Soul Tribe

Find your soul tribe.

Discover your inner truth and authenticity. Reveal and live your passions, beliefs and purpose. Be open and aware of new lessons and wisdom the Universe delivers to you. The more you continue to follow your Divine soul path, the more you will radiate at higher frequencies and vibrations. You will Shine your inner Light with Love. Others who vibrate and shine in a similar way to you will be attracted to you. You will find your soul tribe. Your soul tribe are those souls who agreed to be a part of your life in some way in this human form. They are the souls to whom you belong. They are your home. You will feel as if you already know them, even if you haven’t met yet in this lifetime, because you do already know them from Spirit. You may have had past lives with them, or perhaps this is the first one, but either way, you have agreed to live and thrive in this particular now before you were born. You have agreed to either support and help each other, or teach or receive lessons from each other. These souls are your family, they are your Home. 

Find your soul tribe & “Awaken a more brilliant version of you™”

Namaste! ~ Heather 

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