Why don’t more people know about Akashic Records?

With so many people now on a spiritual path, seeking information and creating more meaningful lives, I would expect there to be a wealth of information out there about Akashic Records but there just isn’t. The Google search for “Akashic Records” turns up 508,000 results, which sounds great until you search for “tarot” (41 million results) or “angel readings” (11 million results).

Although many people are unfamiliar with Akashic Records, the Records have been referenced in great books throughout written history. There are mentions of the the ‘Book of Life’ in the Jewish Torah, the Old and New Testaments of the Christian Bible as well as in the Islamic Qur’an. As a global concept found throughout China, Japan, India, Egypt, the Middle East, Europe and the Americas, the Book of Life is described as a record of a person’s soul journey, including your soul plan and purpose, past life deeds, Karma, and soul contracts in this life . The Tibetans and other mystical cultures often accessed this vibration. Scientist Ervin Laszlo, Ph.D. refers to this energy as “The Akashic Field” and says in part of Source energy. Edgar Cayce, the famous Sleeping Profit, accessed the Akashic Record for his clients and changed a great amount of information for health and wellness. He even started a medical center based on the information he received in the Records.

So why is it important for you to know about the Akashic Records?

How can they help us, here and now, in this human life? These Records serve multiple purposes and all to help us on our journey. They are available to us to review and learn from. We can access our Masters to answer personal questions about our current life, and our past lives that may be affecting us today. They help us to recognize the negative patterns we express that may have developed over multiple lifetimes. Wouldn’t it be great to understand that your greatest obstacles in life are simply bad habits you brought into this world so that you can learn to overcome or clear them?

Your Akashic Records contain the lessons you have come to work on in this lifetime.

Did you realize that the challenges you experienced in your childhood was actually planned to create a learning experience to make you stronger and healthier as an adult? The Records show how our souls are connected to the people in our lives and for what purpose. They contain all the contracts, karma and promises we have made. That terrible boss isn’t in here to make your life miserable. Maybe she’s here to teach you patience. Or humility. Now is a good time to practice gratitude for all the opportunities you’ve been given to learn in this lifetime!

It is my lifework and passion to the bring the wisdom of the Akashic Records to the world and support you in living the divinely guided life you have come here to live. Having an Akashic Recording consultation and healing is an easy way to learn about your soul plan, purpose and path. 

 My book, The Infinite Wisdom of the Akashic Records is now available. In it, you can learn to access your own records and start to clear obstacles and challenges so you can live your purpose with ease and grace.

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