We are all souls on a journey. As part of our divine humanity, we feel. We experience joy, sadness, grief, gratitude, and so on.
Sometimes, during our journey, we experience events and emotions that are challenging. We may experience trauma or other painful events.
Our experiences and emotions impact our bodies, our minds, and our souls. It is important that we are present with all of our emotions and that we love every aspect relating to our feelings and emotions.
Doing so enables us to live authentically and wholly, and approach life from a place of integrity and loving-kindness. It allows us to, well, be. Be who we are divinely guided to be, bringing our unique gifts and talents to ourselves and others.
During today’s VoiceAmerica show Ilene Dillon, Transpersonal Coach and Author, and I will journey into “The Emotions Portal”. We will discover the power to feel, heal and love all your emotions and discuss why that is important.
Join us on VoiceAmerica at 1 pm ET/10 am PT.
You can also reach out to me at [email protected] if you have any requests, feedback, or would like to contact me directly.
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