What’s up with the dust bunnies?

Hello, all you lovelies! And a big welcome to all those who are new here!

I’m seeing signs of Spring starting to pop up here in my part of the world…little tips of green leaves poking up, small buds on the empty twigs of trees, more bird activity at my feeder. And lots of RAIN…goodness gracious…I know I live in the Pacific Northwest where it rains a ton, but seriously it has been raining (and snowing in the mountains) a whole lot lately.

My little dog, Trisket, stands at the top of stairs and humphs when sees that it is raining. He hesitates and needs a bit of coaxing to get going on our walk. Too cute. You’d think he would have gotten over it by now.

Because Spring is just around the corner, I have been starting to do some cleaning projects. I am pretty aware of the cleanliness and energy of my house, especially since it is where I do my healing work with clients. It is super important to keep the energy clear and high. So, how my house feels and looks is always on my mind.

It has been SUPER important lately. I have been extra intolerant of messiness and stuff left untidy. It has lead to some new habits that I’m really enjoying. For instance, before it was okay if I left a few dishes in the kitchen sink overnight. No more I absolutely have to not only clean up the dishes but the counter as well.

And let me tell ya, I totally l love getting up in the morning and having that sparkly clean sink and clean counter to begin my day. I used to tidy up while I was waiting for the coffee to brew. No more! Now I can truly start the day with a clean slate so to speak. It is something I have really come to appreciate.

I have been integrating some new morning practices, so having this clean slate is really helping. It actually paved the way for it to happen. I didn’t try to make all these changes at once, which I think is important to point out. I did the at night stuff and loved that, which then lead to the opening and motivation to incorporate some new routines in that open space.

I’m gonna jump right to the good stuff.

This is what happens when you get energy work too! Spaces get clear and open up. This allows the opportunity for new things to happen, to have the path available for them to open up for you. To create the opportunity for new practices, new ways of doing things, new ideas….

That’s why getting those dust bunnies cleared up matters. For the energy of your home and for your own personal energy. You clear the density, the yuck and muck and magic happens.

So, lovely one…what can I challenge you to do this week so that some space opens up???

See if you can list a few ideas that might initiate a spark of lightness, of clarity, and energize your home. It might be: cleaning out the kitchen sink nightly, making your bed in the morning, sweeping the floor of the kitchen, folding your clothes, tidying up the counters, etc. See where this leads. Amazing.

Which leads me to let you know about a Spring Cleaning for Your Soul session– I’m offering it at a special rate right now. It’s a great time of year to start fresh and sparkly- to release the dense and stagnant energy and receive new levels of energy healing for your body and soul.

I am offering this 90-minute energy session at a super special rate this Spring. And boy, don’t we need a boost right now?

So, here’s how to get started:

1–Go to my site and purchase a Remote Energy Session on this page.

2– USE this discount code: spring    when you check out.

When I receive your order I’ll send you an email with some questions to answer before we get started and a link to my calendar to set up a time for your healing session.

If you have any questions or run into any issues just reply to this email.


Blessings and Light to you,


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