Let Go of Regret and Empower Yourself

We all have moments of regret, something that we wish we had done or handled differently. If those thoughts carry negative emotions, weigh you down, or cause deep pain recognize they may be robbing you of the present moment’s experience.

What can we do to release this type of negative emotion? Remember, you can only change your perception of the present moment. You can release the toxic effects that you experience emotionally, mentally and physically. I believe the key is living fully in the present moment. I understand this is difficult and challenging; the present holds the healing space needed.

Can you see how the event positively molded the person that you are in the here and now? Can you choose to see that the empowerment is in the present and the victim mentality is in the past? Can you see this as a memory, and not the present moment? By doing so, you recognize that there is no reason to carry that memory or create it in the present.

Remember, all emotions and thoughts are a choice. Recognize what you are feeling and consciously make a choice to experience what you want.

Listen to this exercise to assist in releasing regret and embrace a sense of contentment in the present moment:

By Nancy Gentle Boudrie, Awaken With Light, Inc.

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