Be human – Mar 2016

How do you want people to see you? Be honest.

I do my best to be confident, but I was recently in a place where I felt like someone was getting more “attention” than me. I didn’t understand why and I started to feel really sad about it. I wondered what was wrong with me. Why wasn’t the focus on me and my needs as well?

As I often teach, I totally ALLOWED myself to go into that “poor me” space. I honored how I was feeling and genuinely asked my heart why I was there. The answer took me by surprise—and really pissed me off too.

I think I don’t ever let myself come across as weak, or soft, or needing help or attention. While you may think this is a good thing, for whatever reason, it didn’t feel good at this stage in my life. In fact, the little girl in me thought it really sucked! She was pissed and wanted to stomp and yell, “It isn’t fair!”

But I learned something that day. After throwing my internal fit, I was able to calm the little girl inside me and genuinely ask, “If I didn’t like being seen as a ‘Superwoman’ how did I want to be seen?” And the answer was: I want to be seen as human.

I do my best to flow through my daily life experiences much like everyone else—sometimes feeling up and later down, pissed then happy. Forgiving and unforgiving. Being seen as uniquely HUMAN feels so much better than all those other titles like introvert/extrovert, black/white, pretty/ugly, smart/stupid, mean/kind… You get the idea.

Today, I urge you to see yourself as human, and allow THAT to shine!

Mantra: Human is the new sexy

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