Helping others – Apr 2015

This month, let’s focus on helping others and allowing ourselves to feel good about it.

We can take on this assignment in many ways – from simply smiling at people more to taking it to the level of dedicating our time and talents volunteering. We can also do our best to “hold space” for those around us. In other words, let’s make a conscious effort to give people a safe environment to have fits, share their experiences and just be themselves, without trying to fix them or judge their journey. Hold them in love and accept them where they are. I have been doing a great at this for others, but I can definitely do better when it comes to my family and close friends, so I will be working on that this month. It’s such a fun experience to be human.

Yes, this can definitely be a challenge, but by being conscious of it, we honor the process. And hopefully, this leads to taking steps to honor where we are in this process called life. By practicing holding space for others, we learn to hold space for ourselves as well and allow ourselves to mess up without the harsh self-talk.

We so got this!

Mantra: “I am loving this journey and so is everyone else!”

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