The Truth about Financial Abundance No One Wants to Talk About

A lack of money is never the problem; it’s merely a symptom – a symptom of old patterns, beliefs and habits.

It can be difficult to unravel the reasons why finding financial abundance may feel like a never-ending battle, but the key is to dig deeper and to stop making it about money because financial abundance is tied to so much more than money.

When you find the courage to dig deeper, miracles can occur.

One client spent years diligently focused on her finances. She improved her relationship with money, reduced expenses, lived more minimally and worked very hard to create income streams that felt aligned with who she was. No matter how much effort she put into making peace with money or building different income sources, her hope that things would finally be different always led her back to that familiar place of struggle. It was a painful cycle.

To her credit, she was intent on ending this misery. Her dedication to digging beneath the money enabled her to identify a life-long pattern: familiarity with chaos. Her childhood had been volatile; chaos was always present in some form, many times around the household finances. She had been making choices to keep her in that loop of financial worries because it was familiar. To make matters worse, she realized how proud she was of her resourcefulness and figuring out how to get out of financial tight spots.

When she recognized the feeling that came with her money struggles was the same one that had lived in her since she was a little girl, something shifted. She began to see her experiences more clearly and made choices based on what would enhance peace, both in her mind and body. Several months later, she is well on her way to creating a different life for herself around financial stability.

There are so many layers that affect our ability to experience financial abundance – from family dynamics and past life vows, or karma, to beliefs created in childhood, and the collective unconscious. Each of these aspects contributes to what we believe and how we feel about money. The journey to true financial abundance, which isn’t just a hefty bank account but also a healthy relationship with money, can be easier with the help of the Akashic Records.

With the support of the Akashic Masters, reinforced through prayer, you can begin to address all of the layers that prevent you from experiencing that abundance on every level.

Yes, it is a process and it takes time. But wouldn’t you rather be closer to knowing your divine abundance at this time next year? You can go through this new year carrying the same beliefs and feelings about money and what it means or you can take a step toward what you want, knowing the journey is not going to take place overnight.

Let 2018 be your year! What do you want to see change around your level of financial abundance? No matter what it is, the Akashic Records can help you access the information you need to make different choices and clear out past life issues like vows of poverty or karma that need to be released. The Akashic Masters and I will support your journey in every way possible!

To get the new year started right, the free gifts that I created to celebrate the publication of From Questioning to Knowing: 73 Prayers to Transform Your Life will be available on my site for a little while longer. Claim your free gift now and start using them to connect with your own Akashic guides and move one step further in the direction of financial abundance!

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