How To Live An Inspired Life Even When It Doesn’t Go As Planned

My company Femanna and Inspiration Unlimited eMagazine bring you another fantastic episode of the Empowered Living Show with guest Medyhne Lebachen. Medyhne has had her share of trials and tribulations throughout her life. She shares not only her story but her perception of how life evolves and what she’s learned through her experiences.

As every human being has, she has also experienced the lows of life with her fair share of trials and tribulations such as deaths, divorce and the challenges that life brings. However, she always forged on with an optimistic and pioneering spirit, full of hope for the future and can now teach, guide, inspire, inform and pass on some valuable skills that were hard earned & learned along the way! She is a coach, minister of healing, a published author and an internationally published singer/song-writer.

People have a vision of how they want their life to flow but what comes out of our lives if often very different. She talks about her own life including situations that were not in her vision yet that turned out to be gifts. Ultimately, she knew she needed to surrender to an attached outcome and let go so she could be continue her life path in service. Medyhne talks about resisting the patterns in our life. She talks about these patterns continuing to happen over and over until you can learn the lesson. You can block the higher outcome by being attached to a specific outcome. When you are attached to the process and try to force the outcome, you can lose out on opportunities.

Medyhne shares with listeners the Buddhist philosophy and 3 of their main teaching points: How to love fully, how to have the best possible life and how to un-attach and let go to for true empowered living. Read more in the full article.

View the interview and read the entire write-up on Inspiration Unlimited eMagazine with Medyhne Lebachen:

Download her free gift to help you discover your very own “Soul Song”:

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