How Planetary Retrogrades Help You Heal

Today, we’re entering the first Mercury Retrograde of 2018 (there’s a second one at the end of July and a third in mid-November). The current retrograde lasts until April 15th.

When a planet stops its forward motion for a period of time, it’s said to be retrograde ~ moving backwards. It’s easy to see why that points our attention to past events.

Because every planet has its own energy, and it governs things related to that energy, each planetary retrograde affects us in a different way.

From a Universal perspective, Mercury is the planet that governs communication and commerce, as well as mechanical and technical things. Communication covers a lot of things: direct conversations; mail and email; texting; books, songs, movies, and television; advertising; social media; sales and marketing; sixth sense, energy, and intuition; human and Divine messages; body language and expressions; and much more.

When we’re in Mercury Retrograde, getting our point across successfully can sometimes be challenging (not to mention the troubles that often arise with computers, phones, printers, and other communication devices).

But, there’s another side to all of this, one that’ll help you heal some longstanding stuff and help you move forward, not only during the current Mercury Retrograde, but throughout the year as we move through other planetary retrogrades.

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