No holiday cheer? – Dec 2014

Do the holidays stir up feelings of sadness for the friends and family that are no longer with us? Does the pressure of spreading the cheer of the season make you feel like doing anything but celebrating? It happens to all of us, but it doesn’t have to dim our light.

You can choose not to give your power to the heaviness that this time of year may bring. You don’t have to allow the absence of family or friends to hold you in sadness. Instead, do your best to make this a time for reflection and appreciation. Here are just a few things you can do to help beat the holiday blues:

• Take time to remember those who are in heaven and do something special to honor them. But you can find peace in knowing that they have moved on to bigger and better; they are home and doing just fine.

• As the year comes to a close, use this time to reflect on what you’ve learned, how far you’ve come, and how you’d like to continue to evolve.

• Make sure that you take time out during the next few hectic weeks to honor yourself and all your accomplishments — no matter how big or small!

• Make a conscious effort to send love around the world to help raise the vibration for those who need it. You’ll be amazed at how this can also help raise our own vibration!

Taking these small steps can help restore your joy during the holiday season – and year round. I just know that there are many wonderful things to come for you in the New Year. Which brings me to an exciting announcement: With the help of many beautiful people, my “dream” of creating an empowering and humble community of women from different backgrounds and life experiences is finally a reality!

Called Sisters of Light (SOL), we come together to express, grow, connect, share, shine, network and simply be. I am so grateful to the universe for this group!  I am inviting every woman to join us in this community and support one another to be our best selves. Please find Sisters of Light on Facebook and join our community –

Wishing you many blessings this holiday season, and know that I am sending plenty of love your way!

Mantra: I am more evolved and happy with each passing day! 

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