Happy New Year

Happy New Year!

When someone wishes you a “Happy New Year,” are you elated that it’s a new year? Do you see it as a new beginning or fresh start? Or, are you thinking about all the broken resolutions of the past? Have you once again, “resolved” to lose weight, quit smoking, get organized, or finally quit your job and get your own business started?

I know all about the feelings that go along with making “New Year’s Resolutions!”

Are you open to doing something different?

How about finding balance in your life rather than worrying about the number you are “tipping the scale” at? Let’s talk about how you can find what I call your “True North” or “Home” within and begin a deeper program of Self-Care that truly embodies who we are. Let’s really look at what’s under the water of the iceberg we call “Self-Care.” Yes, the mani-pedi and the massage are important, so is the facial, but there is so much more to explore.

There are some foundational pieces that are so important. Self-care is learning to love yourself and being okay with where you are at any given moment. It’s not about a destination, it’s about the journey. Even though we may not be where we want to be, we can learn to be okay with where we are in the moment.

Here are my Keys to Self-Care

  • Self-Love
  • Walk Your Talk with Integrity
  • Healthy Boundaries
  • Self-Respect
  • Self-Worth
  • Self-Forgiveness
  • Reflection
  • Showing up in your life

Let’s look at Self Care as a combination of things that work for you. For this illustration, let’s use the pie with each piece representing a particular type of care. I’ve not labeled them but would like you to label them for yourself as ways of Self-Care that are specific to you. Each piece of the pie should be something you associate with taking care of yourself. Since I have many years of experience in the medical world, let’s use healing modalities as an example of health and wellness. There is a huge shift happening in the way people seek out personal medical care today, so I’ve included some non-traditional modalities that are being sought after in the field of health and wellness.

For me, I might respond best using the modalities of Qi Gong, Ayurvedic Medicine, and Western Medicine. For someone else, the best might be Western Medicine, Acupuncture, Movement Therapy and Herbal Remedies and for yet another person, it may be something completely different.

The point is, what’s good for one is not necessarily good for all. There are many ways, each good by itself, and multiple combinations of modalities that will bring even greater synergy for you to be at the BEST place at any given moment in your process of Self-Care. There is an abundance of choice and this is YOUR new beginning. Choose to adopt a plan or program for self-care that works best for YOU. Introduce new ways of thinking and ways of being for you to be able to journey as the very best version of yourself at any given moment. Feel empowered to explore and find out what works for you.

Each week for the next eight weeks, we will be looking at each of the elements of self-care individually and going deeper into each topic. There is a possibility that this may be a bit frightening for some of you. We are starting a journey of self-discovery, and sometimes it may be a bit challenging to look at some new options, or it may be difficult for some people to even consider the possibility of doing something new and different. For others, even considering a change because it’s difficult to think, let alone venture outside of the proverbial box they call life, will cause them to be fearful.

If this sounds like you, I invite you to consider this:

Just imagine if you could take a step into whatever it is that you’re hearing in your mind, or even feeling in your body, and just give yourself permission to be there. Before you know it, you’ve taken another step and you’re on the other side of it.

Many people have learned as children that they weren’t allowed to express themselves, or were never taught how to express emotions. So, if this sounds like you, I’d love to help you through some of those resulting feelings of fear. Please go to https://recoveringhealthcare.com/free-meditation-audio-overcoming-fear/ for your free download of my meditation CD “Overcoming Fear”

I’m excited to be with you on this journey! I’m here to support you and empower your confidence. The benefits will be well worth it. You’ll have your best year yet!!

For those of you who are ready to make some lasting changes in your life, I offer one-on-one coaching virtually or in person for those in the San Diego area, Click here for more information  I’ve also created a meet-up of Self Care for the Soul in the San Diego area. Please join me Wednesday, April 4th, 2018 as we begin this journey together. I would love to meet you. Find out more at  

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