Lean Not On Your Own Understanding


Proverbs 3:5 – “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.”

I woke up this morning with this Bible verse going through my head over and over again. I also keep hearing “some people aren’t ready for the change they think they want.” I knew Divinity wanted me to channel with them and deliver a message.

Please keep in mind, that I don’t do anything to change any of the channeling other than to correct misspelled words. Everything else stays in its original form so the energies stay the same.

Channeled message from Divinity:

Sometimes it is not meant for you to understand everything as you are experiencing it. There are tests that must play out to strengthen you. Tests of courage, patience, faith, endurance, compassion…for self and others.

Please do not get discouraged during these times, but instead use it as a way to come together united in peace and love. These things will eventually work themselves out.

We know this can be very difficult. Everyone has been so programmed for instant gratification and wanting everything yesterday. This is part of the reason for everything taking so long. To help reset your minds to having the patience to wait for the proper seeds to fruit up so they are healthy and vibrant with life.

Otherwise, you repeat the same mistakes from your past and learn nothing from your experiences. Trials are meant to strengthen, not tear you down or apart. Please use the time to sit in quiet meditation and ignore the chatter coming from your external environment.

Those in darkness hope to use the additional time and violence to trap you further in your minds. Please don’t allow this. Please instead use this as a time to strengthen yourselves in unity and love. Your time will work things out eventually.

Please stop trying to control everything with your worry. It won’t resolve anything. They are trying to get you to pay attention to all this so they can manifest the illusion they want to play out. Please remember what you pay attention to is what you will manifest good or bad. Always.

This is the way it is with the universe. There is no other way. They know this. This is why they are constantly playing games with your minds. Choose not to allow this. Choose to ignore their silly games.

There are many other things you can be doing with your time right now. Find a constructive outlet to free your mind from the slavery they are trying to hold you in. they know the old time continuum is breaking down. They are trying to hold on as long as they can.

Those still trapped in their minds will hold on to the darkness as long as they can for fear of stepping outside of their old ways. They are trapped in their comfort zones and know no other way but through their fear and manipulation.

Please break yourself free from this and realize it isn’t necessary. We want you to rise up in your ascension and move into the higher dimensions closer to us. We cannot allow this for everyone. Only those who are truly ready, or you will compromise the higher layers. Just like with your math and your video games, you must be ready at the lower levels before you can ascend to the higher levels.

The earth is a testing environment. Each of you asked to return here knowing it would be difficult. It was necessary to help the universe at this time through the earth’s ascension through her pole shift to the higher multi-dimensional existence. She is ready. A lot of the humans on the planet are not.

Those of you who cannot release yourselves from the mind entrapment will fall away with the old earth. It is a conscious choice. It is up to each person through free will how you choose.

Lean not on your own understanding. Give it to God and learn from this experience as with all others. Regardless of the outcome, hold onto the lesson that all experiences are more about the journey than the final destination.

We wish you love and peace. We know these are trying times but those of you willing to seek God through these times will be successful in your ascension. It is a free will choice granted to each of you by the Creator.

Until next time, please be strong and stay grounded in peace.

Blog article on my website – https://www.jodyraman.com/blogs/blog/lean-not-on-your-own-understanding

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