Energy Healing Across Ancestry

Leah: I am humbled and grateful to be able to serve people’s healing in a unique way. Here is a testimonial that was just posted on Facebook by Wendy Felt.

Wendy: “I don’t know who needs to hear this, but I just want to share my experience today. I’ve been working with Leah Skurdal for a couple years now, and she has been a life changing spiritual guide for me.

Today I brought up my anxiety, and how it keeps me from wanting to teach my classes or basically interact with people.

Leah said, ok, well let’s trace it back and see how far it goes. (I’m thinking, it’s been all my life!)

She found that it went back through my ancestral line, through my moms side, and traced it back to my great grandmother and beyond, back to Germany.

She spoke to the guardian angels of my grandfather and great grandmother, and together we re-wrote the story of my family line, entering an option for permission not to negate the self in order to meet expectations, and a sense of self acceptance around enjoying and creating beauty as a valid use of time and life.

During the process, she told me things about my family she did not know, and it was very obvious that this was the real deal.

I am just without words.

I’m so grateful for the opportunity to have this warrior- healer in my life. 💛

If you would like to work with her, I think she is open to doing new healing sessions.

I have never had a session with her that didn’t teach me, give me new clarity, and blow my mind a bit because of the obvious channeling of her message from Spirit. Love you guys. Maybe now you’ll be seeing more of me soon 😉 let’s all heal together 🙏”

Leah: Wow! I am honored to be called a ‘warrior-healer!’ I think I will keep that one!
If you would like to schedule an Energy Healing session with me, message me a couple dates and times you are available for a 20 minute Introductory Call.  We will chat about what’s going on for you and feel into how I can help. If we both get a “Yes!”,  we will set up time for a two hour session.  I’m available for Zoom, Skype or phone calls.

Learn more on my website:

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