Life’s Journey

Life’s journey begins the moment of conception. We come into this world with purpose; to bring meaning…do we know what that is right away, some yes, others may not figure it out until later in life, while others may never know before their time on earth is done, but surely their purpose was served.

This journey is part of Gods plan for us. We are here to touch, to inspire… to bring hope, joy and love into someone life and in some cases many peoples lives. I don’t believe that we are just here to exist in this life, but to actually be a part of it, to make a difference. That difference can just be to bring Love into someone’s life or to save someone from death, or maybe keep them from going down the wrong path. Maybe it is just to share in their Journey for a season.

We meet people in our lives that teach things we need to know…each one of those people are put in our lives for a purpose…to teach us something. We may never know what that lesson may be or we may know immediately. But, always value each person that you have met…you may not know it immediately but they have taught you something valuable and it may be years before you know what it is.

Take a chance in life…LOVE! You may be hurt, but you loved…you got to experience it, feel it and know it. There is no greater gift in the world then the gift of Love, the gift of oneself to another human being. The gift of sharing your life…your hopes, your dreams, your joys and your sorrows. Or maybe just sharing a moment in time that is never meant to last but to be a special moment held in your heart. Hold on to those times those memories…not to bring pain but to bring joy in your heart that you felt Love.

Enjoy this precious journey; don’t let it go to waste. Live every moment, don’t let a single moment go unnoticed for that moment meant something. It was a moment in time that you will never recover; you will never get to relive it again.

This journey called life is a miracle. It is an amazing thing to be a part of, to be able to live on this beautiful place called Earth…just look around you, how could you not think this place is a miracle, the air, the grass, the trees, the way it all works together to create life…to sustain life. Simply amazing! Simply brilliant!

We are here to teach and to inspire, support, love and to be loved.

While you are on your journey make sure that you get rid of all the negative things that are holding you back. You are amazing, don’t let the negative things in life keep you from being who you are truly meant to be. Embrace Life. Be your amazing self and share that with those around you and the world, the world needs you.

With Love

Kim L;ve to Insp;re

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