Unleash Your Healing Power: Getting Unstuck – An Online Master Class TONIGHT

Feeling heavy and like you can get traction in life? I know what it’s like to feel stuck. ‘Getting stuck’ is fundamentally a feeling we have, a vibration that we experience. When we can shift our vibration, we can move forward out of feeling ‘stuck’. I can help you clear the feeling of being ‘stuck”.

If you are feeling stuck anywhere in your life, I invite you to come join me for an online Master Class “Unleashing Your Healing Power: Getting #Unstuck” Tuesday, June 20th at 5pm(PST)/7pm(CST)/8pm(EST) when I will teach you the tools I use myself to keep the momentum going in my life. Click this link to register: Everyone who attends the LIVE event will receive a special offer. Everyone who registers will get a link to the replay. #UnleashYourHealingPower #ComplementaryHealing #kippinitreal

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