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I am a Fibromyalgia, Grief and Prayer Warrior.  I have managed Fibro for over 30 years by being a Champion for the Healing Power From Within.

So many tools and people have been instrumental on my healing from within journey:

  • My Faith and Spirituality are the core of my being (Prayer Warrior)
  • Self-care & self-love awareness, listening to my body, resting as needed and not viewing it as laziness, stress management
  • Divine Strength, Courage, Wisdom, and Guidance
  • Discovering myself as a Highly Sensitive Empath
  • Processing my grief and losses (Grief Warrior)
  • Becoming a Certified Hospice Volunteer
  • Reiki Healing Energy (Usui Reiki Master/Teacher)
  • My positivity, conscious language, attitude of gratitude and sense of humor
  • Releasing anger, fear, doubt
  • Having compassionate, knowledgeable doctors, therapists, and coaches
  • Understanding that a chronic dis-ease is an ongoing wellness and self-care journey
  • Becoming a Wellness Universe Member

I thank God and the many people in my life who have helped me on my healing from within journey.  Having Fibro has given me the gift of taking care of myself and understanding myself better so to navigate the world around me in healthier ways.

I am a Chief Encouragement Officer (C.E.O.).  I am passionate about supporting others on their healing from within journey.  Healing Love, Peace and Blessings to all who live with dis-eases of the body.

In addition to being a Healing Mentor, I started a small business a few years ago: Butterfly Business Management.  I have over thirty years’ experience as a Business Manager of Accounting/Bookkeeping and Human Resources in the nonprofit and small business world.  I enjoy supporting business owners and leaders with connecting their mission with their accounting and bookkeeping.

Awards and Affiliations

Bachelor's of Communications (Interpersonal) with minor in Religious Studies

Causes and Organizations

Ronald McDonald House Charities, The Community Hospice, Catholic Charities, Mohawk Hudson Humane Society, Local Food Pantries

Certifications and Credentials

Usui Reiki Master/Teacher, Certified Hospice Volunteer, Bachelor's of Communications, NYS Notary Public

Sharon Randall

Profile picture of Sharon Randall


Active 2 months, 3 weeks ago