Learn to Love and Accept Yourself

A foundation of mindful living requires having a positive feeling about Self. Living without self-judgment or constantly belittling yourself, you create a mindset by which to see yourself in a positive light. While this positive mindset about Self may not come easy, it is crucial to the foundation of your mindful life.

Begin by noticing the triggers that get you down on yourself and work toward learning to respect, love and honor yourself anyway. Tearing yourself down is detrimental to your mindful practice and will sabotage your progress of cultivating a mindful life. Try to ease up on yourself; no one is perfect and mistakes can and will happen. Give yourself space to make these mistakes. Learn to love yourself anyway. By doing so, you will become more successful at living mindfully and cultivating a sense of inner peace.

Enjoy this brief mindful exercise to help you foster that acceptance with Self:

By Nancy Gentle Boudrie, Awaken With Light, Inc.

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