Practicing faith, grounding, and presence helps you find peace and possibility in the unknown.

It feels lately like there is so much uncertainty, so much unknown about the future. And that can feel unsettling and/or chaotic. And possibly a bit unnerving.

The reality is that life is full of unknowns and things that are certain. How we deal with the unknown helps set us up for being grateful for that which we know and have. It also helps us find peace and possibility in the unknown and opens the space for miracles and outcomes beyond what we can imagine.

Practicing faith, grounding, and presence helps with the goal of peace and possibility. Believing in divinity in however that speaks to you, through the belief in a higher power, the Universe, or divine guidance facilitates a connection of support and the greater good. Grounding yourself and remaining present enables awareness in the moment and provides the ability to be in choice.

Being in the flow of peace and possibility opens up the energy for magic and miracles. And sometimes the unknown allows us to receive gifts that go beyond what we thought we needed.

It is important to have practices in place that keep you grounded and in faith no matter the circumstances. To help you create your own practices, I am offering a course beginning in February. During our time together, we will travel through the 12 portals of Sacred Haven and explore how they help you release blocked energy and step into abundance and joy. You will learn about the gifts you possess and how they support deep soulful healing, intuition strengthening and guidance, and embodied action.

I invite you to sign up for the VIP Waitlist HERE.

You can also reach out to me at [email protected] if you have any requests, feedback, or would like to contact me directly.

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