Healing the Great Dissolution

I hear this great ripping sound across our country. My friends overseas hear it, too. It is echoing all over the world. We are torn asunder with separation. It is as if the whole of humanity is suffering from this incipient disease of separation. My heart is breaking. But here’s the thing. That world out there points directly back to me. For it is in myself that the hard work lies. I must look to what it is in me that is torn asunder…the great ripping noise within me. As my friend and mentor, Nikki Myers, says, “I am a committee.” Nikki teaches about retrieving the lost self. We are, I am,  splintered and  fragmented – a soul at odds with itself. I must do the hard work of looking in all those places within me that I have been too terrified to look at, for fear of what I might find. Well enough. It is time to come into cohesiveness. I have no clue what that will ultimately look like, but I have an idea of how it will feel. I will work towards healing those disparate parts of myself and you will hear the great thunderclap sound and massive sigh of relief as I move through the work of bringing these pieces together. I will be the change. May it be so all over the world. #BeTheChange #Awaken #UnleashYourHealingPower #kippinitreal

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