DearJames® Daily – The Power of Wisdom

No rights or wrongs: just levels of conscious awareness

This statement reflects the wisdom found in the Taoist tradition of “Who knows what’s Good or Bad.”

Every act in life is both Divine and neutral by nature.

It is only our judgments, perceptions, and actions or inactions, based upon these judgments and perceptions, that renders them Good or Bad.

“The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing.” And yet in this moment of evil where good people do nothing, wisdom still presents itself and prevails in the reaction to or aftermath of such acts.

What Phoenix of wisdom rises from the ashes of any given event or experience?

Wisdom by its very definition is the quality of having experience , knowledge, and good judgment; the quality of being wise.

Wisdom requires conscious awareness, a heightened state of reasoned detachment so as to discern the gift in every life experience: not simply our reactions to or judgments of these experiences.

Without an irritant or grain of sand, no pearl of beauty or wisdom ever presents itself.

Likewise, buried in the husk of wisdom lies its opposite: its challenges, experiences, processes and resolutions.

Wisdom is born of Conscious Awareness.

Commit to practicing ever-greater Conscious Awareness…Wisdom 

Wrap Yourself In Goodness®

Quote By: Edmund Burke

Photo Credit: Nadezda Verbenko/©

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