How To Move Past Emotional Triggers

How to Move Past Emotional Triggers

Do you know what it is that weighs you down and keeps you from moving forward? Or what about those things from the past that keeps you stuck and sometimes makes you feel like you are drowning?

Do you have emotional triggers that at every corner seem to pop up?

We all have these little, or sometimes big things from our past that keep us stuck. Those little whispers that say you aren’t enough, you can’t do that, you aren’t worthy, and you aren’t smart enough. Or maybe a trauma from your childhood that is so deeply seeded that it has become way more than a whisper. There’s also the certain person or situation that brings out an emotional response in you and always seems to stop you in your tracks. These things will weigh upon you and keep you stuck from living a fulfilled life. Emotional triggers can be consistent if not managed and dealt with.

How do you move past it? Steps. One step at a time. Sometimes it’s with a baby step and sometimes it’s a giant leap, but it takes those steps to move past it. Little by little, the weight will become less and less. Then before you know it you are free.

The very first step is identifying it. Some may know exactly what their triggers are and others may have a difficult time pinpointing the issue(s). So, what if you don’t know what triggers you, but you know that something is there?

Catch yourself when you have an initial response of anger, frustration, sadness, pain or fear. Stop! Now assess the situation. What was said? What is happening? What triggered this reaction? Then ask yourself, “Is it real?” Is this something that is genuine and true? Where do you feel it? Do you feel it in your chest, in your throat, or in your head? Pay attention. By paying very close attention, you can begin to figure it out.

4 tips to help you deal with emotional triggers:

1. Look at what is happening as if you were an outsider looking in. What do you see? Can you see things that you normally wouldn’t be able to? Because when you are so close to it, it can be difficult to focus on what is really going on. However, if you look at it without prejudice, you just might be able to see where you can shift your thinking.

2. Stop putting yourself in certain situations that you know can set off triggers within you. Whether it be something that you are doing yourself or it’s a situation that you will have to be around others that trigger you; love yourself enough to not put yourself in an environment that can cause you any type of aggravation. At least, until you are strong enough that those past triggers are no longer an issue.

3. Remember you are in control of your actions and reactions. How do you allow yourself to react in a certain triggered situation? Our emotions are very powerful. Sometimes it is very hard to react, or not react at all, to certain things. Above, I had asked is it true? Whatever your emotional trigger is about, ask yourself, “is it true?” Really think about it. Most of the time when we do this, we realize that (because we already knew all along) it is not the truth. So, if you now know that there is no truth behind whatever it is that triggers you, take away its power, and your reaction to it can be shifted from previous reactions.

4. Think of them as positive. You are learning valuable lessons and being taught so much. By allowing yourself to identify a weak point, you can then begin to strengthen in that area. Allowing yourself to see things differently is an opportunity create huge growth. With each trigger you can move past without allowing it to bring you down, you have won. Celebrate it. Take a deep breath and be proud of yourself.

We have so much power in our lives, we have more power than we have ever been lead to believe. While it may seem impossible, YOU have the power to feel anyway that you want. No one holds power over you unless you allow them too.


– Kim

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