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Keri Bentsen

Select Changer Member
Wellness Life Coach
Experience in my field since: 2012
I enjoy my work as: Coach - Individuals, Coach - Groups, Coach - Organizations, Blogger, Video Content Creator, Public Speaker, Panel Participant, Workshop Facilitator, Online Course Provider, In Person Services Provider, Virtual Events Creator, In Person Events Creator, In Person Events Participant, Corporate Wellness Specialist, Participant in Collaborative Projects
My Specialties: Mental Health, Stress Management, Physical Fitness, Nutrition, Ergonomics, Chronic Disease Management, Health Education, Disease Prevention, Life-work Balance, Health Coaching, Fitness Challenges, Equity Diversity Inclusion Belonging

Keri Bentsen is a Wellness Life Coach based in North Carolina. She has earned her Health Coaching Certification and her Behavior Change Specialty through A.C.E. Fitness. Keri received her B.A. in Exercise Science at Concordia University in St. Paul, Minnesota. She has three amazing adult children, with whom she loves to have deep conversations with.

Keri is passionate about helping individuals overcome lifestyle hurdles to live their best, authentic lives, believing in the power of affirmations and meditations to achieve this. She advocates for self-care and views a healthy lifestyle as a holistic journey encompassing physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellness.

Keri's superpower is combining mindfulness with intentional habits to create lifestyle routines that help people grow and reach their goals.

She is an Amazon best-selling co-author of Joy 365, a devotional compilation book for joy restoration, and Choose Joy, 365 Days of Affirmations.

Keri will also be featured in the upcoming 5th edition of the #1 Best-Selling transformational feel good book series, The Wellness Universe Guide to Complete Self-Care, 25 Tools for Life.

As the “Live Your Worth” Speaker, Keri’s talk topics include Your EQ is Your IQ, Use the C.H.O.O.S.E. Formula to Live Your Best Life Yet, and Communication With the Hard of Hearing Debunked.

Keri is also a Corporate Trainer on the subjects of Life Skills, Self-Care, Diversity & Inclusion, and Empathy.

Outside of work, Keri enjoys spending time in nature: walking, hiking, bike riding, gardening, and exploring nearby towns. She also enjoys attending music festivals and water parks. Keri loves being involved in her Church and attending Bible Study. Keri’s bucket list includes, but is not limited to RVing across America, skydiving, and exploring Europe.

Keri envisions a world where people recognize their self-worth and share their gifts with others, fostering fulfilling lives for everyone.

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Keri Bentsen

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Active 2 days, 17 hours ago