“In nature every season has an end and then bursts forth with a new beginning, a new season.” Seasons bring us new opportunities. No matter your age, or experience, embrace each new Season as it brings you a fresh new start, new ideas, and possibilities.

As Jefferson Airplane’s (now Jefferson Starship) Gracie Slick sang, in White Rabbit,

When logic and proportion

Have fallen sloppy dead,

And the White Knight is talking backwards

And the Red Queen’s “off with her head!”

Remember what the dormouse said:

“Feed your head. Feed your head. Feed your head”

“Feed your head”. For me, it means; THINK, FEEL, check my gut (Intuition), and EAT something good for me. I’ve attained a bit of wisdom after all these years, that enables me to look at this time in my life as the newest “Season”.

And it’s a douzy. Especially the past year and three-quarters. And since we’re all in the same pandemic, hoping and praying it ends very soon, perhaps this will give you hope and some ideas for enjoying your current season. 

When you find yourself ruminating on the past, or imagining some future scenario where your first thought is the worst possible thing that could happen –STOP– catch yourself mid-sentence, and “notice what you’re noticing”. If it’s negative self-talk, start visualizing other possible and more positive outcomes – perhaps potentials you may not have yet considered.

Use your imagination, it’s a power you possess and may not be using as often as you can. Be a kid again and stare at the sky, notice the clouds, colors and formations. Feed that power in your head.

Write your positive thoughts on paper, notebook or your phone. Words have power. Especially those that come from your heart. Read them daily, one or more times when you’re feeling blah. Read them often to enjoy hope when your mind isn’t busy focusing on what’s wrong or fearing about the future. Feed on the good words you’ll feel better quickly.

And while you’re at it, try this: The future is not fixed, you have that power to create your future with joy and peace of mind. Remember, your brain is in your head; your mind taps into the Universe. It’s what brings you that gut feeling, or Intuition, sometimes from out of the blue.

Does anyone know where the blue is?

The voice for truth speaks to us every day. Our ability to hear it depends on our willingness to listen. The old adage about having 2 ears and 1 mouth comes to mind here. Listen with your heart knowing that wisdom is available to you at all times – Being aware is what empowers you to hear.

Speaking of Intuition, it’s another one of those powers you possess. It usually works through our thoughts and sometimes those ideas that pop into our head may actually be the answers to the questions we have.

Here’s an example that flowed from my intuition or what popped into my head, when I began talking with a friend and writing about serving humanity and doing my part:

“At this time of craziness and uncertainty, STOP Thought: I’ll change that to opportunity, I like that better, we all have to do our part, whether it’s small or big, and the Universe really doesn’t know the difference as long as we are Being who we are supposed to be and Doing our parts of the puzzle. It all goes together in time, when it’s ready to be done, like timing the different parts of a meal to be ready all together. We’re serving up some new ideas and ways of thinking, which, come to think of it are ancient principles remembered and recycled in a new age that’s forgotten who people are. We divine beings are rediscovering those principles and lo and behold, they DO apply to us all. Gotta spread that message from my heart”!

And the thoughts went on: And we do have responsibility for our planet as a living, breathing Being, ‘Lady Gaia’ as I call her. There’s a lot we can do as individuals, like buying food from small organic farmers; which will support those independent farms and organically raised animals and produce that don’t produce major amounts of greenhouse gases and planet-saving farming methods that recycle soils naturally, and having our own herb gardens in pots, they’re decorative, tasty, and help us breathe.”

So, we need to get to know and trust our inner guide as it’s crucial to finding the answers to our questions as we build our dreams and move forward in life.

Really listening to your intuition and imagination is a skill that can be developed. Meditation is one way to go inward and become familiar with that ‘voice’ of wisdom. Trusting yourself and your gut feelings. Did you know your heart has a brain?

Once you begin to notice and realize these things you will notice a feeling of freedom. You’ll free your self from the constrains of conventional thinking (or lack thereof), that keeps people stuck and small. Those ‘shoulds and ought tos’ that keep us small and feeling like robots in proverbial ruts.

I hereby give you permission to GROW into your real true self bringing wonderful you to the world, purposefully with joy, enthusiasm, compassion, and all your feelings for humanity. You are needed. Now is your time and the world needs what you and your heart have to give. So Listen to Your heart and BE!

Get your Free copy of my Ebook, “YES You CAN EAT WELL and EAT RIGHT And Re-ignite your passion for cooking.   at

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