Sparkler for the Day:

Let’s just be clear here. Comfort zones are not all that. Sure, we love cuddling up with a nice hot bowl of stew, in a soft, warm blanket by a fire when it’s snowing outside. It’s like revisiting the womb experience, right? We have food, warmth, and protection from the external forces in the world. Sort of. The comfort zone seems to me like a pretty passive place to hang out. Where’s the spark of excitement? Of life? We define our zone of comfort as that place where we know the lay of the land. We have surety. We think we have safety. Illusions all of it. Change – the opposite of a comfort zone is the constant after all. I say embrace the unknown. It’s inevitable. Why not go with the flow? That great Tool song “46 and 2” speaks to moving beyond the comfort zone: “…I wanna feel the changes coming down. I wanna know what I’ve been hiding in. My shadow. Change is coming through my shadow. My shadow’s shedding skin…I wanna feel the change consume me, feel the outside turning in…” Reach through the shadow of your comfort zone and step out into the sun. You’ll never know the joy of a sunbeam dancing unless you come out to play with it.

#GetYourSparkOn #FeelTheRapture #WaheGuru #kippinitreal  ???

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