Trying to teach a tiger ballet?

Hello, lovelies!

Have you ever attempted to do something: a job, a skill, or wear white leggings- that you knew was just not you. I mean you can do it. It’s not like you incapable of it…it just is not you. You are not comfortable in it, especially the white leggings.

Well, I may have attempted to wear white leggings ONCE. But in my own defense I was very young and it was the 80’s. I actually can’t remember. Horrid situation that I have blocked out of my memory.

Seriously though I have had jobs that didn’t fit me. They drained me. They required me to stretch my energy in ways that were not me. I’m an introvert. I get drained having to be super engaged and active with a bunch of people all day…SO when I was working in busy restaurants for a bazillion years–it drained me, it changed me, and it wore me down. I got really out of balance and turned to unhealthy things to try to compensate and re-balance. And to break me out of the shell of me.

It’s not that I don’t like people. I love people. I’m more of a small group or one-on-one person. I love to talk deeply about things that really matter. I’m not for idle chit chat and what not. I love down time and me time. Time away and time to re-charge. I choose better ways to recharge these days. For a long time I thought wine and fries was a good choice. Go figure, they aren’t. (And why is that???)

So remember this: if what you are doing feels like you are trying to teach a tiger ballet–it is probably not for you.

So what are those ways I re-charge and return to balance:

  • Chakra exercises and visualizations. Learning to do this for yourself is a game changer. I walk you through each chakra’s qualities, ways to recharge it and work with it and how to do a visualization for each in my Find your Flashlight e-book.
  • Quick way: use your breath, close your eyes, and drop into your heart space or belly. Breathe there for a few minutes.
  • Write out 3-5 things, people, whatever that you appreciate and hold gratitude for. Do it daily and watch things shift.
  • Sleep. Oh yes, many overlook this amazing rejuvenating and healing time. I used to be a night owl (having been in the restaurant biz for a bazillion years) not anymore- I’m in bed by 10pm.
  • Drink the best water you can. Clean pure water and lots of it. I have started buying bulk water at the natural grocery store that is DE-ionized. Yup, I carry my glass 3-gallon container there about 2-3 times a week to refill. It’s only about 50 cents a gallon. Dang, is it heavy–that’s why I got a little cart. I still have to lug it up my stairs though.

The list goes on…what are you’re favorite ways to re-charge or get back to you or what throws you off?

Tell me I’d love to hear it. Just comment below and let me know.

Blessings and light, Di

How to work with me:

I see you.

You’re a boss lady who’s rockin’ it on so many levels.

People see you doing it all.

What people don’t see is that you feel like you’re going nowhere.

You don’t want to sit this one out anymore.

You want to be a part of it. You know there’s more. You’re just having trouble figuring out to get there.

You’re desperate for a magic pill.

Guess what? There is no magic pill! (not what you wanted to hear, right?)


There is MAGIC and it’s inside of you.

This is the missing piece. You are the magic.

It’s the fire in you to create the BIG work that feeds your soul.

Schedule a 30-minute Fire Up Session to see where you can put your efforts right now to get the BIG change you crave and start creating your BIG work. 30-minutes of intuitive coaching with tarot.

Schedule it HERE. It’s free.

I’m using these sessions right now to connect with women who are ready to rise. Ready to build the muscles to stand up and take their seat at the table.

They are ready to release all that is not them and begin build the scaffolding within to do their BIG work on.

40 days of focus, energy healing, strategy, burning through, filling up, and connecting with in- so that they’re ready to LEAP with the full force and support with in them to the next new project or life goal with ease and success. Go BIG! Join me in the 40-days to LEAP. Learn about the details of the LEAP here or schedule a 30-min. chat to find out more HERE.

Schedule your 30-min. session now, as they fill up quick and I also only take a handful of 40 days to LEAP clients at a time.


Did you know I have a secret closed group on Facebook?

A private space to share, contribute, try out your tiny drops.

What? What are tiny drops?

Tiny Drops are little, little tiny steps, practices, rituals that we do everyday that remind us and recenter us and move us a little bit closer each day to where and who we want to be. They are tiny things that only take a minute or less. The key is your intention and your focus as you do them. I like to blend intention with action-I think it makes it more powerful.

My current tiny drop practice is to say my appreciations and gratitude as I make my bed each morning. I LOVE it. It has become a habit. If I do forget, which has only happened once or twice since I started, I really miss it and I feel disappointed.

They are meant to be tied to things you do already–we’re upping the game.

Like drinking water. You could say out loud gratitude or affirmations or a goal your working on every time you drink. Simple. Simple.

Want to try it? Go HERE to request to join the group. I’d love to see you there.

P.S. I also do videos and have a monthly project or focus for the group. But the tiny drops are the core practice.

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