Are you paying attention to the signs? – Apr 2016

We’re always being divinely protected and guided, and if you look for the signs, you will always see them. If you honor the signs, you will GET MORE. If you have taken any of my classes, you understand how much I value these subtle (or sometimes not so subtle) messages. Lately, they have been even more prevalent.

On a beautiful Friday morning in March, I decided to take advantage of the spring weather and take my dog for a run. I was completely in the moment and, just as I was repeating my positive statements, I suddenly found myself doing forward flip! Out of instinct, I ducked my head and landed right on my shoulder. Long story short, I needed surgery.

I scheduled it for a week out with a kind, young doctor. After, I was prompted by a friend to research his success rate. Guess what I found out? He had only performed this specific surgery two times before. YES, twice. Of course, I freaked out and immediately tried to get in with other surgeons who had more experience, but I just couldn’t get the scheduling to work. So I asked my spirit guides for a sign…

First sign: Later that day I shared my story with my chiropractor and friend. When I told him the name of the young doctor, he didn’t say a word. Instead, he pulled out his short list of referral doctors. Right there in print, he pointed out my doctor’s name on the list. I smiled and thanked him for the sign.

Second sign: The very next day while shopping for groceries, I had a very friendly woman come up to me and ask about my shoulder. As we were talking about my procedure and who my doctor was, a big smile grew across her face. I later found out that she assisted in a local surgery center, and she went on to tell me that he was one of the best doctors on staff. She assured me that he would not stop until everything was perfect!

Third sign: As I was driving and thinking about the procedure, “Layla” by Eric Clapton came on the radio. Now this one brought me to tears. This song is one of the “common” signs that I receive from my Spirit Guides. (If you’re interested in knowing more, I share this story in my Connect with you Spirit Guide class.)

Needless to say, I felt completely validated and supported in my choice. The procedure is done and I’m happy to report that I’m on the mend. But what I ask is that you please, please allow this story to inspire you to pay attention to your signs.

I challenge you to ask the Universe/God/Spirit Guides for a sign within the next 24 hours. I PROMISE that you will be shown one but YOU HAVE TO LOOK FOR IT. 

Mantra: Signs are everywhere. I acknowledge them and I am blessed to see them!

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