11-11-2021 Endings Amplifying Movement Forward

“I let go knowing that inning is over. We’re being called to different teams. New game; our rules … all win! Encourage and celebrate everyone’s successes! Most importantly, stop benching yourSELF … focus on the ball (LOVE)” Perspective Reboot® with Kristi Borst, www.HealingResonance4.me

As we approach 11/11/21, there are many awarenesses presenting to me, with a urging to be aware of the balance of the male and female energies within our being. This message and sports analogy feels markedly different from my norm and yet so yummy! It was exactly what I needed, what my client needed, and, I can only imagine, what many others of us need.

The most exciting, perhaps AH-HA, aspect to this message for me is the urging to STOP looking back. Stop getting nostalgic about the teams we once were on, the heart aches or victories we experienced there. The time is NOW! Keep your eye on THIS ball of LOVE. Open your hands and imagine a ball of loving energy there; then bring that ball into your heart. Love is ever-present RIGHT HERE AND NOW.

Stop turning around and saying “yeah, but” this or that story. We have to stop doing that because it takes our focus, if only for a few seconds, away from what IS happening, what could be happening, what we are birthing, right now!!! Love and Light, Kristi

Full blog, http://tiny.cc/batter-up Short video http://tiny.cc/11112021-video #expresslifeasjoy #untetherfromsadness #perspectivereboot® #kristiborst #ascensionenergies #embracethenow

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