Are you experiencing growing pains?

As you journey the path of applying the principles of mindfulness to everyday living, inevitably you grow in mind, body, and spirit. As you evolve to higher levels of consciousness, there are old habits, stuck emotions, and stagnant energy that does not belong in your new way of living. I like to use the example of someone moving from a house that they lived in for 20 years. The need to sort through belongings, getting rid of items that no longer serve. The prospect of a new home is exciting, yet the move can generate feelings of apprehension. It is in the mindful practice of letting go that allows you to realize what you are holding onto, and sometimes it takes more growth and understanding.

I am here to encourage you that nothing is wrong with the challenges you feel while developing Self instead those growing pains are a natural result that you are growing. You will be better able to live your life with greater clarity, authentic truths, inner peace and trust in the Universe by maintaining a mindful way of living.

Listen to this brief guided meditation to help you release the blocks and assist you in the growing pains:

By Nancy Gentle Boudrie, Awaken With Light, Inc. 

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