Stripping the Conditions from Unconditional Love

Unconditional love is just that – love without conditions.

Even when we say we want unconditional love, there is a part of us that feels scared. In order for someone to love us unconditionally, won’t they have to first see the conditions, the “reasons,” why they shouldn’t?

Many of us are resistant to the vulnerability that feels necessary to experience unconditional love. There are two ways to overcome that resistance and they both require strength and courage. The Akashic Masters can not only help you access those qualities, they can also provide insight and information that allow you see that hesitation is unnecessary.

The first way is to detach from the parts of you that you feel are unlovable – to see that what you label as flawed or unworthy is part of what makes up who you are and is inherently lovable. If you can’t, you won’t ever believe that someone could love you without conditions and will always wonder what they want from you or, at the very least, suspect they have a motive.

Unconditional love is about acceptance.

Although it may seem like a paradox, you can love something and still have a desire to change it. Until you first accept what is, you have no chance of changing it, whether it be your body, your financial situation, or your relationships. The Akashic Masters can help with both acceptance and change.

Maybe you secretly feel unworthy or believe that what you call flaws – procrastination, an inability to manage money, the need to control everything – means that you don’t deserve unconditional love. I’ve worked with many clients over the years who unconsciously held onto experiences from past lives, which fed the belief they weren’t entitled to unconditional love.

Working in your Akashic Records can clue you into why you carry certain habits and patterns.

It’s such a relief when you discover that it is within your power to release these old patterns. Even though you brought them with you from another life, with the guidance from the Akashic Masters, you can say good-bye to them once and for all.

The second way to overcome that resistance is to better learn how to love yourself unconditionally. Listen to how you talk to yourself when you make a mistake, don’t live up to an expectation or are afraid of something: Do you treat yourself with kindness and compassion? Or do you criticize and berate?

The truth is that you can’t be completely open to receiving unconditional love if you haven’t found a way to give it to yourself.

Sometimes the habit of chastising ourselves when we aren’t perfect is created in childhood. It can also come from other lifetimes. Regardless of where it came from, the Akashic Masters can guide your steps toward freedom from the prison those patterns create and show you how to offer yourself more unconditional love.

Working in your Akashic records can help you change the things you wish were different and recognize where you can demonstrate more unconditional love to yourself. Doing so opens you up to receiving it without the fear and risk of vulnerability that often prevents us from experiencing it.

We are all worthy of unconditional love.

To support your path to unconditional love, I’m offering you my guided visualization, Infinite Connection, to help you connect, heart to heart, with pure unconditional love, to people in your life. Click here to request this free gift and discover how you can open yourself to receiving the unconditional love we all deserve!

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