
  162. Emotional Intelligence Tips for Best Communication
  163. How to Help Someone Back Away from the Ledge
  164. Coping with Grief and Loss
  165. What Is the Difference Between Empathy and Sympathy?
  166. The Stages of Grief Defined
  167. What is Emotional Abuse?
  168. Are You Happy or Are You Settling?
  169. How to Know You’re with the Right Partner
  170. Is It Love or Is It Comfortability?
  171. How to Leave an Unhealthy Relationship
  172. What Kids Need: Support for Unprecedented Times
  173. Parenting: Tips to Get Along Under Stressful Situation
  174. How to _____ Like an Expert/Pro (Fill in the Blank)
  175. How to ______ the Easy Way (Fill in the Blank)
  176. Tips to Aging Gracefully
  177. Childhood Immunizations: Myths Debunked
  178. Tips for Getting Out of Debt
  179. How to Breastfeed Successfully
  180. Natural Remedies for Menstrual Cramps
  181. How to Avoid Arguments at Home
  182. Home Cleaning: Your Master Checklist
  183. 5 Ways to Strengthen the Bond Between Parent and Child
  184. Natural Ways to Help Raise Your Libido
  185. The Hard Lesson that Changed My Life
  186. Family Fun Outdoor Activity
  187. Family Fun Indoor Activity
  188. 10 Weird Yet Effective _______ (Fill in the Blank)
  189. All-Natural Outdoor Pest Control
  190. All-Natural Indoor Pest Control
  191. What’s True and What’s Not? (Fill in the Blank)
  192. One Simple Rule To _______ (Fill in the Blank)
  193. How to Pace Yourself to _______ for the Long Run (Fill in the Blank)
  194. Give Me 30 Minutes, and I’ll Give You ______ (Fill in the Blank)
  195. When _______ Backfires. How to ______ (Fill in the Blank)
  196. 5 of the Greatest Hacks for _______ (Fill in the Blank)
  197. How to _______ Like A Ninja (Fill in the Blank)
  198. 5 Ways to Celebrate YOU
  199. 5 Reasons You’re Perfect Just the Way You Are!
  200. The ONE Thing You Need to Change ______ (Fill in the Blank)
  201. How to Create ______ to Explode Your ______ (Fill in the Blanks)
  202. How to Permanently Stop ______, Even If You’ve Tried Everything (Fill in the Blank)
  203. 5 Essential Items to Master Your ______ (Fill in the Blank)
  204. 7 Ideas to Supercharge Your _______ (Fill in the Blank)
  205. How to Get Rid of ______ for Good (Fill in the Blank)
  206. The Go-Getter’s Guide to _______ (Fill in the Blank)
  207. 5 Most Strategic Ways To Accelerate Your _______ (Fill in the Blank)
  208. 3 Tips to Emotionally Release _______ (Fill in the Blank)
  209. How to ______ in ____ Minutes (Fill in the Blank)
  210. How to Make Your _____ Go the Distance (Fill in the Blank)
  211. 7 Tips for an Effortless _______ (Fill in the Blank)
  212. Want to _____? Now You Can with ____! (Fill in the Blanks)
  213. The Best Ever Solution For ________ (Fill in the Blank)
  214. Is ________ Affecting Your ________? (Fill in the Blanks)
  215. 10 Ways to Completely Change _________ (Fill in the Blank)
  216. 10 Clever Tools to Simplify Your _______ (Fill in the Blank)
  217. 7 Life-Changing Ways to _______ (Fill in the Blank)
  218. Problem? Here’s How to Fix It (Fill in the problem)
  219. 10 Tips to Enhance Your _________ (Fill in the Blank)
  220. How to Hit _____ Out of the Park (Fill in the Blank)
  221. Never Worry About ________ Ever Again (Fill in the Blank)
  222. How to Create the Perfect _______ (Fill in the Blank)
  223. 5 Steps to Turn _______ into _______ (Fill in the Blanks)
  224. The Busy Person’s Guide to Getting The Spark Back
  225. 10 Tips to Emotionally Re-boot
  226. Top 3 Nutrition Changes with Greatest Health Impact
  227. Tips for Enhancing Your Emotional Wellness
  228. Tips for Enhancing Your Spiritual Wellness
  229. Tips for Finding A Wellness Coach
  230. 10 Mindset Shift Tips for Happiness
  231. 5 Mindset Shift Tips for Releasing Anger
  232. 5 Mindset Shift Tips for Peace
  233. 8 Ways to Clean Out ______ (Fill in the Blank)
  234. 10 Ways to Get Your ______ in Shape (Fill in the Blank)
  235. Healing Physical Pain with a Spiritual Practice (Name the practice)
  236. How to Ensure Your ______ is Up to Par (Fill in the Blank)
  237. Confronting Your Abuser: Is it a good idea?
  238. Is it Fear or Intuition Talking?
  239. Releasing Old or Limiting Beliefs
  240. Do you suffer from PTSD?
  241. Emotional Trauma: What is it?
  242. Overcoming Childhood Trauma
  243. Can Bad Choices be Handed Down?
  244. Becoming a Better Parent
  245. Pregnant? 10 Things You Must Do (for your babies health)
  246. Is he/she a Stalker?
  247. Self-care: Recognizing a Toxic Relationship
  248. 7 Confidence-Boosting Tips; One for each day of the week
  249. Packing Away: 10 Organization Tips
  250. 10 Ways to Spread Love and Kindness
  251. Controlling Chronic Pain: Dietary Tips
  252. Controlling Chronic Pain: Mental Practice Tips
  253. Controlling Chronic Pain: ___________ Tips
  254. Top Mental Wellness Tips
  255. 10 Family Fun Ideas
  256. Top 10 Healthy Snacks
  257. What is Energy Healing & Types of Healers
  258. Tips for Parents: How to help your child shine
  259. How to Make Friends: Tips for Parents of a Shy Child
  260. How to talk to your son/daughter about puberty
  261. Supporting Your Moody Teen
  262. How to Stay On Top of Your Teens Online Activity
  263. 5 Secrets to _______ (Fill in the Blank)
  264. 5 Things You Need to Know Before _______ (Fill in the Blank)
  265. 10 Emergency Items to Pack for a Trip
  266. How to Forgive and Love Them Again
  267. Top 10 Supplements for Men & Women 30-40 (2 lists, 1 for men and 1 for women)
  268. Top 10 Supplements for Men & Women 40-50 (2 lists, 1 for men and 1 for women)
  269. Think Positive Live Longer
  270. Diffuse the Tension: Mindset Tips
  271. Finding Calm in an Emotional Storm
  272. Living with Hypo/Hyperthyroidism
  273. Hypothyroidism and Hair Loss
  274. Nutritious Nuts! Top Most Nutrient Rich Nuts
  275. Role of Lightworkers/Empaths in their awakening
  276. 5 Things Your _______ Doesn’t Tell You (Fill in the Blank)
  277. Marketing your business to a new crowd
  278. 10 Jobs That Will Make You ________ (Fill in the Blank)
  279. 5 Questions to Ask Before _________ (Fill in the Blank)
  280. Balancing the spiritual path with our humanity
  281. 5 Low-Cost Family Fun Ideas
  282. 5 Benefits of Medicinal Marijuana
  283. The Importance of Hydration
  284. Sustainable Indoor Gardening Tips
  285. Healthy Juice Recipes
  286. Symptoms You Are Dehydrated
  287. Facts and/or Benefits of CBD Oil
  288. Common Triggers: Being Sensitive to Them
  289. The Science of Astrology
  290. You Know it’s Over When….
  291. How to Rise Above a Knock-down
  292. 10 ________ That Will Motivate You Today (Fill in the Blank)
  293. 10 Essential Steps to ______ (Fill in the Blank)
  294. Recovering from a Break-up
  295. Self-evaluation: Should I Leave My Relationship?
  296. Self-evaluation: Should I Leave My Job?
  297. Self-evaluation: Should I Let Go of a Friendship?
  298. How to Be More Outgoing
  299. How to Achieve Your Dreams
  300. The Truth About ___________ (Fill in the blank)
  301. 10 Habits of Highly Successful People
  302. 5 Must-Have Items in Your Household
  303. Benchmarks of Personal Achievement
  304. Horoscopes Defined: Characteristics of the 12 Zodiac Signs
  305. 5 Major Symptoms of Depression
  306. How to Manage Your Bipolar Disorder
  307. Reigniting the Spark in Your Relationship
  308. Is Marriage an end to a Sex Life?
  309. Healthy Relationships: Showing Gratitude
  310. Healthy Relationships: How to Compromise
  311. Healthy Relationships: Being Present
  312. How to Lower Your Expectations & Raise your Joy
  313. 5 Ways to Pamper Yourself – For Men
  314. 5 Ways to Pamper Yourself- For Women
  315. Anger Triggered by Noise? It’s Misophonia
  316. Knowing Your Triggers for _______ (Fill in the Blank)
  317. Stressed or is it Anxiety?
  318. Healthy or Just Hype?
  319. Plan for Success: Hit Your Goal
  320. Plan for Success: Starting a New ________ (Fill in the blank)
  321. Talking to your child about bullying
  322. Types of Arthritis and How to ease pain
  323. How to Cope with Diabetes
  324. Foods that Help Lower Blood Sugar
  325. Natural Ways to Lower Your Blood Pressure
  326. What is Holistic Healing?
  327. Benefits of Holistic Healing
  328. What is Personalized Wellness?
  329. Why Workout With Weights?
  330. Top Fruits/Vegetables & Nutritional Benefits
  331. Restore/Recover in Exercise Explained
  332. Nutritious Anytime Dish You Should Try (Please include a recipe)
  333. Top 5 Beans! Nutrition Benefits
  334. Communicating with Your Ancestors
  335. Is Your Symptom Actually a Chronic Issue?
  336. What is Survivalism?
  337. Increase Your Memory & Recall
  338. How I Packed Away My Emotional Baggage For Good
  339. 5 Unique Ways to Say I Love You
  340. How My Disease Saved My Life
  341. How to Plan A Delightfully Wonderful Date Night
  342. How Do I Get My Partner to Actually Listen to Me
  343. How Not Getting What You Want Is Truly a Blessing
  344. Top Tips on Becoming a New Mom
  345. When Is the Right Time to Talk to A Professional?
  346. Toxic Foods Found Right In Your Home
  347. 10 Uncommon Ways to Earn Extra Income Easily
  348. The Difference Between Acute and Chronic Issues
  349. My Favorite Supplement: (Name supplement)
  350. Addiction, Abuse and Dependence. What’s The Difference?
  351. Living with OCD
  352. Living with a Phobia (Please be specific)
  353. Living with Adult ADD/ADHD
  354. Living with Food Addiction
  355. Living with a Physical Disfiguration
  356. Living with Bipolar Disorder
  357. Live Off the Land to Save Money & Increase Health
  358. Tips for Planning for Retirement
  359. Is Equality a Reality?
  360. Stop the Waste! 10 Tips
  361. Eating Nutritiously for Busy People
  362. How to Get Kids to Try New Foods
  363. Surefire Hits Even for the Pickiest Eater
  364. How to Go Gluten-Free
  365. How to Go Sugar-Free
  366. Micro-nutrients You Cannot Go Without
  367. Could it be Menopause? Reducing Symptoms
  368. What is Perimenopause?
  369. How Long Will It Take to Get Healthy?
  370. Delicious & Nutritious _____________________(Please fill in the blank within your comment below. This can be a focus on a specific food or recipe. Either way, please include a recipe)
  371. Staycation Ideas for Families
  372. Carcinogens in Our Food
  373. This is making you sick! (Toxic items, foods, thinking, etc.)
  374. Case Studies for Alternative Medicine (Please give us the issue/disease and what method was used within your comment below) MULTIPLE SUBMISSIONS from various Authors accepted
  375. Case Studies for _______ Therapy (Please give us the issue/disease and what method was used within your comment below) MULTIPLE SUBMISSIONS from various Authors accepted
  376. 5 Fascinating Facts About _______________ (Could be a food, exercise, animal, the body, communication, business, just about ANYTHING that is interesting)
  377. How I made a Comeback from: __________ (fill in the blank in your comment below) multiple authors/articles accepted
  378. Remedies for Pain & Inflammation
  379. Visualization Exercise: Relaxation
  380. Visualization Exercise: Shifting Patterns
  381. Visualization Exercise: ________________ (fill in the blank)
  382. Tips to Help You Save Money for Real
  383. Long Term Benefits of Less Stress
  384. DIY Projects for Couples
  385. DIY Projects for Non-Creative People
  386. DIY Projects Repurposing Trash
  387. DIY Projects Using Forest Finds
  388. DIY Projects Using Sustainable Materials
  389. How to Turn Trash into Treasure
  390. Personal Safety Tips (physical or internet)
  391. How Hypnotherapy Can Aid _______________(Please fill in the blank within your comment below)
  392. Pet Therapy: _______________(Please fill in the blank within your comment below)
  393. How Animals Provide Therapy for ____________(Please fill in the blank within your comment below)
  394. Make Your All Natural, Toxic Free _________________(Skincare, cleaner, hair care, etc Please fill in the blank with your comment below)
  395. Tiny Tips that Will Help You Save Money
  396. What are Investors Looking for These Days?
  397. Small Business Funding Ideas
  398. How to Attract and Care for Backyard Birds
  399. Grow a Healthy Indoor Garden: Top Tips
  400. Tricks or Hacks to Rid Pests From your Home
  401. Insulation Tips for Your Home
  402. My Family Tradition:________ (Fill in the blank)
  403. The Best Recipe for __________________ (Fill in the blank)
  404. A Vegan Twist on ___________________ (Your favorite recipe welcome! Multiple authors welcome with unique recipes)
  405. 5 Ways to Volunteer in Your Community (suggest unconventional ways like doing a workshop for the Girl Scouts)
  406. Delicious High Protein Vegetarian Recipe For: ________________ (Fill in the blank)
  407. How Much Should We Get of Each Vitamin & Mineral?
  408. Pair it Up for The Greatest Health Boost (What vitamins/minerals/herbs/spices work together to give the best health benefits?)
  409. 5 Tips to See Through Lies
  410. Is it Really Healthy? ___________ (fill in the blank)
  411. Home Made Natural Remedies (This can be for health issues, skincare, haircare, cuts, and scrapes, etc. *When claiming this, please note in your comment WHAT your remedy will cure. Multiple authors welcome for different issues, etc.)
  412. Can We Cure Ourselves?
  413. My Disease _________ & How I Cope (Open to share your issues to inspire more humility & understanding? We welcome articles from multiple authors for various issues.)
  414. Preparing for Aging: Our Changing Body & its Needs
  415. My ‘Friend’ Always Has an Issue (This can be tips for self-care, boundaries, and advice to keep a healthy friendship)
  416. Turbo Charge Your Weight Loss
  417. 5 Hacking Prevention Tips (online safety)
  418. 5 Natural Hair Care Remedies (and how they help)
  419. Natural Remedies for Thinning Hair for Women
  420. Natural Remedies for Thinning Hair for Men
  421. 10 Tips & Natural Remedies (please note in comments what they are for. ie Skin, Hair, Inflammation, PMS, Stress, etc.)
  422. What is Autoimmune Disease?
  423. What is Hypersensitivity?
  424. Thyroid Issues? How to know
  425. Family Fun Ideas on a Budget
  426. Getting Over Him (or Her) Today
  427. My Journey with _________________ & What I Learned (Many WUVIPs can do this title as long as topics are different)
  428. Best Advice I Ever Got on _______________ (Fill in the blank)
  429. When You Feel More Than Tired
  430. Do You Recognize Your Symptoms? Exploring __________________ (Fill in the blank)
  431. The Worst Decision That Changed My Life by ______________ (Your name)
  432. When Everyone Tells You ________________ (you’re too aggressive, you’re a perfectionist, etc.)
  433. 5 Foods That Literally Melt Fat
  434. What Made Me Decide it Was Time For Me to _____________( fill in the blank)
  435. Did you know __________? (Fill in the blank)
  436. 5 Alternative Natural Remedies to Medication for _____________________(fill in the blank: mirages, pain, high blood pressure, etc.)
  437. The Miracle Herb ____________________ (fill in the blank)
  438. When is the Right Time to Tell Your Child ______________? (Fill in the blank)
  439. Travel Tips to Stay Safe
  440. Self Defense Moves for Women
  441. Self Defense Moves for Seniors
  442. Support for Caregivers
  443. An NLP Technique for Prosperity
  444. Increase Success with NLP
  445. NLP Public Speaking Tips
  446. How to Create a New Anchor with NLP
  447. Empowerment Quiz
  448. Confidence Quiz
  449. Finding Your Path Quiz
  450. True Love Quiz
  451. Compatibility Quiz
  452. Zodiac Signs that Are Compatible
  453. Zodiac Signs that Aren’t Compatible
  454. 5 Signs You Have an Addiction to __________________ (Please list in comments below what you are filling in the blank with. Ex: Working out, Sex, Food, etc.)
  455. 5 Natural Remedies for ________________ (Please list in comments below what you are filling in the blank with.)
  456. 10 Tips for Rehabilitating a Broken Heart
  457. Living Pain-Free
  458. How to Save Money and Kick Debt
  459. How to Safely Deal with an Obsessive Person
  460. Walking on Eggshells? Communication Tips
  461. What’s the Difference Between _____________ and _______? (Fill in the blank)
  462. Is Technology Changing Our Chemistry?
  463. What’s the Difference Between an Addiction and an Obsession?
  464. Have You Tried ____________? (This can be an exercise, food, technique, etc. Explain what it is and the benefits/ Multiple authors welcome)
  465. What is EFT & How to Increase Joy
  466. My Secret ______________ (fill in the blank)
  467. Sleep Remedies and Tools that Won’t Fail
  468. (An Illness) ____________ What is it & How to Treat (Multiple Authors for this one! Please note the illness in comments and please do not duplicate another author’s illness)
  469. Do you know these signs of Dementia?
  470. The Amazing Healing Benefits of _______________ (Music, Nature, Forgiveness, Etc. Please fill in the blank. Multiple Authors welcome with different topics
  471. Hypo/Hyperthyroidism – Symptoms, Effects & Remedies
  472. Healing on a Soul (or Spiritual) Level for Pain-Free Living
  473. How to Come Back from Rock Bottom
  474. My _____ is Out of Control! Top Help Tips (Multiple authors with different topics welcome. In your comment below, specify what you will fill in the blank with. Ex.: Dog, Thyroid, Weight, Spending, Child, Addiction, etc.)
  475. How to identify if my child is ________________ (Fill in the blank: Being abused, Bullied, Depressed, etc.)
  476. Time Saving Tips for Parents
  477. Reiki: A Natural Remedy for ____________ (fill in the blank)
  478. Benefits of Yoga Pose _________ (fill in the blank)
  479. Top 5 Alternative Medicine Practices
  480. 5 Top Healing Practices Dating Back 1000+ Years
  481. It’s Weird, Beautiful, and Edible! (List of things [flowers, etc.] that are edible)What is a ______ and Why it’s Encouraged (Fill in the blank with a traditional or Alternative medical test: Allergy test, Colonoscopy, etc.
  482. Where does ADD come from?
  483. Reduce the risk of __________ (fill in the blank)
  484. How Can I Save the Environment?
  485. What is a Balanced Diet?
  486. What is the Paleo Diet?
  487. What is a Ketogenic Diet?
  488. What is Bariatric Surgery?
  489. What is a Fibroid?
  490. What is Environmental Science?
  491. What is Environmental Justice?
  492. What are the Causes of Cancer?
  493. What Happens When You Have a Heart Attack?
  494. What is Alzheimer’s Disease?
  495. What is Cognitive Development?
  496. How to Read Nutrition Labels
  497. Is Dairy Really Bad for Me?
  498. The Chemistry of Nutrition

January Awareness Month Events

  • Cervical Health Awareness Month
  • High-Tech Month
  • Hot Tea Month
  • International Creativity Month
  • It’s Okay to Be Different Month
  • National Bath Safety Month
  • National Birth Defects Prevention Month
  • National Blood Donor Month
  • National Book Month
  • National Braille Literacy Month
  • National Get Organized Month
  • National Glaucoma Awareness Month
  • National Hobby Month
  • National Mentoring Month
  • National Oatmeal Month
  • National Radon Action Month
  • National Soup Month
  • National Stalking Awareness Month
  • National Winter Sports TBI Awareness Month
  • Reaching Your Potential Month
  • Reference Book Month
  • Thyroid Awareness Month

*Denotes that date changes each year.

January Daily Holidays and Fun Observances (Thank you to The Spruce website)

  • January 1: New Year’s Day, National Hangover Day
  • January 1: Ring A Bell Day
  • January 1: Copyright Law Day
  • January 1: Euro Day
  • January 1: Commitment Day
  • January 1: Polar Bear Swim Day
  • January 1: Bloody Mary Day
  • January 1: “Z” Day
  • January 2: World Introvert Day
  • January 2: Creampuff Day
  • January 2: 55 mph Speed Limit Day
  • January 2: Fruitcake Toss Day
  • January 2: Happy “Mew” Year Day for Cats 
  • January 2: Personal Trainer Awareness Day
  • January 2: Motivation and Inspiration Day
  • January 2: Buffet Day
  • January 2: National Science Fiction Day
  • January 3: J.R.R. Tolkien Day, Festival of Sleep Day, Humiliation Day
  • January 3: Festival of Sleep Day
  • January 3: Drinking Straw Day
  • January 3: Chocolate Covered Cherry Day
  • January 3: National Humiliation Day
  • January 4: Trivia Day, National Spaghetti Day, Fruitcake Toss Day* (first Saturday)
  • January 4: Weigh-In Day
  • January 4: World Braille Day
  • January 4: Pop Music Chart Day
  • January 4: Hypnotism Day
  • January 5: National Bird Day
  • January 5: Whipped Cream Day
  • January 5: Bird Day
  • January 6: Sherlock Holmes’ Birthday, Cuddle Up Day, Bean Day
  • January 6: Apple Tree Day
  • January 6: Shortbread Day
  • January 6: Three Kings Day
  • January 7: National Old Rock Day
  • January 7: Tempura Day
  • January 7: Bobblehead Day
  • January 7: Harlem Globetrotter Day
  • January 7: I’m Not Going to Take It Anymore Day 
  • January 8: Bubble Bath Day, National Take the Stairs Day* (second Wednesday)
  • January 8: Joy Germ Day
  • January 8: Show and Tell at Work Day
  • January 9: National Static Electricity Day, National Word Nerd Day
  • January 9: Apricot Day
  • January 9: Balloon Ascension Day
  • January 9: Play God Day
  • January 9: Law Enforcement Appreciation Day
  • January 10: Peculiar People Day, Houseplant Appreciation Day, National Bittersweet Chocolate Day
  • January 10: Cut Your Energy Costs Day
  • January 11: Amelia Earhart Day
  • January 11: Clean Off Your Desk Day
  • January 11: Hot Toddy Day
  • January 12: National Pharmacist Day, National Hot Tea Day
  • January 12: Kiss A Ginger Day 
  • January 12: Marzipan Day
  • January 12: Poetry At Work Day
  • January 12: Pharmacist Day
  • January 13: Make Your Dream Come True Day, National Rubber Ducky Day
  • January 13: Sticker Day
  • January 13: Skeptics Day
  • January 14: Ratification Day (Treaty of Paris), National Dress Up Your Pet Day
  • January 14: International Kite Day
  • January 14: Organize Your Home Day
  • January 15: Strawberry Ice Cream Day, National Hat Day, National Bagel Day
  • January 15: Pothole Day
  • January 16: Appreciate a Dragon Day, National Nothing Day
  • January 16: Religious Freedom Day
  • January 16: International Hot and Spicy Food Day
  • January 17: Benjamin Franklin Day, Ditch New Year’s Resolutions Day
  • January 17: Kid Inventor’s Day
  • January 17: Religion Day
  • January 17: Cable Car Day
  • January 18: Thesaurus Day, Winnie the Pooh Day
  • January 18: Martin Luther King Day
  • January 18: Blue Monday
  • January 18: Family Mediation Week
  • January 19: National Popcorn Day, National Tin Can Day
  • January 20: Inauguration Day* (21st if the 20th is a Sunday, each year after a presidential election), Martin Luther King Jr. Day* (third Monday), National Cheese Lovers Day, Penguin Awareness Day
  • January 20: Disc Jockey Day
  • January 20: Buttercrunch Day
  • January 20: Day of Acceptance
  • January 21: National Hugging Day, Squirrel Appreciation Day
  • January 21: International Sweatpants Day
  • January 21: Women’s Healthy Weight Day 
  • January 22: National Blonde Brownie Day
  • January 22: Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day
  • January 22: Hot Sauce Day
  • January 22: Celebration of Life Day 
  • January 23: National Handwriting Day, National Pie Day
  • January 24: National Compliment Day, Clashing Clothes Day* (fourth Thursday), Belly Laugh Day
  • January 24: Peanut Butter Day
  • January 25: Chinese New Year* (date varies), National Seed Swap Day* (last Saturday), Opposite Day
  • January 25: Opposite Day
  • January 25: Irish Coffee Day
  • January 25: Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day* (last Monday) 
  • January 26: Toad Hollow Day of Encouragement, Spouse’s Day
  • January 26: Australia Day
  • January 26: Spouse Day
  • January 27: National Chocolate Cake Day, Punch the Clock Day
  • January 27: World Breast Pumping Day
  • January 27: National Geographic Day
  • January 28: National Kazoo Day, Data Privacy Day
  • January 28: International Lego Day
  • January 28: Global Community Engagement Day
  • January 28: Blueberry Pancake Day
  • January 29: National Puzzle Day, National Corn Chip Day
  • January 29: Fun at Work Day
  • January 29: Freethinkers Day
  • January 30: Draw a Dinosaur Day
  • January 30: Insane Answering Message Day
  • January 30: Seed Swap Day
  • January 31: Backward Day
  • January 31: Inspire Your Heart with Art Day

January Weekly Holidays and Observances

  • Diet Resolutions Week (first week)
  • Someday We’ll Laugh About This Week (2-8)
  • Universal Letter Writing Week (second week)
  • Folic Acid Awareness Week (second week)
  • Pizza Week (starts on the first Sunday of the month)
  • Sugar Awareness Week (third week)
  • Healthy Weight Week (third week)
  • No Name-Calling Week* (mid-January, varies)
  • Hot Air Balloon Week (fourth week)
  • National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week (fourth week)
  • Junior Achievement Week (fourth week)
  • School Choice Week (last week)

February Awareness Month Events:

  • Adopt A Rescued Rabbit Month
  • African-American History Month
  • AMD/Low Vision Awareness Month
  • American Heart Month
  • American History Month
  • Bake for Family Fun Month
  • Berry Fresh in the Sunshine State Month
  • Black History/Heritage Month (Canada)
  • Chocolate Lover’s Month
  • Creative Romance Month
  • Deaf History Month
  • Fabulous Florida Strawberry Month
  • Festival of Camellias Month
  • From Africa to Virginia Month
  • Great American Pies Month
  • Greek-American Heritage Month
  • Human Relations Month
  • International Boost Self-Esteem Month
  • International Prenatal Infection Prevention Month
  • Irish-American Heritage Month
  • Library Lovers Month
  • Marfan Syndrome Awareness Month
  • Marijuana Awareness Month
  • Mental Retardation Awareness Month
  • National African American History Month (Black History)
  • National Bird Feeding Month
  • National Black History Month (African American)
  • National Boost-Your-Self-Esteem Month
  • National Canned Food Month
  • National Care About Your Indoor Air Month
  • National Cherry Pie Month
  • National Children’s Dental Health Month
  • National Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Awareness Month
  • National Condom Month
  • National Craft Month
  • National Dental Month
  • National Get To Know an Independent Real Estate Broker Month
  • National Grapefruit Month
  • National Hot Breakfast Month
  • National Laugh-Friendly Month
  • National Mend A Broken Heart Month
  • National Multiple Sclerosis Education and Awareness Month
  • National Parent Leadership Month
  • National Pet Dental Health Month
  • National Senior Independence Month
  • National Snack Food Month
  • National Sweet Potato Month
  • National Time Management Month
  • National Weddings Month
  • National Women’s History Month
  • North Carolina Sweet Potato Month
  • Plant the Seeds of Greatness Month
  • Relationship Wellness Month
  • Return Shopping Carts to the Supermarket Month
  • Spiritual Wellness Month
  • Spunky Old Broads Month
  • Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month
  • Wise Health Care Consumer Month
  • Worldwide Renaissance of the Heart Month

February National Days

  • National Dark Chocolate Day (Feb 1)
  • National Eat Ice Cream for Breakfast Day (Feb 1)
  • National Freedom Day (Feb 1)
  • National Get Up Day (Feb 1)
  •  Candlemas Day (Feb 2)
  • Groundhog Day (Feb 2)
  • National Hedgehog Day (Feb 2)
  • National Tater Tot Day (Feb 2)
  • National Ukulele Day (Feb 2)
  • Doggy Date Night (Feb 3)
  • National Carrot Cake Day (Feb 3)
  •  National Golden Retriever Day (Feb 3)
  • National Signing Day (Feb 3)
  •  National Women Physicians Day (Feb 3)
  •  National Thank a Mail Carrier Day (Feb 4)
  • World Cancer Day (Feb 4)
  •  Give Kids A Smile (Feb 5)
  •  National Bubble Gum Day (Feb 5)
  •  National Chocolate Fondue Day (Feb 5)
  •  National Shower with a Friend Day (Feb 5)
  •  National Wear Red Day (Feb 5)
  •  National Weatherperson’s Day (Feb 5)
  •  World Nutella Day (Feb 5)
  •  Bob Marley’s Birthday (Feb 6)
  • National Frozen Yogurt Day (Feb 6)
  • Time to Talk Day (Feb 6)
  •  National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (Feb 7)
  •  National Fettuccine Alfredo Day (Feb 7)
  •  National Send a Card to a Friend Day (Feb 7)
  •  Super Bowl Sunday (Feb 7)
  •  National Boy Scout Day (Feb 8)
  •  National Kite-Flying Day (Feb 8)
  •  National Pizza Day (Feb 9)
  •  National Toothache Day (Feb 9)
  •  Safer Internet Day (Feb 9)
  •  National Umbrella Day (Feb 10)
  •  International Day of Women and Girls in Science (Feb 11)
  •  National Clean Out Your Computer Day (Feb 11)
  •  National Guitar Day (Feb 11)
  •  National Inventors’ Day (Feb 11)
  •  National Make a Friend Day (Feb 11)
  •  Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday (Feb 12)
  •  Chinese New Year (Feb 12)
  •  National Plum Pudding Day (Feb 12)
  •  Galentine’s Day (Feb 13)
  • National Tortellini Day (Feb 13)
  •  World Radio Day (Feb 13)
  •  National Donor Day (Feb 14)
  •  Valentine’s Day (Feb 14)
  •  Presidents Day (Feb 15)
  •  Singles Awareness Day (Feb 15)
  •  Mardi Gras (Feb 16)
  • National Almond Day (Feb 16)
  •  National Pancake Day (Feb 16)
  •  Paczki Day (Feb 16)
  •  Ash Wednesday (Feb 17)
  • Random Act of Kindness Day (Feb 17)
  • National Drink Wine Day (Feb 18)
  •  National Chocolate Mint Day (Feb 19)
  • Tug of War Day (Feb 19)
  •  National Love Your Pet Day (Feb 20)
  •  National Muffin Day (Feb 20)
  •  National Sticky Bun Day (Feb 21)
  •  National Margarita Day (Feb 22)
  •  National Walking the Dog Day (Feb 22)
  •  International Dog Biscuit Appreciation Day (Feb 23)
  •  World Spay Day (Feb 23)
  • National Tortilla Chip Day (Feb 24)
  •  National Chili Day (Feb 25)
  •  National Clam Chowder Day (Feb 25) 
  •  Purim (Feb 25)
  • National Pistachio Day (Feb 26)
  •  Yukon Heritage Day (Feb 26)
  •  International Polar Bear Day (Feb 27)
  • National Pokemon Day (Feb 27)
  •  National Protein day (Feb 27)
  • National Chocolate Souffle Day (Feb 28)
  • Rare Disease Day (Feb 28)

February Awareness Week Events

  • African Heritage and Health Week (first week of February)
  • Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week (Feb. 3–9)
  • Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Week (Feb. 7–14)
  • Heart Failure Awareness Week (Feb. 9–15)
  • Condom Week (Feb. 14–21)
  • Eating Disorders Awareness and Screening Week (Feb. 24–March 1)
Recommend0 recommendationsPublished in Uncategorized


    1. The Wellness Universe Post author

      Hi, @patriciaelizabeth

      Thank you for your interest in writing these articles. Please note, I would need the time-sensitive articles at least two weeks prior to the date of the event. So, I would need you to submit the New Moon article for January by January 10th and the Affirmations for February by January 16th. If this is no worries for you, then we’d love for you to write these articles. 🙂 I look forward to your submissions. Please feel free to email me at [email protected] if you should have any questions.


  1. Gael Wood

    I would like to write
    17. Ways to show gratitude to your spouse on spouse day.
    24. Top 10 tips to live the life of your dreams in 2021.
    15. 5 ways to lol on Belly Laugh Day.

  2. Gael Wood

    In February I would like to write

    #36 How to Experience Happiness Every Day
    #45 How to be confident taking risks
    #58 Stop Saying this to Yourself (I’ll do it when…)

    1. The Wellness Universe Post author

      Hi, @gaelwood

      Thank you for your interest! This blog call is only for January, but please write down those topics, and you can claim them as soon as we publish February’s blog call on February 1st. 🙂



  3. Dolores Fazzino

    I am part of the Complete Self-Care series for Happiness.

    I have my blog post for Feb 10th ready…please advise as to where to send this.

    In appreciation,
