Avoidance – How is that working out for you? – May 2015

Avoidance – that is a good place to start this month. What have you been avoiding? Why? What would happen if you just dealt with the “issue”?

Here are five action steps that you can take to help with avoidance:

1. Ask yourself, “What steps can I take today?” And then take them

2. Build a plan to hold yourself accountable. It can be as simple as setting a completion date and sharing it with someone supportive

3. Visualize a positive outcome to help with any fear of a negative outcome

4. Reward yourself as needed


In July 2014 I was told by my spirit guides that my next class would be on self-love. I was even told that “they” would do all the work – I just had to sit down and write it out. I have been working on that class for almost nine months now.

As some of you know, I have been talking about it and I even scheduled it so that I would have to hold myself accountable and not come up with any more excuses. I asked for and received phenomenal help from many beautiful souls throughout this process. So why was I still avoiding finalizing the class? BECAUSE IT MEANT THAT I HAD TO DEAL WITH MY OWN SHIT before I could actually help others deal with theirs. Grrr! Sound familiar?

Today, I am happy to announce that I finally did it. I actually taught the class to some beautiful friends and I PARTICIPATED at the same time so that I could deal with my own crap. And guess what?! I feel so good! I think we all released a lot and learned so much more about ourselves through the experience. I received so much great feedback from these ladies that I am just beside myself. I cannot wait to share this experience with you!

Mantra: “Good things are happening to me!”

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