Anxiety sucks – Sep 2016

We all have moments when we get anxious, but some of those moments can be more overwhelming than others. While there are many causes of anxiety, from my personal experience, one of the main factors is when we allow ourselves to be in our heads unsupervised. It’s easy to become overwhelmed when we let our thoughts drift toward fretting over the past, worrying about the future or building passionate stories about what others may be thinking about us.

And it’s not just us. Did you know that anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S.? (Source: National Institute of Mental Health) Luckily, there are several simple, doable steps and alternative methods to calm the monsters. Here are six basic actions you can take the moment you begin to feel anxious to help prevent those feelings from spiraling into a full-blown panic attack. You have more tools at your disposal than you might think!

1. Breathe in fresh, light energy and visualize the heavy energy leaving your body as you exhale.

2. Create a mantra to get you out of your head such as “Clear!” or “I am enough” and begin repeating it to yourself.

3. Consciously live and be in this moment. While the past and future are often the triggers for anxiety, focusing on the present can help you reclaim your power.

4. Participate in strenuous exercise. Go run as fast as you can, for as far as you can … even if it is only a few feet. You’ll be surprised at how this will help shift your thoughts and clear the anxious energy from your body.

5. Focus on what is good in your life. If you need some inspiration, listen to a motivational audio or YouTube video.

6. Practice the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) daily and especially when you first feel anxious energy coming over you. 

While brief, strenuous exercise can help at the onset of anxiety, daily exercise can help keep your energy calm to prevent these moments over the long term. Couple this with a balanced diet and avoiding external stimulants and you’ll notice a difference! Marijuana may appear to help in the beginning, but it only masks the emotions temporarily, meaning that they can resurface and potentially cause more harm in the future. Finally, be conscious of your triggers and take active steps to be preventative.

I know that these tips are all easier said than done. But in the face of an anxiety attack, it is empowering to know that there are things you can do to shift your thoughts and energy to regain control.

Mantra: There are always answers to my problems.

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