~ Full Mooness ~

Oh heavenly orb

bring your night beams to rest

quietly on my heart.

Sweet Luna Mother

puller and pusher of tides,

I hear your gentle laugh

in the echoes of the night

as you come back around

in your full mooness.

Walk this path

me and you

oh light of the night,

shine down your grace down

as I dance through the woods

and join the trees and the breeze

swaying to your celestial rhythms.

Help me loose and sever the chords

of all that holds me back,

lay down worries and concerns;

let them rest in the stones –

may your light cleanse them free.

Oh bright white goddess of the dark

light above me

blaze the way

flow before me, to me

let me lean gently into your currents

surround me

move through me

keep me afloat in you.

Oh sweet maiden of the moon,

Mother in the heavens,

if I show you my heart

if I tell you my truth,

promise you’ll hold my gaze.

as you beam your radiance down

show me how to accept all of myself,

especially the parts rough and edgy –

all that lives in my deep dark corners.

Bless me with crystal vision,

lead me to release the old,

call in and embrace new growth.

Let me awaken in your luminescence

from the dream of then into the now,

and swell to full ripening bloom,

unfolding evermore

from that eternal space we share

inside my heart.

-ERKipp 01/11/17 https://elizabeth-kipp.com

#FullMooness #Awaken #ElizabethsBlog #kippinitreal

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