Soak in Summers’ Gifts

Summer is my favorite time of year; however, the change in season is accompanied by a change in routine. As a mother, the schedule becomes less structured and more demanding of time and energy. Sometimes my favorite time of year also makes me a bit more frustrated and stressed as I love structure and routine.

I gently remind myself that this is not the time to begin a new project that will require focus, attention and time. I lighten up and tell myself to be playful and enjoy the non-structure instead of beating myself up over not getting tasks completed. I change my outlook to reflect flow instead of force which leads to frustration and irritability. I choose to live in the present and soak it all in as time passes quickly and is always changing.

Listen to this guided exercise for a playful, lighthearted message to assist in claiming this mindset:

By Nancy Gentle Boudrie, Awaken With Light, Inc.

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