Oh, Yes.  Let There Be Light!

As the days finally begin to get longer, light is the theme all around. I feel lighter and more energized when I rise with the sun for my contemplative practices – and actually see it! It is great to write, practice qigong, yoga, chanting and/or meditation while facing the rising sun. On rare sunny days, I drive with the window down and catch golden rays on my face. Lightening up my attitude is a powerful choice always available to each of us. Taking ourselves and circumstances less seriously allows more light into our spirits.

For gray days we often experience in Minnesota, there are full-spectrum lights to help boost our mood. It can also be wonderfully warming and energizing to simply envision (or sense) the warmth and light of the sun (or 10 suns!) just behind your navel, whenever you’re feeling chilly or sluggish. Raise your energy vibration with a basic chant: Repeat aloud 21 (or more) times OM or AUM making the sound for each full exhale. Try one or both of these practices and share your experience!

I support your unique goals with compassionate coaching – empowering conversation – and profound energy healing support in person, by phone and at a distance. Email today to schedule a complimentary 15-minute phone consultation.   It’s time to heal – and you’re worth it!   

Positively Healing,

Rhonda Battisto

Wonder Horse, LLC

Improving the quality of life with compassion

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