Fulfill a summer goal – Aug 2015

Pick something fun.

August is here! Have you accomplished everything you wanted to do this summer? Me neither. Let’s type it out. Seriously, type out 3 things that you want to experience, then bullet point at least 3 steps that you can take, this week, to begin to make it happen. Don’t think too hard or make excuses. YOU HAVE CHOICES. Stop allowing life to interrupt your experience of fulfilling personal desires. Make this fun and doable!

My desired experience: Hike a 14er (That’s Colorado speak for a mountain that meets or exceeds an elevation of 14,000 feet)

I will research locations and choose one.

I will find a babysitter for the kids and set a date.

I will ask my “hiking” friends for advice.

I will visualize myself hiking a 14’er, smiling and having fun, for several minutes every day

I will tell people about it, so they will hold me accountable and help me reach success.

I just want you to ENJOY your August and accomplish your intentions. Sending you Love and good vibes!

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