WU World-Changers FAQs

Welcome Video: Introduction to our founder, site overview, how to fill out your profile, Introduction to The Lounge our learning platform, the Featured Blog, Your Membership Rewards

Additionally, visit our Member Resource Page 

A question we love answering! You can read all about our Mission, Vision and general Overview.

First, before emailing, please check these FAQs for an answer. If it is here, we will redirect you back to this FAQ in our reply to your email.

Connect with us and message us here through our The Wellness Universe profile for quick and simple questions, suggestions and kudos.

To submit a technical issue, please use the Purple Feedback Tab at the bottom or your screen.

To answer more in depth questions, please EMAIL us at [email protected]

If your question is related to a blog you have submitted through Submit an Article and it has been 72 business hours, please email [email protected]

Emails sent to the correct inbox will be responded to within 48 business hours. Although we are all connected through this platform and social media, please do not use those means of communication for any membership questions, issues, suggestions, etc.

Please begin with this video. > WU Welcome and Walkthrough

Watch the above tutorial to learn how to fill out your profile and manage your account settings. As well as how to get published and host classes as a member of The Wellness Universe.

Your Cover Photo: Suggested image size: 1272 x 320 px.

Your profile image: 300 x 300 px. You can take your own photo directly in your profile when updating your profile photo.

Additionally, this page has many of resources: The Wellness Universe New Member Knowledgebase 

Video Tutorial to add images with links and videos to your profile:

Being a WU featured author is a member-exclusive benefit, and a great opportunity to get exposure, drive traffic to you and your call to action, and spread your message! 

You can submit your blog right from your account! It is located under the tab Submit an Article right in your member dropdown menu located under your profile picture. Please be sure to read ALL guidelines before submission.

How To Create Blogs on Your Profile
This video shows you how to create and share blogs you have written right in your WU profile. Basic, Premier, and Select Members enjoy this AWESOME benefit.

You can also submit a blog to be featured on The Wellness Universe Blog via your membership menu tab Submit an Article.

There are 2 ways you receive notifications from The Wellness Universe platform.

Email Notification – These are notifications sent to your email of all activity happening on this platform. If you do not want to receive these or to manage which ones you receive, follow these instructions below:

1. Go to SETTINGS tab in your member dropdown menu (located under profile picture)
2. Click on EMAIL. You then can check which notifications you would like to receive.

Pop-up Notification – These are notifications that show up in the bell at the top of your page. This notifies you of all the activity that is happening on this platform. Currently, you are not able to turn these off, however, you can manage how you delete them.

1. Click on the bell at the top of your page
2. Check the box that says ‘Notification’ and this will check ALL notifications
3. Scroll to bottom of page and click on dropdown menu that says BULK ACTION
4. Click DELETE and APPLY

An amazing benefit as a WU World-Changer is the ability to host courses, classes, workshops, groups, virtual events, and more on our learning platform ‘The Lounge’.

Setting up your Instructor’s Account is simple. Go here ‘Host Classes’

Enjoy hosting webinars, classes, support groups, and more!

Our Member Groups are located under ‘Groups’ in your member menu – Also known as our Member HUB. As a member, you are automatically added to The Scoop. This is the WU announcement and information group where you will find out about news and updates from us to you.

We have several member only private groups you can join! Check them out: The Member HUB

Yes. All Membership levels can private message any other WU World-Changer Member that are one of your ‘connections’.

A WU Friend is a registered user visiting our site to connect with WU World-Changers. Once a WU Friend creates a private profile, they can follow you, message you and comment on your posts.

Please be mindful when interacting with our WU Friends. They are guests in our home and the reason we do the work we do.  We are creating a safe place where true and authentic connections happen.

You are automatically enrolled in our affiliate program, see the tab under your membership menu ‘Member Rewards‘ for access to your custom affiliate links. Be sure to set up your account and earn cash for referring WU World-Changers to WU!


Premier and Select Members – you can private message WU Friends who follow you or a WU Friend who has initiated a message with you.


Navigate to your profile settings to find options to manage which email notifications you would like to receive.

Navigate to your profile to find options to manage your content and images.

Also see video tutorial in FAQ #2 ‘Can you help me set up my profile?’

Be sure your profile contains keywords and keyword phrases, your full name and title to best optimize your profile.

Your profile is submitted to Google and other search engines. Be sure you have a well written profile that clearly explains who you are, what you do and how you do it so you are found by people searching for you.

The Wellness Universe encourages our members to use our logo to represent your affiliation with WU. You can use the logo on your social media graphic, memes, on your cover photos, on your website, your newsletter, blog, etc. Be proud you are a member and post the logo where you are represented. Please do not use the logo on products for retail.

#WUWorldChanger – Wellness Universe World-Changer is our primary hashtag and seldomly used #WUVIP – Wellness Universe Very Inspiring Person

We include it on all of our social media profile bios and anywhere on social media to identify ourselves.

Please use these hashtags and show your community support for WU and one another.

No. We are a platform and while we personally screen every member included on The Wellness Universe, we are strictly a platform for informational and entertainment purposes only. It is your responsibility to use your best judgement upon entering into any conversation, contract or purchasing any product or service through any member of WU. Please refer to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.

Netiquette is the term used in regards to how information is shared in an ethical manner across the internet. The use of information and imagery is either produced by the individual/company posting or they have right of use of the images/information. Additionally, when images are shared on a platform, the share buttons provided are used.

Typically, unauthorized use of images, information and ideas via downloading and uploading is not practicing netiquette. Please be aware that you have agreed to adhere to community guidelines and respect proper netiquette practices as a WU Member.

Here is a great blog post about proper use of imagery:

Here is a basic introduction to creating content:

Please use the Feedback button at the bottom of our site to submit any issues. Please explain what the issue is in detail. Explain what steps you took to arrive at the glitch you’ve encountered. Please include the following:

  • Operating System & Version (Mac vs PC)
  • Browser Type & Version
  • Screenshots

We can only help if we have all of the details. Please be as accurate as possible. Technical issues can sometimes be complicated so please give us as much information as possible.

Please use our Feedback button at the bottom of the screen.

You may delete your account at any time by navigating to your profile settings and following the “Delete account” link.

If you wish to join again, you must resubmit an application. If you are an upgraded member, your remaining membership will not be refunded. You will no longer receive ‘Members Only’ notifications or emails once you have deleted your account.