Fall: Fun or funk? – Oct 2015

Sometimes I call this time of year the Fall Funk – and it happens to many of us. It’s not that autumn isn’t beautiful; it’s actually a favorite season for a lot of people. But like spring, it signals transition and we all have different ways of reacting to change. Last year I offered up some tools for getting out of the Fall Funk. This year, I want us to take preventative measures.

First, let’s focus on what’s actually GOOD about the season. If you’re blessed to live in a place like Colorado, there is plenty of nature to admire as the leaves turn to bright yellows, oranges and reds. And with the slower pace of fall, it’s the perfect time to get cozy indoors, spend time with family and friends or catch up on our hobbies or reading. There’s also more time for reflection; the shorter days and longer nights call us to draw our spirits in a little closer, explore what’s on the inside and reconnect with ourselves.

Rather than feeding negative thoughts in our stillness, however, let’s focus on the opportunity and luxury that comes with being able to slow down after the always-on-the-go days of summer. And while depression happens to all of us, let’s set the intention to prevent it as much as possible … and to make sure it doesn’t stay too long if it does come to visit. Of course, you should always honor your feelings, but don’t let them take over.

Begin with the decision to actually ENJOY the fall this year…what a concept right?! It could be as small as savoring every sip of that pumpkin spice latte, skipping the ear buds on your walk or run and just listening to the sound of the leaves crunching underfoot or taking the time to notice the changes in the trees. Some of us may need a little more inspiration, so if this is you, it’s also good to plan activities that will keep you out of the negative space in your head. Focus on completing the paperwork, housework or other tasks that you put on the back burner during the last few months. Or, make it a point to get out with family or friends. Still not enough? Join a MEETUP group or sign up for a class to learn more about something that interests you.

In my experience, the easiest way out of the Fall Funk is to avoid getting into it in the first place. 

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