There are always blessings in the quiet – May 2016

May 2016

I can be flowing and happy with life one moment and then—BAM!—heavy, icky, yuckiness appears! That is literally what happened after I fell and hurt my shoulder last month. Can you relate?

The recovery forced me to have more quiet time to think and what I realized is that I hadn’t been clear about how I wanted to experience this season of my life. Sure I was flowing, but I was not growing.

My busy-ness protected me from this realization for a while, but the universe obviously had bigger plans. By forcing me to slow down, I had no choice but to go within for answers. Initially, I always resist it when this happens. But after kicking, cussing and crying, life has started to become inviting once again.

Here are some of the steps that I took (or am still in the process of taking) to help me move through the quiet. I hope that they might help you as well:

1. Cleanse negative thoughts. Pick at least one recurring thought that is a total waste of your time and energy and decide to finally let it go. Every time it shows up, just say “NO MORE” and change the channel in your mind to something positive.

2. Cleanse the intention list in your head. Pick one or more of those things on your “to do” list and take action. It can literally be anything, such as finally talking to that person who has upset you, picking up the phone to call and check on a friend or writing that song/poem/blog. Write your intention(s) down and set a deadline to make sure it gets done.

3. Cleanse your home. I am a cleansing fool, but I still have a lot of secret hiding spots for those “special” items that I don’t use. How many items can you cleanse this month to clear up energy in your home?

4. Cleanse your body. You don’t have to go all out, but you could decide to cleanse just one unhealthy item from your diet. 

5. Then create a new, healthy habit to fill the void/cleansed space. Again, the options are limitless, but here are a few: Start your day by drinking 16 oz. of water, plan your weekly menu, set a daily intention, start that project or class, dance, sing or schedule 10 minutes a day for quiet time.

6. Ask yourself, “How do I want to FEEL?” Now make choices to support that!

When we shut up and listen, what’s truly important and meaningful in life becomes so much clearer and we can begin to take steps in the right direction. 

Intention: Be Quiet, Ask Questions, Listen and Take Action if needed.

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