30 Positive Affirmations for a Happy 2017

Our journey is all about storms.

You can choose to throw up your shields and hide until it passes, or throw on your boots and dance in the rain. No matter which way you choose to travel through these storms, you will get through.

Below are 30 of my favorite positive affirmations. May they bring hope, peace of mind, and the perseverance to always embrace your incredible light. Make 2017 your brightest year yet!

Start your day with the freedom of happiness. Thankfulness for the simple pleasures brings a joy that no one can take from you.

Embrace your uniqueness! If we were meant to be like everyone else we wouldn’t have been born different in the first place.

When you let your love shine, the whole world will shine with you.

If it feels like life is blowing you away, grab hold and embrace the winds of change.

Embrace your inner child so you can forget words like can’t and won’t, and replace them with yes and I will.

Even on your darkest days, you have inside you the strength and perseverance to let your light break free.

Believe in yourself! Make your dreams a reality by embracing your fears and diving back into life.

Hang in there! Even when your obstacles are bigger than you, there’s always a way through.

How we feel about ourselves is what we reflect to the world. Let your light shine!

The things that come to those who wait, can also be the things left behind by those that got there first. Chase your dreams!

Acceptance of your flaws is allowing yourself to be enough. Never be sorry for who you are.

Sometimes when we try new things we slip up a bit, hang on tight to your dreams and try again!

An animal loves without conditions or judgment. Love like an animal!

If you leave a little bit of your light everywhere you go, you will always find your way home.

Sometimes it takes a friend to lift our spirits. Be that friend!

Consider giving to those with less, even if all you can give is time and love.

Don’t ever let anyone tell you how or who to love. No one has a love like yours, own it, live it, be it!!

Stop worrying about things you can’t control. Be mindful of your moments, they won’t be repeated.

Celebrate yourself every day, not just because you can, but because you’re worth it!

You can accomplish anything you put your light into!

Ignite your childlike wonder, you can embrace the madness, achieve the impossible, and follow your dreams.

To do Today… Throw on your grateful gear, toss out your grumpy pants, live the happy life you deserve.

When you take the time to ponder who you really are, you realize, you really are a miracle.

It’s not about the opinion of others, it’s about your opinion of you! Listen to your heart and take those risks. Believe in your learning process and be faithfully guided to your destiny.

You are limited edition! Make every moment count!

Trust yourself to know, when to spread your wings and fly, and when to be still and shine.

Life doesn’t always go as planned. Thankfully like the sun, we awaken with the chance to begin again.

True greatness lies in what you can give, not what you can get. Be a go-giver, rather than a go-getter.

Living a confident life is not being certain you will win. It’s being completely okay with the possibility of losing.

The universe has gifted you with another day on this journey, not necessarily because you needed it, but because someone else might need you.

– Jenny Tasker

Original Blog Source: http://blog.thewellnessuniverse.com/30-positive-affirmations-for-a-happy-2017

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