Energy Psychology, EFT & Emotional First-Aid

I recently had the pleasure of joining Teri Wellbrook of The Healing Place, a great podcast that talks with healers and helpers and being in the world of BETTER. Teri asked so many great questions about Tapping and Energy work, including where people get confused about all the terms, titles and adaptations.

It was a good match, a great conversation, and she skillfully guides us through many subjects of interest to all kinds of people that seek holistic, or w-holistic health and wellness. There’s something for everyone here, and if you agree, please DO pass along to someone else that could benefit. : )

To your health and well-being!

Listen here to the Podcast here:

Jondi Whitis – Energy Psychology, Tapping with Kids, & EFT Tools    If you’d like to Feel Better Fast, contact Jondi, [email protected]   

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