Share & Support: Release & Let Go Meditation with Kim Bayne

Meditation is simple way to clarify vision, relax and set intentions. It’s also a way to purge negative feelings and release what is not serving our greatest good while opening a channel to receive the infinite guidance and wisdom of the Universe.

We welcome you to connect with Kim and others who have experienced the February meditation: Releasing & Letting Go. 

Some ways to explore your experience, connect with Kim and your group:

What did you experience in February’s meditation?

Do you have any questions for Kim?

Do you have suggestions or requests?

You are invited to comment below and share about your experience, what has changed in your life and allow us to celebrate your growth and transformation.

Kim is available to connect with here.

Here is a list if The Wellness Universe Monthly Meditations. Join us LIVE for upcoming meditations and access the recording of past meditations free:

February 2018: Release & Let Go
March 2018: Balancing & Grounding

To support your healing journey, Kim will hold a Distant Reiki session on Sunday 2/25 at 8am. If you would like to be a recipient of Kim’s powerful Reiki, please post in comments. If you feel you would like to share what you want to release, please share or you’re welcome to keep it private.  

We are here to support your journey to whole health and happiness. 

Recommended4 recommendationsPublished in Uncategorized


  1. Rosi Goldsmith

    Hi, Kimberly,

    Thank you for an awesome meditation! And thank you Amy Camie for beautiful music to accompany. I’m in the middle of a flu/virus/bug, and the meditation actually made my breathing easier. 😊

    Thank you and blessings to you,

  2. Diane Boyko Achatz

    I just listened to the replay of this meditation. It was so wonderful, and I filled my bubble and pushed it away. As it floated away I felt lighter and more calm. I like guided meditations sometimes, and I could feel the grass and smell the air. Thank you for providing this for us; I am going to be able to recreate this for myself whenever I feel the stress and anxiety. Sending light and love your way!

  3. Felicia Reed

    Thank you for wonderful healing energy. I’m signing up for distance love and light through your beautiful gift. Bless you back!

  4. Francis Williams

    Thank you for the gift of Reiki and for including me in your release and let go this Sunday 2/25/2018. After this week, I sure can use it.
    Can you also include the name Conroy Fletcher. He is my partner and would really appreciate your healing energy as well

  5. Kimberly Bayne

    I hope you all benefit greatly from this distant Reiki. I will begin at 8am. the only thing you need to do is be open and allow the Reiki energy to heal what needs to be healed.

    I would Love to know later on today or possibly tomorrow if and how you benefited from the Reiki.

    Love and Light to all.

  6. Rosi Goldsmith

    Dear Kimberly,

    It was absolutely a breakthrough for me. I gained clarity to recognize that my immune system has been dysfunctional and I was able to speak up with confidence. I had a doctor’s appointment Monday. I had her do a lot of immune function tests. I spoke up to a colleague who said it sounded like I had chronic Lyme disease.

    Bingo!!! I had Lyme disease in 2001 with a perfect bull’s-eye from a tick bite. By today’s understandings, the antibiotics I took for 30 days in 2001 are completely inadequate, and allow the Lyme disease to go underground into a latent form.

    I had exposure to an entire east wall of my condo that was full of mold or year ago. That’s exactly the kind of incident that can trigger latent Lyme disease into active form. All my symptoms fit this picture.

    I started on the homeopathics she recommended and immediately noticed a difference. The next day, I had an appointment with my naturopath/ homeopath, who is working closely with me to get the prescriptions balanced.

    I am certain, certain, but it was your Reiki that gave me the strength and support to speak up about this. A whole new chapter of discovering a chronic illness and strategies to get through it.

    I know I have rambled on here for a bit. I have been doing Reiki since 1985, I know that it can provide exactly this kind of mental clarity, not just physical healing. So I wanted to let others know as well. Your excellent Reiki has made such a huge difference. I am so grateful to you. Thank you, Kimberly!

    1. Kimberly Bayne

      Oh Rosi, THANK YOU so much for sharing that! I am truly elated that you had such a breakthrough and that the Reiki I sent helped in doing so.

      Love and Light’

  7. Heather Corinne Lang

    Hello Kim!
    I just listened to your February meditation (finally!). It was lovely and peaceful. I love listening to the beautiful harp music…Amy is amazing!
    I was both with you and not with the meditation…my “stairs” were stepping stones over a creek, like a bridge. At the pond, a mermaid came to play and drew me into the water and we swam together, and I felt the water cleansing and clearing me of debris (baggage) I didn’t need…then took me to float in the ocean through a tunnel. She brought me back and placed me on the edge of the pond, (in time to do the bubble, although it felt like a much longer time) when a dolphin popped up reminding me to incorporate more play into my days. A turkey vulture came and took my bubble and then Hawk came and sat on my shoulder, lifted me up and placed me on the black dragon which is with me, working with me in my Reiki sessions and life. I flew on the black dragon, and he took me back to my stone bridge. Hawk has been around a lot with messages, so this was very cool.
    Looking forward to your future sessions.
    Love, Heather